8 research outputs found

    Validating design principles for creative collaboration

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    Design Science Research (DSR) lacks accepted validation approaches to validate its outcomes (design principles and design solutions). The quality of such a validation has to be ensured so that the outcomes of DSR are as methodologically thorough and as practically relevant as possible. This study introduces a pragmatic validation approach to ensure the quality of design principles. It uses a three-step approach, combining (1) evaluating the design solution as a case in practice, (2) qualifying the implementation of the set of design principles, and (3) assessing the validity of evaluation and qualification results. The validation approach is illustrated by assessing the evaluation results of a creativity facilitation course (design solution) developed according to a set of design principles

    Applying blended conceptual spaces to variable choice and aesthetics in data visualisation

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    Computational creativity is an active area of research within the artificial intelligence domain that investigates what aspects of computing can be considered as an analogue to the human creative process. Computers can be programmed to emulate the type of things that the human mind can. Artificial creativity is worthy of study for two reasons. Firstly, it can help in understanding human creativity and secondly it can help with the design of computer programs that appear to be creative. Although the implementation of creativity in computer algorithms is an active field, much of the research fails to specify which of the known theories of creativity it is aligning with. The combination of computational creativity with computer generated visualisations has the potential to produce visualisations that are context sensitive with respect to the data and could solve some of the current automation problems that computers experience. In addition theories of creativity could theoretically compute unusual data combinations, or introducing graphical elements that draw attention to the patterns in the data. More could be learned about the creativity involved as humans go about the task of generating a visualisation. The purpose of this dissertation was to develop a computer program that can automate the generation of a visualisation, for a suitably chosen visualisation type over a small domain of knowledge, using a subset of the computational creativity criteria, in order to try and explore the effects of the introduction of conceptual blending techniques. The problem is that existing computer programs that generate visualisations are lacking the creativity, intuition, background information, and visual perception that enable a human to decide what aspects of the visualisation will expose patterns that are useful to the consumer of the visualisation. The main research question that guided this dissertation was, “How can criteria derived from theories of creativity be used in the generation of visualisations?”. In order to answer this question an analysis was done to determine which creativity theories and artificial intelligence techniques could potentially be used to implement the theories in the context of those relevant to computer generated visualisations. Measurable attributes and criteria that were sufficient for an algorithm that claims to model creativity were explored. The parts of the visualisation pipeline were identified and the aspects of visualisation generation that humans are better at than computers was explored. Themes that emerged in both the computational creativity and the visualisation literature were highlighted. Finally a prototype was built that started to investigate the use of computational creativity methods in the ‘variable choice’, and ‘aesthetics’ stages of the data visualisation pipeline.School of ComputingM. Sc. (Computing

    Handstorm principles for creative and collaborative working

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    Handstorm principles for creative and collaborative working

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    Selecting the Links in BisoNets Generated from Document Collections

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    Abstract. According to Koestler, the notion of a bisociation denotes a connection between pieces of information from habitually separated domains or categories. In this chapter, we consider a methodology to find such bisociations using a BisoNet as a representation of knowledge. In a first step, we consider how to create BisoNets from several textual databases taken from different domains using simple text-mining techniques. To achieve this, we introduce a procedure to link nodes of a BisoNet and to endow such links with weights, which is based on a new measure for comparing text frequency vectors. In a second step, we try to rediscover known bisociations, which were originally found by a human domain expert, namely indirect relations between migraine and magnesium as they are hidden in medical research articles published before 1987. We observe that these bisociations are easily rediscovered by simply following the strongest links.