7 research outputs found

    Human centric situational awareness

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    Context awareness is an approach that has been receiving increasing focus in the past years. A context aware device can understand surrounding conditions and adapt its behavior accordingly to meet user demands. Mobile handheld devices offer a motivating platform for context aware applications as a result of their rapidly growing set of features and sensing abilities. This research aims at building a situational awareness model that utilizes multimodal sensor data provided through the various sensing capabilities available on a wide range of current handheld smart phones. The model will make use of seven different virtual and physical sensors commonly available on mobile devices, to gather a large set of parameters that identify the occurrence of a situation for one of five predefined context scenarios: In meeting, Driving, in party, In Theatre and Sleeping. As means of gathering the wisdom of the crowd and in an effort to reach a habitat sensitive awareness model, a survey was conducted to understand the user perception of each context situation. The data collected was used to build the inference engine of a prototype context awareness system utilizing context weights introduced in [39] and the confidence metric in [26] with some variation as a means for reasoning. The developed prototype\u27s results were benchmarked against two existing context awareness platforms Darwin Phones [17] and Smart Profile [11], where the prototype was able to acquire 5% and 7.6% higher accuracy levels than the two systems respectively while performing tasks of higher complexity. The detailed results and evaluation are highlighted further in section 6.4

    Context-aware Approach for Determining the Threshold Price in Name-Your-Own-Price Channels

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    Key feature of a context-aware application is the ability to adapt based on the change of context. Two approaches that are widely used in this regard are the context-action pair mapping where developers match an action to execute for a particular context change and the adaptive learning where a context-aware application refines its action over time based on the preceding action’s outcome. Both these approaches have limitation which makes them unsuitable in situations where a context-aware application has to deal with unknown context changes. In this paper we propose a framework where adaptation is carried out via concurrent multi-action evaluation of a dynamically created action space. This dynamic creation of the action space eliminates the need for relying on the developers to create context-action pairs and the concurrent multi-action evaluation reduces the adaptation time as opposed to the iterative approach used by adaptive learning techniques. Using our reference implementation of the framework we show how it could be used to dynamically determine the threshold price in an e-commerce system which uses the name-your-own-price (NYOP) strategy

    Performance Tuning of Database Systems Using a Context-aware Approach

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    Database system performance problems have a cascading effect into all aspects of an enterprise application. Database vendors and application developers provide guidelines, best practices and even initial database settings for good performance. But database performance tuning is not a one-off task. Database administrators have to keep a constant eye on the database performance as the tuning work carried out earlier could be invalidated due to multitude of reasons. Before engaging in a performance tuning endeavor, a database administrator must prioritize which tuning tasks to carry out first. This prioritization is done based on which tuning action would yield highest performance benefit. However, this prediction may not always be accurate. Experiment-based performance tuning methodologies have been introduced as an alternative to prediction-based performance tuning approaches. Experimenting on a representative system similar to the production one allows a database administrator to accurately gauge the performance gain for a particular tuning task. In this paper we propose a novel approach to experiment-based performance tuning with the use of a context-aware application model. Using a proof-of-concept implementation we show how it could be used to automate the detection of performance changes, experiment creation and evaluate the performance tuning outcomes for mixed workload types through database configuration parameter changes

    System evolution for unknown context through multi-action evaluation

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    Context-aware computing has been attracting growing attention in recent years. Generally, there are several ways for a context-aware system to select a course of action for a particular context change. One way is for the system developers to encompass all possible context changes in the domain knowledge. Then, the system matches a context change to that in the domain knowledge and chooses the corresponding action. Other methods include system inferences and adaptive learning whereby the system executes one action and evaluates the outcome and self-adapts/self-learns based on that. However, there are situations where a system encounters unknown contexts. In such cases, instead of one action being implemented and evaluated, multiple actions could be implemented concurrently. This parallel evaluation of actions could quicken the evolution time taken to select the best action suited to unknown context compared to the iterative approach. This paper proposes a framework for context-aware systems that finds the best action for unknown context through multi-action evaluation and self-adaptation. In a case study, we show how our multi-action evaluation system can be implemented for a hypothetical hotelier who uses the name-your-own-price mechanism to sell his perishable inventory

    Context-Aware Framework for Performance Tuning via Multi-action Evaluation

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    Context-aware systems perform adaptive changes in several ways. One way is for the system developers to encompass all possible context changes in a context-aware application and embed them into the system. However, this may not suit situations where the system encounters unknown contexts. In such cases, system inferences and adaptive learning are used whereby the system executes one action and evaluates the outcome to self-adapts/self-learns based on that. Unfortunately, this iterative approach is time-consuming if high number of actions needs to be evaluated. By contrast, our framework for context-aware systems finds the best action for unknown context through concurrent multi-action evaluation and self-adaptation which reduces significantly the evolution time in comparison to the iterative approach. In our implementation we show how the context-aware multi-action system can be used for a context-aware evaluation for database performance tuning

    Self-adaptation via concurrent multi-action evaluation for unknown context

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    Context-aware computing has been attracting growing attention in recent years. Generally, there are several ways for a context-aware system to select a course of action for a particular change of context. One way is for the system developers to encompass all possible context changes in the domain knowledge. Other methods include system inferences and adaptive learning whereby the system executes one action and evaluates the outcome and self-adapts/self-learns based on that. However, in situations where a system encounters unknown contexts, the iterative approach would become unfeasible when the size of the action space increases. Providing efficient solutions to this problem has been the main goal of this research project. Based on the developed abstract model, the designed methodology replaces the single action implementation and evaluation by multiple actions implemented and evaluated concurrently. This parallel evaluation of actions speeds up significantly the evolution time taken to select the best action suited to unknown context compared to the iterative approach. The designed and implemented framework efficiently carries out concurrent multi-action evaluation when an unknown context is encountered and finds the best course of action. Two concrete implementations of the framework were carried out demonstrating the usability and adaptability of the framework across multiple domains. The first implementation was in the domain of database performance tuning. The concrete implementation of the framework demonstrated the ability of concurrent multi-action evaluation technique to performance tune a database when performance is regressed for an unknown reason. The second implementation demonstrated the ability of the framework to correctly determine the threshold price to be used in a name-your-own-price channel when an unknown context is encountered. In conclusion the research introduced a new paradigm of a self-adaptation technique for context-aware application. Among the existing body of work, the concurrent multi-action evaluation is classified under the abstract concept of experiment-based self-adaptation techniques