2,513 research outputs found

    Solving optimisation problems in metal forming using Finite Element simulation and metamodelling techniques

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    During the last decades, Finite Element (FEM) simulations\ud of metal forming processes have become important\ud tools for designing feasible production processes. In more\ud recent years, several authors recognised the potential of\ud coupling FEM simulations to mathematical optimisation\ud algorithms to design optimal metal forming processes instead\ud of only feasible ones.\ud Within the current project, an optimisation strategy is being\ud developed, which is capable of optimising metal forming\ud processes in general using time consuming nonlinear\ud FEM simulations. The expression “optimisation strategy”\ud is used to emphasise that the focus is not solely on solving\ud optimisation problems by an optimisation algorithm, but\ud the way these optimisation problems in metal forming are\ud modelled is also investigated. This modelling comprises\ud the quantification of objective functions and constraints\ud and the selection of design variables.\ud This paper, however, is concerned with the choice for\ud and the implementation of an optimisation algorithm for\ud solving optimisation problems in metal forming. Several\ud groups of optimisation algorithms can be encountered in\ud metal forming literature: classical iterative, genetic and\ud approximate optimisation algorithms are already applied\ud in the field. We propose a metamodel based optimisation\ud algorithm belonging to the latter group, since approximate\ud algorithms are relatively efficient in case of time consuming\ud function evaluations such as the nonlinear FEM calculations\ud we are considering. Additionally, approximate optimisation\ud algorithms strive for a global optimum and do\ud not need sensitivities, which are quite difficult to obtain\ud for FEM simulations. A final advantage of approximate\ud optimisation algorithms is the process knowledge, which\ud can be gained by visualising metamodels.\ud In this paper, we propose a sequential approximate optimisation\ud algorithm, which incorporates both Response\ud Surface Methodology (RSM) and Design and Analysis\ud of Computer Experiments (DACE) metamodelling techniques.\ud RSM is based on fitting lower order polynomials\ud by least squares regression, whereas DACE uses Kriging\ud interpolation functions as metamodels. Most authors in\ud the field of metal forming use RSM, although this metamodelling\ud technique was originally developed for physical\ud experiments that are known to have a stochastic na-\ud ¤Faculty of Engineering Technology (Applied Mechanics group),\ud University of Twente, P.O. Box 217, 7500 AE, Enschede, The Netherlands,\ud email: [email protected]\ud ture due to measurement noise present. This measurement\ud noise is absent in case of deterministic computer experiments\ud such as FEM simulations. Hence, an interpolation\ud model fitted by DACE is thought to be more applicable in\ud combination with metal forming simulations. Nevertheless,\ud the proposed algorithm utilises both RSM and DACE\ud metamodelling techniques.\ud As a Design Of Experiments (DOE) strategy, a combination\ud of a maximin spacefilling Latin Hypercubes Design\ud and a full factorial design was implemented, which takes\ud into account explicit constraints. Additionally, the algorithm\ud incorporates cross validation as a metamodel validation\ud technique and uses a Sequential Quadratic Programming\ud algorithm for metamodel optimisation. To overcome\ud the problem of ending up in a local optimum, the\ud SQP algorithm is initialised from every DOE point, which\ud is very time efficient since evaluating the metamodels can\ud be done within a fraction of a second. The proposed algorithm\ud allows for sequential improvement of the metamodels\ud to obtain a more accurate optimum.\ud As an example case, the optimisation algorithm was applied\ud to obtain the optimised internal pressure and axial\ud feeding load paths to minimise wall thickness variations\ud in a simple hydroformed product. The results are satisfactory,\ud which shows the good applicability of metamodelling\ud techniques to optimise metal forming processes using\ud time consuming FEM simulations

    A metamodel based optimisation algorithm for metal forming processes

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    Cost saving and product improvement have always been important goals in the metal\ud forming industry. To achieve these goals, metal forming processes need to be optimised. During\ud the last decades, simulation software based on the Finite Element Method (FEM) has significantly\ud contributed to designing feasible processes more easily. More recently, the possibility of\ud coupling FEM to mathematical optimisation algorithms is offering a very promising opportunity\ud to design optimal metal forming processes instead of only feasible ones. However, which\ud optimisation algorithm to use is still not clear.\ud In this paper, an optimisation algorithm based on metamodelling techniques is proposed\ud for optimising metal forming processes. The algorithm incorporates nonlinear FEM simulations\ud which can be very time consuming to execute. As an illustration of its capabilities, the\ud proposed algorithm is applied to optimise the internal pressure and axial feeding load paths\ud of a hydroforming process. The product formed by the optimised process outperforms products\ud produced by other, arbitrarily selected load paths. These results indicate the high potential of\ud the proposed algorithm for optimising metal forming processes using time consuming FEM\ud simulations

    Customized Sequential Designs for Random Simulation Experiments: Kriging Metamodelling and Bootstrapping

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    This paper proposes a novel method to select an experimental design for interpolation in random simulation.(Though the paper focuses on Kriging, this method may also apply to other types of metamodels such as linear regression models.)Assuming that simulation requires much computer time, it is important to select a design with a small number of observations (or simulation runs).The proposed method is therefore sequential.Its novelty is that it accounts for the specific input/output behavior (or response function) of the particular simulation at hand; i.e., the method is customized or application-driven.A tool for this customization is bootstrapping, which enables the estimation of the variances of predictions for inputs not yet simulated.The new method is tested through the classic M/M/1 queueing simulation.For this simulation the novel design indeed gives better results than a Latin Hypercube Sampling (LHS) with a prefixed sample of the same size.simulation;statistical methods;bootstrap

    Deterministic and robust optimisation strategies for metal forming proceesses

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    Product improvement and cost reduction have always been important goals in the metal forming industry. The rise of\ud Finite Element simulations for metal forming processes has contributed to these goals in a major way. More recently, coupling\ud FEM simulations to mathematical optimisation techniques has shown the potential to make a further contribution to product\ud improvement and cost reduction.\ud Mathematical optimisation consists of the modelling and solving of optimisation problems. Although both the\ud modelling and the solving are essential for successfully optimising metal forming problems, much of the research published until\ud now has focussed on the solving part, i.e. the development of a specific optimisation algorithm and its application to a specific\ud optimisation problem for a specific metal forming process.\ud In this paper, we propose a generally applicable optimisation strategy which makes use of FEM simulations of metal\ud forming processes. It consists of a structured methodology for modelling optimisation problems related to metal forming.\ud Subsequently, screening is applied to reduce the size of the optimisation problem by selecting only the most important design\ud variables. Screening is also utilised to select the best level of discrete variables, which are in such a way removed from the\ud optimisation problem. Finally, the reduced optimisation problem is solved by an efficient optimisation algorithm. The strategy is\ud generally applicable in a sense that it is not constrained to a certain type of metal forming problems, products or processes. Also\ud any FEM code may be included in the strategy.\ud However, the above strategy is deterministic, which implies that the robustness of the optimum solution is not taken\ud into account. Robustness is a major item in the metal forming industry, hence we extended the deterministic optimisation\ud strategy in order to be able to include noise variables (e.g. material variation) during optimisation. This yielded a robust\ud optimisation strategy that enables to optimise to a robust solution of the problem, which contributes significantly to the industrial\ud demand to design robust metal forming processes. Just as the deterministic optimisation strategy, it consists of a modelling,\ud screening and solving stage.\ud The deterministic and robust optimisation strategies are compared to each other by application to an analytical test\ud function. This application emphasises the need to take robustness into account during optimisation, especially in case of\ud constrained optimisation. Finally, both the deterministic and the robust optimisation strategies are demonstrated by application to\ud an industrial hydroforming example

    Comparison of Gaussian process modeling software

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    Gaussian process fitting, or kriging, is often used to create a model from a set of data. Many available software packages do this, but we show that very different results can be obtained from different packages even when using the same data and model. We describe the parameterization, features, and optimization used by eight different fitting packages that run on four different platforms. We then compare these eight packages using various data functions and data sets, revealing that there are stark differences between the packages. In addition to comparing the prediction accuracy, the predictive variance--which is important for evaluating precision of predictions and is often used in stopping criteria--is also evaluated
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