6 research outputs found

    Selecting additional tag SNPs for tolerating missing data in genotyping

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    BACKGROUND: Recent studies have shown that the patterns of linkage disequilibrium observed in human populations have a block-like structure, and a small subset of SNPs (called tag SNPs) is sufficient to distinguish each pair of haplotype patterns in the block. In reality, some tag SNPs may be missing, and we may fail to distinguish two distinct haplotypes due to the ambiguity caused by missing data. RESULTS: We show there exists a subset of SNPs (referred to as robust tag SNPs) which can still distinguish all distinct haplotypes even when some SNPs are missing. The problem of finding minimum robust tag SNPs is shown to be NP-hard. To find robust tag SNPs efficiently, we propose two greedy algorithms and one linear programming relaxation algorithm. The experimental results indicate that (1) the solutions found by these algorithms are quite close to the optimal solution; (2) the genotyping cost saved by using tag SNPs can be as high as 80%; and (3) genotyping additional tag SNPs for tolerating missing data is still cost-effective. CONCLUSION: Genotyping robust tag SNPs is more practical than just genotyping the minimum tag SNPs if we can not avoid the occurrence of missing data. Our theoretical analysis and experimental results show that the performance of our algorithms is not only efficient but the solution found is also close to the optimal solution

    Snagger: A user-friendly program for incorporating additional information for tagSNP selection

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There has been considerable effort focused on developing efficient programs for tagging single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). Many of these programs do not account for potential reduced genomic coverage resulting from genotyping failures nor do they preferentially select SNPs based on functionality, which may be more likely to be biologically important.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We have developed a user-friendly and efficient software program, Snagger, as an extension to the existing open-source software, Haploview, which uses pairwise <it>r</it><sup>2 </sup>linkage disequilibrium between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to select tagSNPs. Snagger distinguishes itself from existing SNP selection algorithms, including Tagger, by providing user options that allow for: (1) prioritization of tagSNPs based on certain characteristics, including platform-specific design scores, functionality (i.e., coding status), and chromosomal position, (2) efficient selection of SNPs across multiple populations, (3) selection of tagSNPs outside defined genomic regions to improve coverage and genotyping success, and (4) picking of surrogate tagSNPs that serve as backups for tagSNPs whose failure would result in a significant loss of data. Using HapMap genotype data from ten ENCODE regions and design scores for the Illumina platform, we show similar coverage and design score distribution and fewer total tagSNPs selected by Snagger compared to the web server Tagger.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Snagger improves upon current available tagSNP software packages by providing a means for researchers to select tagSNPs that reliably capture genetic variation across multiple populations while accounting for significant genotyping failure risk and prioritizing on SNP-specific characteristics.</p

    Inference of chromosome-specific copy numbers using population haplotypes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Using microarray and sequencing platforms, a large number of copy number variations (CNVs) have been identified in humans. In practice, because our human genome is a diploid, these platforms are limited to or more accurate for detecting total copy numbers rather than chromosome-specific copy numbers at each of the two homologous chromosomes. Nevertheless, the analysis of linkage disequilibrium (LD) between CNVs and SNPs indicates that distinct copy numbers often sit on their own background haplotypes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We propose new computational models for inferring chromosome-specific copy numbers by distinguishing background haplotypes of each copy number. The formulated problems are shown to be NP-hard and approximation/heuristic algorithms are developed. Simulation indicates that our method is accurate and outperforms the existing approach. By testing the program in 60 parent-offspring trios, the inferred chromosome-specific copy numbers are highly consistent with the law of Mendelian inheritance. The distributions of copy numbers at chromosomal level are provided for 270 individuals in three HapMap panels.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The estimation of chromosome-specific copy numbers using microarray or sequencing platforms was often confounded by a number of factors. This study showed that the integration of background haplotypes is able to improve the accuracies of copy number estimation at chromosome level, especially for the CNVs having strong LD with SNPs in proximity.</p