124 research outputs found

    Improvement on a Masked White-box Cryptographic Implementation

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    White-box cryptography is a software technique to protect secret keys of cryptographic algorithms from attackers who have access to memory. By adapting techniques of differential power analysis to computation traces consisting of runtime information, Differential Computation Analysis (DCA) has recovered the secret keys from white-box cryptographic implementations. In order to thwart DCA, a masked white-box implementation has been suggested. However, each byte of the round output was not masked and just permuted by byte encodings. This is the main reason behind the success of DCA variants on the masked white-box implementation. In this paper, we improve the masked white-box cryptographic implementation in such a way to protect against DCA variants by obfuscating the round output with random masks. Specifically, we implement a white-box AES implementation applying masking techniques to the key-dependent intermediate value and the several outer-round outputs. Our analysis and experimental results show that the proposed method can protect against DCA variants including DCA with a 2-byte key guess, collision and bucketing attacks. This work requires approximately 3.7 times the table size and 0.7 times the number of lookups compared to the previous masked WB-AES implementation

    On the Linear Transformation in White-box Cryptography

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    Linear transformations are applied to the white-box cryptographic implementation for the diffusion effect to prevent key-dependent intermediate values from being analyzed. However, it has been shown that there still exists a correlation before and after the linear transformation, and thus this is not enough to protect the key against statistical analysis. So far, the Hamming weight of rows in the invertible matrix has been considered the main cause of the key leakage from the linear transformation. In this study, we present an in-depth analysis of the distribution of intermediate values and the characteristics of block invertible binary matrices. Our mathematical analysis and experimental results show that the balanced distribution of the key-dependent intermediate value is the main cause of the key leakage

    White-Box Cryptography in the Gray Box - A Hardware Implementation and its Side Channels

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    Implementations of white-box cryptography aim to protect a secret key in a white-box environment in which an adversary has full control over the execution process and the entire environment. Its fundamental principle is the map of the cryptographic architecture, including the secret key, to a number of encoded tables that shall resist the inspection and decomposition of an attacker. In a gray-box scenario, however, the property of hiding required implementation details from the attacker could be used as a promising mitigation strategy against side-channel attacks (SCA). In this work, we present a first white-box implementation of AES on reconfigurable hardware for which we evaluate this approach assuming a gray-box attacker. We show that - unfortunately - such an implementation does not provide sufficient protection against an SCA attacker. We continue our evaluations by a thorough analysis of the source of the observed leakage, and present additional results which can be used to build stronger white-box designs

    A Masked White-box Cryptographic Implementation for Protecting against Differential Computation Analysis

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    Recently, gray-box attacks on white-box cryptographic implementations have succeeded. These attacks are more efficient than white-box attacks because they can be performed without detailed knowledge of the target implementation. The success of the gray-box attack is reportedly due to the unbalanced encoding used to generate the white-box lookup table. In this paper, we propose a method to protect the gray-box attack against white-box implementations. The basic idea is to apply the masking technique before encoding intermediate values during the white-box lookup table generation. Because we do not require any random source in runtime, it is possible to perform efficient encryption and decryption using our method. The security and performance analysis shows that the proposed method can be a reliable and efficient countermeasure

    Table Redundancy Method for Protecting against Fault Attacks

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    Fault attacks (FA) intentionally inject some fault into the encryption process for analyzing a secret key based on faulty intermediate values or faulty ciphertexts. One of the easy ways for software-based countermeasures is to use time redundancy. However, existing methods can be broken by skipping comparison operations or by using non-uniform distributions of faulty intermediate values. In this paper, we propose a secure software-based redundancy, aptly named table redundancy, applying different linear and nonlinear transformations to redundant computations of table-based block cipher structures. To reduce the table size and the number of lookups, some outer tables that are not subjected to FA are shared, while the inner tables are protected by table redundancy. The basic idea is that different transformations protecting redundant computations are correctly decoded if the redundant outcomes are combined without faulty values. In addition, this recombination provides infective computations because a faulty byte is likely to propagate its error to adjacent bytes due to the use of 32-bit linear transformations. Our method also presents a stateful feature in the connection with detected faults and subsequent plaintexts for preventing iterative fault injection. We demonstrate the protection of AES-128 against FA and show a negligible advantage of FA

    Dumb Crypto in Smart Grids: Practical Cryptanalysis of the Open Smart Grid Protocol

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    This paper analyses the cryptography used in the Open Smart Grid Protocol (OSGP). The authenticated encryption (AE) scheme deployed by OSGP is a non-standard composition of RC4 and a home-brewed MAC, the ``OMA digest\u27\u27. We present several practical key-recovery attacks against the OMA digest. The first and basic variant can achieve this with a mere 1313 queries to an OMA digest oracle and negligible time complexity. A more sophisticated version breaks the OMA digest with only 44 queries and a time complexity of about 2252^{25} simple operations. A different approach only requires one arbitrary valid plaintext-tag pair, and recovers the key in an average of 144144 \emph{message verification} queries, or one ciphertext-tag pair and 168168 \emph{ciphertext verification} queries. Since the encryption key is derived from the key used by the OMA digest, our attacks break both confidentiality and authenticity of OSGP

    LIZARD – A Lightweight Stream Cipher for Power-constrained Devices

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    Time-memory-data (TMD) tradeoff attacks limit the security level of many classical stream ciphers (like E0, A5/1, Trivium, Grain) to 1/2n, where n denotes the inner state length of the underlying keystream generator. In this paper, we present Lizard, a lightweight stream cipher for power-constrained devices like passive RFID tags. Its hardware efficiency results from combining a Grain-like design with the FP(1)-mode, a recently suggested construction principle for the state initialization of stream ciphers, which offers provable 2/3n-security against TMD tradeoff attacks aiming at key recovery. Lizard uses 120-bit keys, 64-bit IVs and has an inner state length of 121 bit. It is supposed to provide 80-bit security against key recovery attacks. Lizard allows to generate up to 218 keystream bits per key/IV pair, which would be sufficient for many existing communication scenarios like Bluetooth, WLAN or HTTPS

    Optimality of the Width-ww Non-adjacent Form: General Characterisation and the Case of Imaginary Quadratic Bases

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    Efficient scalar multiplication in Abelian groups (which is an important operation in public key cryptography) can be performed using digital expansions. Apart from rational integer bases (double-and-add algorithm), imaginary quadratic integer bases are of interest for elliptic curve cryptography, because the Frobenius endomorphism fulfils a quadratic equation. One strategy for improving the efficiency is to increase the digit set (at the prize of additional precomputations). A common choice is the width\nbd-ww non-adjacent form (\wNAF): each block of ww consecutive digits contains at most one non-zero digit. Heuristically, this ensures a low weight, i.e.\ number of non-zero digits, which translates in few costly curve operations. This paper investigates the following question: Is the \wNAF{}-expansion optimal, where optimality means minimising the weight over all possible expansions with the same digit set? The main characterisation of optimality of \wNAF{}s can be formulated in the following more general setting: We consider an Abelian group together with an endomorphism (e.g., multiplication by a base element in a ring) and a finite digit set. We show that each group element has an optimal \wNAF{}-expansion if and only if this is the case for each sum of two expansions of weight 1. This leads both to an algorithmic criterion and to generic answers for various cases. Imaginary quadratic integers of trace at least 3 (in absolute value) have optimal \wNAF{}s for w≥4w\ge 4. The same holds for the special case of base (±3±−3)/2(\pm 3\pm\sqrt{-3})/2 and w≥2w\ge 2, which corresponds to Koblitz curves in characteristic three. In the case of τ=±1±i\tau=\pm1\pm i, optimality depends on the parity of ww. Computational results for small trace are given

    Size, Speed, and Security: An Ed25519 Case Study

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    Ed25519 has significant performance benefits compared to ECDSA using Weierstrass curves such as NIST P-256, therefore it is considered a good digital signature algorithm, specially for low performance IoT devices. However, such devices often have very limited resources and thus, implementations for these devices need to be as small and as performant as possible while being secure. In this paper we describe a scenario in which an obvious strategy to aggressively optimize an Ed25519 implementation for code size leads to a small memory footprint that is functionally correct but vulnerable to side-channel attacks. This strategy serves as an example of aggressive optimizations that might be considered by cryptography engineers, developers, and practitioners unfamiliar with the power of Side-Channel Analysis (SCA). As a solution to the flawed implementation example, we use a computer-aided cryptography tool generating formally verified finite field arithmetic to generate two secure Ed25519 implementations fulfilling different size requirements. After benchmarking and comparing these implementations to other widely used implementations our results show that computer-aided cryptography is capable of generating competitive code in terms of security, speed, and size

    Exercice de style

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    We present the construction and implementation of an 8-bit S-box with a differential and linear branch number of 3. We show an application by designing FLY, a simple block cipher based on bitsliced evaluations of the S-box and bit rotations that targets the same platforms as PRIDE, and which can be seen as a variant of PRESENT with 8-bit S-boxes. It achieves the same performance as PRIDE on 8-bit microcontrollers (in terms of number of instructions per round) while having 1.5 times more equivalent active S-boxes. The S-box also has an efficient implementation with SIMD instructions, a low implementation cost in hardware and it can be masked efficiently thanks to its sparing use of non-linear gates.Cette note présente la construction et l'implémentation d'une boîte S sur 8 bits qui a un branchement linéaire et différentiel de 3.Nous montrons une application en construisant un chiffre par bloc sur 64 bits dont la structure est très simple et est basée sur l'évaluationen tranches (bitsliced) de la boîte S et des rotations sur mots de 8 bits et qui peut être vu comme une variante de PRESENT avec une boîte S de 8 bits. La fonction de tour de ce chiffre peut s'implémenter avec le même nombred'instructions que celle de PRIDE sur micro-controleurs 8-bits, tout en ayant 1,5 fois plus de boîtes S actives (relativement).Cette boîte S peut aussi s'implémenter efficacement avec des instructions SIMD, a un coût faible en matériel etpeut se masquer efficacement grâce au peu de portes non-linéaires nécessaires
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