1 research outputs found

    Expression-based evolution of faces

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    [Abstract] The combination of a classifier system with an evolutionary image generation engine is explored. The framework is instantiated using an off-the-shelf face detection system and a general purpose, expression-based, genetic programming engine. By default, the classifier returns a binary output, which is inadequate to guide evolution. By retrieving information provided by intermediate results of the classification task, it became possible to develop a suitable fitness function. The experimental results show the ability of the system to evolve images that are classified as faces. A subjective analysis also reveals the unexpected nature and artistic potential of the evolved images.Portugal. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia; PTDC/EIA–EIA/115667/2009Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología; TIN2008–06562/TINGalicia. Consellería de Innovación, Industria e Comercio; PGIDIT10TIC105008P