292 research outputs found

    Selecting Informative Contexts Improves Language Model Finetuning

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    We present a general finetuning meta-method that we call information gain filtration for improving the overall training efficiency and final performance of language model finetuning. This method uses a secondary learner which attempts to quantify the benefit of finetuning the language model on each given example. During the finetuning process, we use this learner to decide whether or not each given example should be trained on or skipped. We show that it suffices for this learner to be simple and that the finetuning process itself is dominated by the relatively trivial relearning of a new unigram frequency distribution over the modelled language domain, a process which the learner aids. Our method trains to convergence using 40% fewer batches than normal finetuning, and achieves a median perplexity of 54.0 on a books dataset compared to a median perplexity of 57.3 for standard finetuning using the same neural architecture

    Frozen Transformers in Language Models Are Effective Visual Encoder Layers

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    This paper reveals that large language models (LLMs), despite being trained solely on textual data, are surprisingly strong encoders for purely visual tasks in the absence of language. Even more intriguingly, this can be achieved by a simple yet previously overlooked strategy -- employing a frozen transformer block from pre-trained LLMs as a constituent encoder layer to directly process visual tokens. Our work pushes the boundaries of leveraging LLMs for computer vision tasks, significantly departing from conventional practices that typically necessitate a multi-modal vision-language setup with associated language prompts, inputs, or outputs. We demonstrate that our approach consistently enhances performance across a diverse range of tasks, encompassing pure 2D and 3D visual recognition tasks (e.g., image and point cloud classification), temporal modeling tasks (e.g., action recognition), non-semantic tasks (e.g., motion forecasting), and multi-modal tasks (e.g., 2D/3D visual question answering and image-text retrieval). Such improvements are a general phenomenon, applicable to various types of LLMs (e.g., LLaMA and OPT) and different LLM transformer blocks. We additionally propose the information filtering hypothesis to explain the effectiveness of pre-trained LLMs in visual encoding -- the pre-trained LLM transformer blocks discern informative visual tokens and further amplify their effect. This hypothesis is empirically supported by the observation that the feature activation, after training with LLM transformer blocks, exhibits a stronger focus on relevant regions. We hope that our work inspires new perspectives on utilizing LLMs and deepening our understanding of their underlying mechanisms. Code is available at https://github.com/ziqipang/LM4VisualEncoding.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures. Code at https://github.com/ziqipang/LM4VisualEncodin

    Text-Only Image Captioning with Multi-Context Data Generation

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    Text-only Image Captioning (TIC) is an approach that aims to construct a model solely based on text that can accurately describe images. Recently, diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in generating high-quality images that are semantically coherent with given texts. This presents an opportunity to generate synthetic training images for TIC. However, we have identified a challenge that the images generated from simple descriptions typically exhibit a single perspective with one or limited contexts, which is not aligned with the complexity of real-world scenes in the image domain. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that addresses this issue by introducing multi-context data generation. Starting with an initial text corpus, our framework employs a large language model to select multiple sentences that describe the same scene from various perspectives. These sentences are then summarized into a single sentence with multiple contexts. We generate simple images using the straightforward sentences and complex images using the summarized sentences through diffusion models. Finally, we train the model exclusively using the synthetic image-text pairs obtained from this process. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed framework effectively tackles the central challenge we have identified, achieving the state-of-the-art performance on popular datasets such as MSCOCO, Flickr30k, and SS1M

    Knowledge-driven Data Construction for Zero-shot Evaluation in Commonsense Question Answering

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    Recent developments in pre-trained neural language modeling have led to leaps in accuracy on commonsense question-answering benchmarks. However, there is increasing concern that models overfit to specific tasks, without learning to utilize external knowledge or perform general semantic reasoning. In contrast, zero-shot evaluations have shown promise as a more robust measure of a model's general reasoning abilities. In this paper, we propose a novel neuro-symbolic framework for zero-shot question answering across commonsense tasks. Guided by a set of hypotheses, the framework studies how to transform various pre-existing knowledge resources into a form that is most effective for pre-training models. We vary the set of language models, training regimes, knowledge sources, and data generation strategies, and measure their impact across tasks. Extending on prior work, we devise and compare four constrained distractor-sampling strategies. We provide empirical results across five commonsense question-answering tasks with data generated from five external knowledge resources. We show that, while an individual knowledge graph is better suited for specific tasks, a global knowledge graph brings consistent gains across different tasks. In addition, both preserving the structure of the task as well as generating fair and informative questions help language models learn more effectively.Comment: AAAI 202

    A Survey on In-context Learning

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    With the increasing ability of large language models (LLMs), in-context learning (ICL) has become a new paradigm for natural language processing (NLP), where LLMs make predictions only based on contexts augmented with a few examples. It has been a new trend to explore ICL to evaluate and extrapolate the ability of LLMs. In this paper, we aim to survey and summarize the progress and challenges of ICL. We first present a formal definition of ICL and clarify its correlation to related studies. Then, we organize and discuss advanced techniques, including training strategies, demonstration designing strategies, as well as related analysis. Finally, we discuss the challenges of ICL and provide potential directions for further research. We hope that our work can encourage more research on uncovering how ICL works and improving ICL.Comment: Papers collected until 2023/05/2

    SEGO: Sequential Subgoal Optimization for Mathematical Problem-Solving

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have driven substantial progress in artificial intelligence in recent years, exhibiting impressive capabilities across a wide range of tasks, including mathematical problem-solving. Inspired by the success of subgoal-based methods, we propose a novel framework called \textbf{SE}quential sub\textbf{G}oal \textbf{O}ptimization (SEGO) to enhance LLMs' ability to solve mathematical problems. By establishing a connection between the subgoal breakdown process and the probability of solving problems, SEGO aims to identify better subgoals with theoretical guarantees. Addressing the challenge of identifying suitable subgoals in a large solution space, our framework generates problem-specific subgoals and adjusts them according to carefully designed criteria. Incorporating these optimized subgoals into the policy model training leads to significant improvements in problem-solving performance. We validate SEGO's efficacy through experiments on two benchmarks, GSM8K and MATH, where our approach outperforms existing methods, highlighting the potential of SEGO in AI-driven mathematical problem-solving. Data and code associated with this paper will be available at https://github.com/zhaoxlpku/SEGOComment: Preprin

    Is This Loss Informative? Faster Text-to-Image Customization by Tracking Objective Dynamics

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    Text-to-image generation models represent the next step of evolution in image synthesis, offering a natural way to achieve flexible yet fine-grained control over the result. One emerging area of research is the fast adaptation of large text-to-image models to smaller datasets or new visual concepts. However, many efficient methods of adaptation have a long training time, which limits their practical applications, slows down research experiments, and spends excessive GPU resources. In this work, we study the training dynamics of popular text-to-image personalization methods (such as Textual Inversion or DreamBooth), aiming to speed them up. We observe that most concepts are learned at early stages and do not improve in quality later, but standard model convergence metrics fail to indicate that. Instead, we propose a simple drop-in early stopping criterion that only requires computing the regular training objective on a fixed set of inputs for all training iterations. Our experiments on Stable Diffusion for a range of concepts and for three personalization methods demonstrate the competitive performance of our approach, making adaptation up to 8 times faster with no significant drops in quality.Comment: Code: https://github.com/yandex-research/DVAR. 19 pages, 14 figure

    Training Language Models with Language Feedback at Scale

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    Pretrained language models often generate outputs that are not in line with human preferences, such as harmful text or factually incorrect summaries. Recent work approaches the above issues by learning from a simple form of human feedback: comparisons between pairs of model-generated outputs. However, comparison feedback only conveys limited information about human preferences. In this paper, we introduce Imitation learning from Language Feedback (ILF), a new approach that utilizes more informative language feedback. ILF consists of three steps that are applied iteratively: first, conditioning the language model on the input, an initial LM output, and feedback to generate refinements. Second, selecting the refinement incorporating the most feedback. Third, finetuning the language model to maximize the likelihood of the chosen refinement given the input. We show theoretically that ILF can be viewed as Bayesian Inference, similar to Reinforcement Learning from human feedback. We evaluate ILF's effectiveness on a carefully-controlled toy task and a realistic summarization task. Our experiments demonstrate that large language models accurately incorporate feedback and that finetuning with ILF scales well with the dataset size, even outperforming finetuning on human summaries. Learning from both language and comparison feedback outperforms learning from each alone, achieving human-level summarization performance
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