2 research outputs found

    Application of a D Number based LBWA Model and an Interval MABAC Model in Selection of an Automatic Cannon for Integration into Combat Vehicles

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    A decision making procedure for selection of a weapon system involves different, often contradictory criteriaand reaching decisions under conditions of uncertainty. This paper proposes a novel multi-criteria methodology based on D numbers which enables efficient analysis of the information used for decision making. The proposed methodology has been developed in order to enable selection of an efficient weapon system under conditions when a large number of hierarchically structured evaluation criteria has to be processed. A novel D number based Level Based Weight Assessment – Multi Attributive Border Approximation area Comparison (D LBWA-MABAC) model is used for selection of an automatic cannon for integration into combat vehicles. Criteria weights are determined based on the improved LBWA-D model. The traditional MABAC method has been further developed by integration of interval numbers. A hybrid D LBWA-MABAC framework is used for evaluation of an automatic cannon for integration into combat vehicles. Nine weapon systems used worldwide have been ranked in this paper. This multicriteria approach allows decision makers to assess options objectively and reach a rational decision regarding the selection of an optimal weapon system. Validation of the proposed methodology is performed through sensitivity analysis which studies how changes in the weights of the best criterion and the elasticity coefficient affect the ranking results

    A new software development for Fuzzy Multicriteria decision‐making

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    In this paper, software for Fuzzy Multiple Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) problems has been developed and tested on two real problems. FMCDM methods are widely used when imprecise data or linguistic variables exist in the problem. Using FMCDM methods may help improve decision‐making problems and lead to more accurate models. Although these methods are more involved in terms of computing due to fuzzy calculations in MCDM algorithms, fuzziness offers advantages over classical algorithms. Thus appropriate software is of great importance in applying FMCDM methods. The major aim of this study is to develop software and to test it on two real military problems which are solved by an ideal points algorithm and an outranking method. The results and outputs are discussed with sensitivity analyses. Santrauka Aprašomos programos, skirtos daugiakriteriniam sprendimų priėmimui esant neapibrėžtumams, kūrimas ir jos pritaikymas sprendžiant dvi realias problemas. Neapibrėžtųjų aibių daugiakriteriniai metodai plačiai taikomi, kai esama netikslių duomenų arba lingvistinių kintamųjų. Taikant šiuos metodus galima lengviau išspręsti sprendimo priėmimo problemas, sudaryti tikslesnius modelius. Nors tokiu atveju reikia daugiau skaičiavimų siekiant taikyti neapibrėžtąsias aibes daugiakriteriniuose sprendimų priėmimo algoritmuose, tačiau galimybė įvertinti neapibrėžtumus suteikia pranašumų, palyginti su klasikiniais metodais. Taigi neapibrėžtųjų aibių daugiakriteriniams metodams labai svarbu tinkama programinė įranga. Svarbiausias šio tyrimo tikslas – sukurti programinę įrangą ir testuoti ją sprendžiant dvi tikras karines problemas – idealiųjų taškų agoritmą ir rangavimų metodą. Rezultatai aptarti atlikus jautrumo analizę. First published online: 21 Oct 2010 Reikšminiai žodžiai: neapibrėžtųjų aibių daugiakriterinis sprendimų priėmimas (NADSP), idealieji taškai, rangavimas, programinė įranga