3 research outputs found

    Renumbering Still Needs Work

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    Contribución al diseño de arquitecturas distribuidas de nodos de red programable

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    Hoy en día, los nodos de red que forman Internet son complejos sistemas hardware/software que soportan un gran número de protocolos, servicios de red, o funcionalidades avanzadas como rewall o NAT. Sin embargo el proceso para añadir un nuevo protocolo o servicio es extremadamente largo y costoso, debido a múltiples causas, pero especialmente a que los routers siguen siendo sistemas propietarios, integrados verticalmente por los fabricantes. En este sentido, la investigación en redes programables intenta simpli car el desarrollo y el despliegue de los servicios de red mediante la de nición de interfaces abiertos entre todos los elementos que forman el router. Sin embargo hasta que los primeros diseños de nodos de red totalmente programables lleguen a comercializarse, es necesario aportar soluciones a corto y medio plazo que permitan ampliar las capacidades y servicios de los routers de alto rendimiento actuales. Esta tesis presenta una arquitectura de nodo de red programable de transici ón y bajo coste, denominada Simple Assistant-Router Architecture (SARA), que permite extender las capacidades de un router comercial delegando el procesamiento avanzado de los paquetes a un cluster de asistentes , lo que simpli ca el desarrollo y despliegue dinámico de los nuevos servicios de red. Un aspecto fundamental de esta arquitectura distribuida es la de nición de mecanismos de coordinación de los asistentes entre sí y con el router legado. Para ello se propone la utilización del Router-Assistant Protocol (RAP), un protocolo de control que permite a los asistentes con gurar el plano de datos del router, recibir eventos, así como desviar paquetes de señalización y ujos de datos para su procesamiento en los asistentes. Dada la heterogeneidad de los requisitos de las aplicaciones de red es necesario proporcionar varios mecanismos para asegurar un reparto de carga efectivo en el cluster de asistentes. Esta Tesis Doctoral propone dos algoritmos de Fast Robust Hashing que permiten la asignación equitativa y persistente de ujos a asistentes, mejorando el rendimiento de las técnicas de Robust Hashing actuales, por lo que son lo su cientemente e cientes como para ser implementados en el plano de datos de un router comercial. Además, este trabajo especi ca el eXtensible Service Discovery Framework (XSDF), un marco de trabajo sencillo y escalable, que integra en un único proceso el descubrimiento de servicios y el reparto de carga entre servidores desacoplados.Nowadays, the network nodes that build Internet are complex hardware/ software systems, that support many signalling protocols, network services, and complex functionalities such as rewalling or NAT. However adding a new capability is a long, complex and costly process, due to many causes, but specially because routers are still proprietary systems, vertically integrated by the vendors. In this sense, the research in programmable networks tries to simplify the development and deployment of network services by specifying open interfaces among all the elements that make up a router. However, before the rst programmable network nodes start being deployed, it is necessary to provide short and medium term solutions that allow current high-performance routers to add advanced capabilities and new network services. This PhD. Thesis presents a low-cost transition architecture for programmable network nodes named Simple Assistant-Router Architecture (SARA), that allows a commercial router to easily extend its capabilities by delegating the advanced packet processing to a cluster of assistants , which greatly simpli es the development and dynamic deployment of new network services. A key aspect of this distributed architecture is the need of several coordination mechanisms between the router and the assistants, and among assistant themselves. Therefore, the Router-Assistant Protocol (RAP) has been proposed, which is a control protocol based on ForCES, that allows assistants to con gure the router's data plane, to notify events, as well as to divert signalling packets and data ows to the assistants. As network application requirements could be very heterogeneous, it is necessary to provide several mechanisms in order to load-balance the assistant cluster. Thus, this Thesis presents two novel Fast Robust Hashing algorithms that provides a permanent and fair mapping of ows to assistants, and improves existing Robust Hash techniques as it is e cient enough to be implemented in the data plane of a commercial router. Moreover this research work also de - nes the eXtensible Service Discovery Framework (XSDF), which integrates in a single process: scalable service location, and load-sharing among lightly-coupled servers

    Generating personalised service recommendations

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    In the context of service-oriented computing, the issue of service selection is an important one: how can a consumer find and choose a single, appropriate service of the required type, given the mass of services potentially available on a network? By using a service discovery mechanism (the focus of current service selection research), a consumer is able to obtain an unordered list of services which match explicitly specified requirements, from which he must select the service he considers most appropriate. However, formulating the original service request and selecting a service from the returned list are both challenging tasks, particularly for a consumer in unknown circumstances, with unknown services available. This research is thus concerned with the investigation, development and evaluation of a general design for a system that can provide a personalised service recommendation of appropriate services to a requesting consumer. The personalised service recommendation is generated through the assessment of past service selections/usage. A design-adhering prototype has been demonstrated to generate effective personalised service recommendations in a real-world scenario