14 research outputs found

    Self-Optimizing and Pareto-Optimal Policies in General Environments based on Bayes-Mixtures

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    The problem of making sequential decisions in unknown probabilistic environments is studied. In cycle tt action yty_t results in perception xtx_t and reward rtr_t, where all quantities in general may depend on the complete history. The perception xtx_t and reward rtr_t are sampled from the (reactive) environmental probability distribution μ\mu. This very general setting includes, but is not limited to, (partial observable, k-th order) Markov decision processes. Sequential decision theory tells us how to act in order to maximize the total expected reward, called value, if μ\mu is known. Reinforcement learning is usually used if μ\mu is unknown. In the Bayesian approach one defines a mixture distribution ξ\xi as a weighted sum of distributions \nu\in\M, where \M is any class of distributions including the true environment μ\mu. We show that the Bayes-optimal policy pξp^\xi based on the mixture ξ\xi is self-optimizing in the sense that the average value converges asymptotically for all \mu\in\M to the optimal value achieved by the (infeasible) Bayes-optimal policy pμp^\mu which knows μ\mu in advance. We show that the necessary condition that \M admits self-optimizing policies at all, is also sufficient. No other structural assumptions are made on \M. As an example application, we discuss ergodic Markov decision processes, which allow for self-optimizing policies. Furthermore, we show that pξp^\xi is Pareto-optimal in the sense that there is no other policy yielding higher or equal value in {\em all} environments \nu\in\M and a strictly higher value in at least one.Comment: 15 page

    The Sample-Complexity of General Reinforcement Learning

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    We present a new algorithm for general reinforcement learning where the true environment is known to belong to a finite class of N arbitrary models. The algorithm is shown to be near-optimal for all but O(N log^2 N) time-steps with high probability. Infinite classes are also considered where we show that compactness is a key criterion for determining the existence of uniform sample-complexity bounds. A matching lower bound is given for the finite case.Comment: 16 page

    Probabilistically Safe Policy Transfer

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    Although learning-based methods have great potential for robotics, one concern is that a robot that updates its parameters might cause large amounts of damage before it learns the optimal policy. We formalize the idea of safe learning in a probabilistic sense by defining an optimization problem: we desire to maximize the expected return while keeping the expected damage below a given safety limit. We study this optimization for the case of a robot manipulator with safety-based torque limits. We would like to ensure that the damage constraint is maintained at every step of the optimization and not just at convergence. To achieve this aim, we introduce a novel method which predicts how modifying the torque limit, as well as how updating the policy parameters, might affect the robot's safety. We show through a number of experiments that our approach allows the robot to improve its performance while ensuring that the expected damage constraint is not violated during the learning process

    Bayesian reinforcement learning with exploration

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    We consider a general reinforcement learning problem and show that carefully combining the Bayesian optimal policy and an exploring policy leads to minimax sample-complexity bounds in a very general class of (history-based) environments. We also prove lower bounds and show that the new algorithm displays adaptive behaviour when the environment is easier than worst-case

    A Minimum Relative Entropy Principle for Learning and Acting

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    This paper proposes a method to construct an adaptive agent that is universal with respect to a given class of experts, where each expert is an agent that has been designed specifically for a particular environment. This adaptive control problem is formalized as the problem of minimizing the relative entropy of the adaptive agent from the expert that is most suitable for the unknown environment. If the agent is a passive observer, then the optimal solution is the well-known Bayesian predictor. However, if the agent is active, then its past actions need to be treated as causal interventions on the I/O stream rather than normal probability conditions. Here it is shown that the solution to this new variational problem is given by a stochastic controller called the Bayesian control rule, which implements adaptive behavior as a mixture of experts. Furthermore, it is shown that under mild assumptions, the Bayesian control rule converges to the control law of the most suitable expert.Comment: 36 pages, 11 figure

    Optimality of Universal Bayesian Sequence Prediction for General Loss and Alphabet

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    Various optimality properties of universal sequence predictors based on Bayes-mixtures in general, and Solomonoff's prediction scheme in particular, will be studied. The probability of observing xtx_t at time tt, given past observations x1...xt−1x_1...x_{t-1} can be computed with the chain rule if the true generating distribution μ\mu of the sequences x1x2x3...x_1x_2x_3... is known. If μ\mu is unknown, but known to belong to a countable or continuous class \M one can base ones prediction on the Bayes-mixture ξ\xi defined as a wνw_\nu-weighted sum or integral of distributions \nu\in\M. The cumulative expected loss of the Bayes-optimal universal prediction scheme based on ξ\xi is shown to be close to the loss of the Bayes-optimal, but infeasible prediction scheme based on μ\mu. We show that the bounds are tight and that no other predictor can lead to significantly smaller bounds. Furthermore, for various performance measures, we show Pareto-optimality of ξ\xi and give an Occam's razor argument that the choice wν∼2−K(ν)w_\nu\sim 2^{-K(\nu)} for the weights is optimal, where K(ν)K(\nu) is the length of the shortest program describing ν\nu. The results are applied to games of chance, defined as a sequence of bets, observations, and rewards. The prediction schemes (and bounds) are compared to the popular predictors based on expert advice. Extensions to infinite alphabets, partial, delayed and probabilistic prediction, classification, and more active systems are briefly discussed.Comment: 34 page