20 research outputs found

    Random Matrix Theory applied to the Estimation of Collision Multiplicities

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    This paper presents two techniques in order to estimate the collision multiplicity, i.e., the number of users involved in a collision [1]. This estimation step is a key task in multi-packet reception approaches and in collision resolution techniques. The two techniques are proposed for IEEE 802.11 networks but they can be used in any OFDM-based system. The techniques are based on recent advances in random matrix theory and rely on eigenvalue statistics. Provided that the eigenvalues of the covariance matrix of the observations are above a given threshold, signal eigenvalues can be separated from noise eigenvalues since their respective probability density functions are converging toward two different laws: a Gaussian law for the signal eigenvalues and a Tracy-Widom law for the noise eigenvalues. The first technique has been designed for the white noise case, and the second technique has been designed for the colored noise case. The proposed techniques outperform current estimation techniques in terms of mean square error. Moreover, this paper reveals that, contrary to what is generally assumed in current multi-packet reception techniques, a single observation of the colliding signals is far from being sufficient to perform a reliable estimation of the collision multiplicities

    Optimal Tradeoff Between Exposed and Hidden Nodes in Large Wireless Networks

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    Wireless networks equipped with the CSMA protocol are subject to collisions due to interference. For a given interference range we investigate the tradeoff between collisions (hidden nodes) and unused capacity (exposed nodes). We show that the sensing range that maximizes throughput critically depends on the activation rate of nodes. For infinite line networks, we prove the existence of a threshold: When the activation rate is below this threshold the optimal sensing range is small (to maximize spatial reuse). When the activation rate is above the threshold the optimal sensing range is just large enough to preclude all collisions. Simulations suggest that this threshold policy extends to more complex linear and non-linear topologies

    Towards a System Theoretic Approach to Wireless Network Capacity in Finite Time and Space

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    In asymptotic regimes, both in time and space (network size), the derivation of network capacity results is grossly simplified by brushing aside queueing behavior in non-Jackson networks. This simplifying double-limit model, however, lends itself to conservative numerical results in finite regimes. To properly account for queueing behavior beyond a simple calculus based on average rates, we advocate a system theoretic methodology for the capacity problem in finite time and space regimes. This methodology also accounts for spatial correlations arising in networks with CSMA/CA scheduling and it delivers rigorous closed-form capacity results in terms of probability distributions. Unlike numerous existing asymptotic results, subject to anecdotal practical concerns, our transient one can be used in practical settings: for example, to compute the time scales at which multi-hop routing is more advantageous than single-hop routing

    Stability conditions for a discrete-time decentralised medium access algorithm

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    We consider a stochastic queueing system modelling the behaviour of a wireless network with nodes employing a discrete-time version of the standard decentralised medium access algorithm. The system is {\em unsaturated} -- each node receives an exogenous flow of packets at the rate λ\lambda packets per time slot. Each packet takes one slot to transmit, but neighboring nodes cannot transmit simultaneously. The algorithm we study is {\em standard} in that: a node with empty queue does {\em not} compete for medium access; the access procedure by a node does {\em not} depend on its queue length, as long as it is non-zero. Two system topologies are considered, with nodes arranged in a circle and in a line. We prove that, for either topology, the system is stochastically stable under condition λ<2/5\lambda < 2/5. This result is intuitive for the circle topology as the throughput each node receives in a saturated system (with infinite queues) is equal to the so called {\em parking constant}, which is larger than 2/52/5. (The latter fact, however, does not help to prove our result.) The result is not intuitive at all for the line topology as in a saturated system some nodes receive a throughput lower than 2/52/5.Comment: 22 page

    High-SIR Transmission Capacity of Wireless Networks with General Fading and Node Distribution

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    In many wireless systems, interference is the main performance-limiting factor, and is primarily dictated by the locations of concurrent transmitters. In many earlier works, the locations of the transmitters is often modeled as a Poisson point process for analytical tractability. While analytically convenient, the PPP only accurately models networks whose nodes are placed independently and use ALOHA as the channel access protocol, which preserves the independence. Correlations between transmitter locations in non-Poisson networks, which model intelligent access protocols, makes the outage analysis extremely difficult. In this paper, we take an alternative approach and focus on an asymptotic regime where the density of interferers η\eta goes to 0. We prove for general node distributions and fading statistics that the success probability \p \sim 1-\gamma \eta^{\kappa} for η0\eta \rightarrow 0, and provide values of γ\gamma and κ\kappa for a number of important special cases. We show that κ\kappa is lower bounded by 1 and upper bounded by a value that depends on the path loss exponent and the fading. This new analytical framework is then used to characterize the transmission capacity of a very general class of networks, defined as the maximum spatial density of active links given an outage constraint.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Trans. Info Theory special issu