59 research outputs found

    A unified methodology for heartbeats detection in seismocardiogram and ballistocardiogram signals

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    This work presents a methodology to analyze and segment both seismocardiogram (SCG) and ballistocardiogram (BCG) signals in a unified fashion. An unsupervised approach is followed to extract a template of SCG/BCG heartbeats, which is then used to fine-tune temporal waveform annotation. Rigorous performance assessment is conducted in terms of sensitivity, precision, Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) and Mean Absolute Error (MAE) of annotation. The methodology is tested on four independent datasets, covering different measurement setups and time resolutions. A wide application range is therefore explored, which better characterizes the robustness and generality of the method with respect to a single dataset. Overall, sensitivity and precision scores are uniform across all datasets (p > 0.05 from the Kruskal–Wallis test): the average sensitivity among datasets is 98.7%, with 98.2% precision. On the other hand, a slight yet significant difference in RMSE and MAE scores was found (p < 0.01) in favor of datasets with higher sampling frequency. The best RMSE scores for SCG and BCG are 4.5 and 4.8 ms, respectively; similarly, the best MAE scores are 3.3 and 3.6 ms. The results were compared to relevant recent literature and are found to improve both detection performance and temporal annotation errors

    A Novel Broadband Forcecardiography Sensor for Simultaneous Monitoring of Respiration, Infrasonic Cardiac Vibrations and Heart Sounds

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    The precordial mechanical vibrations generated by cardiac contractions have a rich frequency spectrum. While the lowest frequencies can be palpated, the higher infrasonic frequencies are usually captured by the seismocardiogram (SCG) signal and the audible ones correspond to heart sounds. Forcecardiography (FCG) is a non-invasive technique that measures these vibrations via force sensing resistors (FSR). This study presents a new piezoelectric sensor able to record all heart vibrations simultaneously, as well as a respiration signal. The new sensor was compared to the FSR-based one to assess its suitability for FCG. An electrocardiogram (ECG) lead and a signal from an electro-resistive respiration band (ERB) were synchronously acquired as references on six healthy volunteers (4 males, 2 females) at rest. The raw signals from the piezoelectric and the FSR-based sensors turned out to be very similar. The raw signals were divided into four components: Forcerespirogram (FRG), Low-Frequency FCG (LF-FCG), High-Frequency FCG (HF-FCG) and heart sounds (HS-FCG). A beat-by-beat comparison of FCG and ECG signals was carried out by means of regression, correlation and Bland–Altman analyses, and similarly for respiration signals (FRG and ERB). The results showed that the infrasonic FCG components are strongly related to the cardiac cycle (R2 > 0.999, null bias and Limits of Agreement (LoA) of ± 4.9 ms for HF-FCG; R2 > 0.99, null bias and LoA of ± 26.9 ms for LF-FCG) and the FRG inter-breath intervals are consistent with ERB ones (R2 > 0.99, non-significant bias and LoA of ± 0.46 s). Furthermore, the piezoelectric sensor was tested against an accelerometer and an electronic stethoscope: synchronous acquisitions were performed to quantify the similarity between the signals. ECG-triggered ensemble averages (synchronized with R-peaks) of HF-FCG and SCG showed a correlation greater than 0.81, while those of HS-FCG and PCG scored a correlation greater than 0.85. The piezoelectric sensor demonstrated superior performances as compared to the FSR, providing more accurate, beat-by-beat measurements. This is the first time that a single piezoelectric sensor demonstrated the ability to simultaneously capture respiration, heart sounds, an SCG-like signal (i.e., HF-FCG) and the LF-FCG signal, which may provide information on ventricular emptying and filling events. According to these preliminary results the novel piezoelectric FCG sensor stands as a promising device for accurate, unobtrusive, long-term monitoring of cardiorespiratory functions and paves the way for a wide range of potential applications, both in the research and clinical fields. However, these results should be confirmed by further analyses on a larger cohort of subjects, possibly including also pathological patients

    A novel broadband forcecardiography sensor for simultaneous monitoring of respiration, infrasonic cardiac vibrations and heart sounds

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    The precordial mechanical vibrations generated by cardiac contractions have a rich frequency spectrum. While the lowest frequencies can be palpated, the higher infrasonic frequencies are usually captured by the seismocardiogram (SCG) signal and the audible ones correspond to heart sounds. Forcecardiography (FCG) is a non-invasive technique that measures these vibrations via force sensing resistors (FSR). This study presents a new piezoelectric sensor able to record all heart vibrations simultaneously, as well as a respiration signal. The new sensor was compared to the FSR-based one to assess its suitability for FCG. An electrocardiogram (ECG) lead and a signal from an electro-resistive respiration band (ERB) were synchronously acquired as references on six healthy volunteers (4 males, 2 females) at rest. The raw signals from the piezoelectric and the FSR-based sensors turned out to be very similar. The raw signals were divided into four components: Forcerespirogram (FRG), Low-Frequency FCG (LF-FCG), High- Frequency FCG (HF-FCG) and heart sounds (HS-FCG). A beat-by-beat comparison of FCG and ECG signals was carried out by means of regression, correlation and Bland–Altman analyses, and similarly for respiration signals (FRG and ERB). The results showed that the infrasonic FCG components are strongly related to the cardiac cycle (R2 > 0.999, null bias and Limits of Agreement (LoA) of ± 4.9 ms for HF-FCG; R2 > 0.99, null bias and LoA of ± 26.9 ms for LF-FCG) and the FRG inter-breath intervals are consistent with ERB ones (R2 > 0.99, non-significant bias and LoA of ± 0.46 s). Furthermore, the piezoelectric sensor was tested against an accelerometer and an electronic stethoscope: synchronous acquisitions were performed to quantify the similarity between the signals. ECG-triggered ensemble averages (synchronized with R-peaks) of HF-FCG and SCG showed a correlation greater than 0.81, while those of HS-FCG and PCG scored a correlation greater than 0.85. The piezoelectric sensor demonstrated superior performances as compared to the FSR, providing more accurate, beat-by-beat measurements. This is the first time that a single piezoelectric sensor demonstrated the ability to simultaneously capture respiration, heart sounds, an SCG-like signal (i.e., HF-FCG) and the LF-FCG signal, which may provide information on ventricular emptying and filling events. According to these preliminary results the novel piezoelectric FCG sensor stands as a promising device for accurate, unobtrusive, long-term monitoring of cardiorespiratory functions and paves the way for a wide range of potential applications, both in the research and clinical fields. However, these results should be confirmed by further analyses on a larger cohort of subjects, possibly including also pathological patients

    High-resolution seismocardiogram acquisition and analysis system

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    Several devices and measurement approaches have recently been developed to perform ballistocardiogram (BCG) and seismocardiogram (SCG) measurements. The development of a wireless acquisition system (hardware and software), incorporating a novel high-resolution micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) accelerometer for SCG and BCG signals acquisition and data treatment is presented in this paper. A small accelerometer, with a sensitivity of up to 0.164 µs/µg and a noise density below 6.5 µg/ Hz is presented and used in a wireless acquisition system for BCG and SCG measurement applications. The wireless acquisition system also incorporates electrocardiogram (ECG) signals acquisition, and the developed software enables the real-time acquisition and visualization of SCG and ECG signals (sensor positioned on chest). It then calculates metrics related to cardiac performance as well as the correlation of data from previously performed sessions with echocardiogram (ECHO) parameters. A preliminarily clinical study of over 22 subjects (including healthy subjects and cardiovascular patients) was performed to test the capability of the developed system. Data correlation between this measurement system and echocardiogram exams is also performed. The high resolution of the MEMS accelerometer used provides a better signal for SCG wave recognition, enabling a more consistent study of the diagnostic capability of this technique in clinical analysis.This work is supported by FCT with the reference project UID/EEA/04436/2013, COMPETE 2020 with the code POCI-01-0145-FEDER-006941

    Seismocardiography:Interpretation and Clinical Application

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    High-Performance Accelerometer Based On Asymmetric Gapped Cantilevers For Physiological Acoustic Sensing

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    Continuous or mobile monitoring of physiological sounds is expected to play important role in the emerging mobile healthcare field. Because of the miniature size, low cost, and easy installation, accelerometer is an excellent choice for continuous physiological acoustic signal monitoring. However, in order to capture the detailed information in the physiological signals for clinical diagnostic purpose, there are more demanding requirements on the sensitivity/noise performance of accelerometers. In this thesis, a unique piezoelectric accelerometer based on the asymmetric gapped cantilever which exhibits significantly improved sensitivity is extensively studied. A meso-scale prototype is developed for capturing the high quality cardio and respiratory sounds on healthy people as well as on heart failure patients. A cascaded gapped cantilever based accelerometer is also explored for low frequency vibration sensing applications such as ballistocardiogram monitoring. Finally, to address the power issues of wireless sensors such as wireless wearable health monitors, a wide band vibration energy harvester based on a folded gapped cantilever is developed and demonstrated on a ceiling air condition unit

    Data-driven methods for analyzing ballistocardiograms in longitudinal cardiovascular monitoring

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    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death in the US; about 48% of American adults have one or more types of CVD. The importance of continuous monitoring of the older population, for early detection of changes in health conditions, has been shown in the literature, as the key to a successful clinical intervention. We have been investigating environmentally-embedded in-home networks of non-invasive sensing modalities. This dissertation concentrates on the signal processing techniques required for the robust extraction of morphological features from the ballistocardiographs (BCG), and machine learning approaches to utilize these features in non-invasive monitoring of cardiovascular conditions. At first, enhancements in the time domain detection of the cardiac cycle are addressed due to its importance in the estimation of heart rate variability (HRV) and sleep stages. The proposed enhancements in the energy-based algorithm for BCG beat detection have shown at least 50% improvement in the root mean square error (RMSE) of the beat to beat heart rate estimations compared to the reference estimations from the electrocardiogram (ECG) R to R intervals. These results are still subject to some errors, primarily due to the contamination of noise and motion artifacts caused by floor vibration, unconstrained subject movements, or even the respiratory activities. Aging, diseases, breathing, and sleep disorders can also affect the quality of estimation as they slightly modify the morphology of the BCG waveform.Includes bibliographical reference

    Signal Processing Methods for Heart Rate Detection Using the Seismocardiogram

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    Cardiac diseases are one of the major causes of death. Heart monitoring/diagnostic techniques have been developed over decades to address this concern. Monitoring a vital sign such as heart rate is a powerful technique for heart abnormalities detection (e.g., arrhythmia). The novelty of this work is that offers new heart rate detection methods which are both robust and adaptive compared to existing heart rate detec- tion methods. Utilized data sets in this research have been provided from two sources of PhysioNet and a research group. In this work, utilized methods for heart rate detection include Signal Energy Thresholding (SET), Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Empirical Wavelet Transform (EWT). To the best of the author’s knowledge, this work is the first to use EMD and EWT for heart rate detection from Seismocardiogram (SCG) signal. Obtained result from applying SET to ECG signal is selected as our ground truth. Then, all three methods are used for heart rate detection from the SCG signal. The average error of SET method, EWT and EMD respectively 13.9 ms, 13.8 ms and 16 ms. Based on the obtained results, EMD and EWT are promising techniques for heart rate detection and interpretation from the SCG signal. Another contribution of this work is arrhythmia detection using EWT. EWT provides us with the instantaneous frequency changes of the corresponding modes to ECG signal. Based on the estimated power spectral density of each mode, power spectral density of arrhythmia affected ECG is higher (≥ 50dB) compared to the power spectral density of a normal ECG (≤ 20dB). This provides the potential for arrhythmia detection using EWT

    Signal Processing Methods for Heart Rate Detection Using the Seismocardiogram

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    Cardiac diseases are one of the major causes of death. Heart monitoring/diagnostic techniques have been developed over decades to address this concern. Monitoring a vital sign such as heart rate is a powerful technique for heart abnormalities detection (e.g., arrhythmia). The novelty of this work is that offers new heart rate detection methods which are both robust and adaptive compared to existing heart rate detec- tion methods. Utilized data sets in this research have been provided from two sources of PhysioNet and a research group. In this work, utilized methods for heart rate detection include Signal Energy Thresholding (SET), Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) and Empirical Wavelet Transform (EWT). To the best of the author’s knowledge, this work is the first to use EMD and EWT for heart rate detection from Seismocardiogram (SCG) signal. Obtained result from applying SET to ECG signal is selected as our ground truth. Then, all three methods are used for heart rate detection from the SCG signal. The average error of SET method, EWT and EMD respectively 13.9 ms, 13.8 ms and 16 ms. Based on the obtained results, EMD and EWT are promising techniques for heart rate detection and interpretation from the SCG signal. Another contribution of this work is arrhythmia detection using EWT. EWT provides us with the instantaneous frequency changes of the corresponding modes to ECG signal. Based on the estimated power spectral density of each mode, power spectral density of arrhythmia affected ECG is higher (≥ 50dB) compared to the power spectral density of a normal ECG (≤ 20dB). This provides the potential for arrhythmia detection using EWT

    Multimodal Photoplethysmography-Based Approaches for Improved Detection of Hypertension

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    Elevated blood pressure (BP) is a major cause of death, yet hypertension commonly goes undetected. Owing to its nature, it is typically asymptomatic until later in its progression when the vessel or organ structure has already been compromised. Therefore, noninvasive and continuous BP measurement methods are needed to ensure appropriate diagnosis and early management before hypertension leads to irreversible complications. Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a noninvasive technology with waveform morphologies similar to that of arterial BP waveforms, therefore attracting interest regarding its usability in BP estimation. In recent years, wearable devices incorporating PPG sensors have been proposed to improve the early diagnosis and management of hypertension. Additionally, the need for improved accuracy and convenience has led to the development of devices that incorporate multiple different biosignals with PPG. Through the addition of modalities such as an electrocardiogram, a final measure of the pulse wave velocity is derived, which has been proved to be inversely correlated to BP and to yield accurate estimations. This paper reviews and summarizes recent studies within the period 2010-2019 that combined PPG with other biosignals and offers perspectives on the strengths and weaknesses of current developments to guide future advancements in BP measurement. Our literature review reveals promising measurement accuracies and we comment on the effective combinations of modalities and success of this technology
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