5 research outputs found

    A Novel Oversampling Method for Imbalanced Datasets Based on Density Peaks Clustering

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    Imbalanced data classification is a major challenge in the field of data mining and machine learning, and oversampling algorithms are a widespread technique for re-sampling imbalanced data. To address the problems that existing oversampling methods tend to introduce noise points and generate overlapping instances, in this paper, we propose a novel oversampling method based on density peaks clustering. Firstly, density peaks clustering algorithm is used to cluster minority instances while screening outlier points. Secondly, sampling weights are assigned according to the size of clustered sub-clusters, and new instances are synthesized by interpolating between cluster cores and other instances of the same sub-cluster. Finally, comparative experiments are conducted on both the artificial data and KEEL datasets. The experiments validate the feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm and improve the classification accuracy of the imbalanced data

    Machine Learning Methods for Quality Prediction in Manufacturing Inspection

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    The rising popularity of smart factories and Industry 4.0 has made it possible to collect large amounts of data from manufacturing production processes. Thus, supervised machine learning methods such as classification can viably predict product compliance quality using manufacturing data collected during production. While there has been thorough research on predicting the quality of specific manufacturing processes, the adoption of classification methods to predict the overall compliance of production batches has not been extensively investigated. Data pertaining to processes performed on a multi-model production line would contain significantly more features than that of an isolated process. The difficulty of analyzing such a large dataset makes it ideal for the application of data mining techniques to derive useful knowledge. This paper aims to design machine learning based classification methods for quality compliance and validate the models via case study of a multi-model appliance production line. The proposed classification model could achieve an accuracy of 0.99 and Cohen’s Kappa of 0.91 for the compliance quality of unit batches. Thus, the proposed method would enable implementation of a predictive model for compliance quality. The case study also highlights the importance of feature construction and dataset knowledge in training classification models

    Selective oversampling approach for strongly imbalanced data

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    Challenges posed by imbalanced data are encountered in many real-world applications. One of the possible approaches to improve the classifier performance on imbalanced data is oversampling. In this paper, we propose the new selective oversampling approach (SOA) that first isolates the most representative samples from minority classes by using an outlier detection technique and then utilizes these samples for synthetic oversampling. We show that the proposed approach improves the performance of two state-of-the-art oversampling methods, namely, the synthetic minority oversampling technique and adaptive synthetic sampling. The prediction performance is evaluated on four synthetic datasets and four real-world datasets, and the proposed SOA methods always achieved the same or better performance than other considered existing oversampling methods