173 research outputs found

    Nonparametric estimation of pair-copula constructions with the empirical pair-copula

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    A pair-copula construction is a decomposition of a multivariate copula into a structured system, called regular vine, of bivariate copulae or pair-copulae. The standard practice is to model these pair-copulae parametrically, which comes at the cost of a large model risk, with errors propagating throughout the vine structure. The empirical pair-copula proposed in the paper provides a nonparametric alternative still achieving the parametric convergence rate. It can be used as a basis for inference on dependence measures, for selecting and pruning the vine structure, and for hypothesis tests concerning the form of the pair-copulae.Comment: 23 pages, 7 figure

    Pair-copula constructions of multiple dependence

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    Building on the work of Bedford, Cooke and Joe, we show how multivariate data, which exhibit complex patterns of dependence in the tails, can be modelled using a cascade of pair-copulae, acting on two variables at a time. We use the pair-copula decomposition of a general multivariate distribution and propose a method to perform inference. The model construction is hierarchical in nature, the various levels corresponding to the incorporation of more variables in the conditioning sets, using pair-copulae as simple building blocs. Pair-copula decomposed models also represent a very flexible way to construct higher-dimensional coplulae. We apply the methodology to a financial data set. Our approach represents the first step towards developing of an unsupervised algorithm that explores the space of possible pair-copula models, that also can be applied to huge data sets automatically

    Risk Measurement and Risk Modelling using Applications of Vine Copulas

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    __abstract__ This paper features an application of Regular Vine copulas which are a novel and recently developed statistical and mathematical tool which can be applied in the assessment of composite nancial risk. Copula-based dependence modelling is a popular tool in nancial applications, but is usuall