3,582 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Statistical Features for Medical Image Retrieval

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    In this paper we present a complete system allowing the classification of medical images in order to detect possible diseases present in them. The proposed method is developed in two distinct stages: calculation of descriptors and their classification. In the first stage we compute a vector of thirty-three statistical features: seven are related to statistics of the first level order, fifteen to that of second level where thirteen are calculated by means of co-occurrence matrices and two with absolute gradient; the last thirteen finally are calculated using run-length matrices. In the second phase, using the descriptors already calculated, there is the actual image classification. Naive Bayes, RBF, Support VectorMa- chine, K-Nearest Neighbor, Random Forest and Random Tree classifiers are used. The results obtained from the proposed system show that the analysis carried out both on textured and on medical images lead to have a high accuracy

    A study on non-destructive method for detecting Toxin in pepper using Neural networks

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    Mycotoxin contamination in certain agricultural systems have been a serious concern for human and animal health. Mycotoxins are toxic substances produced mostly as secondary metabolites by fungi that grow on seeds and feed in the field, or in storage. The food-borne Mycotoxins likely to be of greatest significance for human health in tropical developing countries are Aflatoxins and Fumonisins. Chili pepper is also prone to Aflatoxin contamination during harvesting, production and storage periods.Various methods used for detection of Mycotoxins give accurate results, but they are slow, expensive and destructive. Destructive method is testing a material that degrades the sample under investigation. Whereas, non-destructive testing will, after testing, allow the part to be used for its intended purpose. Ultrasonic methods, Multispectral image processing methods, Terahertz methods, X-ray and Thermography have been very popular in nondestructive testing and characterization of materials and health monitoring. Image processing methods are used to improve the visual quality of the pictures and to extract useful information from them. In this proposed work, the chili pepper samples will be collected, and the X-ray, multispectral images of the samples will be processed using image processing methods. The term "Computational Intelligence" referred as simulation of human intelligence on computers. It is also called as "Artificial Intelligence" (AI) approach. The techniques used in AI approach are Neural network, Fuzzy logic and evolutionary computation. Finally, the computational intelligence method will be used in addition to image processing to provide best, high performance and accurate results for detecting the Mycotoxin level in the samples collected.Comment: 11 pages,1 figure; International Journal of Artificial Intelligence & Applications (IJAIA), Vol.3, No.4, July 201

    Computer-aided Diagnosis in Breast Ultrasound

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    Cancer remains a leading cause of death in Taiwan, and the prevalence of breast cancer has increased in recent years. The early detection and diagnosis of breast cancer is the key to ensuring prompt treatment and a reduced death rate. Mammography and ultrasound (US) are the main imaging techniques used in the detection of breast cancer. The heterogeneity of breast cancers leads to an overlap in benign and malignant ultrasonography images, and US examinations are also operator dependent. Recently, computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) has become a major research topic in medical imaging and diagnosis. Technical advances such as tissue harmonic imaging, compound imaging, split screen imaging and extended field-of-view imaging, Doppler US, the use of intravenous contrast agents, elastography, and CAD systems have expanded the clinical application of breast US. Breast US CAD can be an efficient computerized model to provide a second opinion and avoid interobserver variation. Various breast US CAD systems have been developed using techniques which combine image texture extraction and a decision-making algorithm. However, the textural analysis is system dependent and can only be performed well using one specific US system. Recently, several researchers have demonstrated the use of such CAD systems with various US machines mainly for preprocessing techniques designed to homogenize textural features between systems. Morphology-based CAD systems used for the diagnosis of solid breast tumors have the advantage of being nearly independent of either the settings of US systems or different US machines. Future research on CAD systems should include pathologically specific tissue-related and hormonerelated conjecture, which could be applied to picture archiving and communication systems or teleradiology

    IVUS-based histology of atherosclerotic plaques: improving longitudinal resolution

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    Although Virtual Histology (VH) is the in-vivo gold standard for atherosclerosis plaque characterization in IVUS images, it suffers from a poor longitudinal resolution due to ECG-gating. In this paper, we propose an image- based approach to overcome this limitation. Since each tissue have different echogenic characteristics, they show in IVUS images different local frequency components. By using Redundant Wavelet Packet Transform (RWPT), IVUS images are decomposed in multiple sub-band images. To encode the textural statistics of each resulting image, run-length features are extracted from the neighborhood centered on each pixel. To provide the best discrimination power according to these features, relevant sub-bands are selected by using Local Discriminant Bases (LDB) algorithm in combination with Fisher’s criterion. A structure of weighted multi-class SVM permits the classification of the extracted feature vectors into three tissue classes, namely fibro-fatty, necrotic core and dense calcified tissues. Results shows the superiority of our approach with an overall accuracy of 72% in comparison to methods based on Local Binary Pattern and Co-occurrence, which respectively give accuracy rates of 70% and 71%

    Multimodal machine learning for intelligent mobility

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    Scientific problems are solved by finding the optimal solution for a specific task. Some problems can be solved analytically while other problems are solved using data driven methods. The use of digital technologies to improve the transportation of people and goods, which is referred to as intelligent mobility, is one of the principal beneficiaries of data driven solutions. Autonomous vehicles are at the heart of the developments that propel Intelligent Mobility. Due to the high dimensionality and complexities involved in real-world environments, it needs to become commonplace for intelligent mobility to use data-driven solutions. As it is near impossible to program decision making logic for every eventuality manually. While recent developments of data-driven solutions such as deep learning facilitate machines to learn effectively from large datasets, the application of techniques within safety-critical systems such as driverless cars remain scarce.Autonomous vehicles need to be able to make context-driven decisions autonomously in different environments in which they operate. The recent literature on driverless vehicle research is heavily focused only on road or highway environments but have discounted pedestrianized areas and indoor environments. These unstructured environments tend to have more clutter and change rapidly over time. Therefore, for intelligent mobility to make a significant impact on human life, it is vital to extend the application beyond the structured environments. To further advance intelligent mobility, researchers need to take cues from multiple sensor streams, and multiple machine learning algorithms so that decisions can be robust and reliable. Only then will machines indeed be able to operate in unstructured and dynamic environments safely. Towards addressing these limitations, this thesis investigates data driven solutions towards crucial building blocks in intelligent mobility. Specifically, the thesis investigates multimodal sensor data fusion, machine learning, multimodal deep representation learning and its application of intelligent mobility. This work demonstrates that mobile robots can use multimodal machine learning to derive driver policy and therefore make autonomous decisions.To facilitate autonomous decisions necessary to derive safe driving algorithms, we present an algorithm for free space detection and human activity recognition. Driving these decision-making algorithms are specific datasets collected throughout this study. They include the Loughborough London Autonomous Vehicle dataset, and the Loughborough London Human Activity Recognition dataset. The datasets were collected using an autonomous platform design and developed in house as part of this research activity. The proposed framework for Free-Space Detection is based on an active learning paradigm that leverages the relative uncertainty of multimodal sensor data streams (ultrasound and camera). It utilizes an online learning methodology to continuously update the learnt model whenever the vehicle experiences new environments. The proposed Free Space Detection algorithm enables an autonomous vehicle to self-learn, evolve and adapt to new environments never encountered before. The results illustrate that online learning mechanism is superior to one-off training of deep neural networks that require large datasets to generalize to unfamiliar surroundings. The thesis takes the view that human should be at the centre of any technological development related to artificial intelligence. It is imperative within the spectrum of intelligent mobility where an autonomous vehicle should be aware of what humans are doing in its vicinity. Towards improving the robustness of human activity recognition, this thesis proposes a novel algorithm that classifies point-cloud data originated from Light Detection and Ranging sensors. The proposed algorithm leverages multimodality by using the camera data to identify humans and segment the region of interest in point cloud data. The corresponding 3-dimensional data was converted to a Fisher Vector Representation before being classified by a deep Convolutional Neural Network. The proposed algorithm classifies the indoor activities performed by a human subject with an average precision of 90.3%. When compared to an alternative point cloud classifier, PointNet[1], [2], the proposed framework out preformed on all classes. The developed autonomous testbed for data collection and algorithm validation, as well as the multimodal data-driven solutions for driverless cars, is the major contributions of this thesis. It is anticipated that these results and the testbed will have significant implications on the future of intelligent mobility by amplifying the developments of intelligent driverless vehicles.</div

    A Survey on Hybrid Techniques Using SVM

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    Support Vector Machines (SVM) with linear or nonlinear kernels has become one of the most promising learning algorithms for classification as well as for regression. All the multilayer perceptron (MLP),Radial Basic Function(RBF) and Learning Polynomials are also worked efficiently with SVM. SVM is basically derived from statistical Learning Theory and it is very powerful statistical tool. The basic principal for the SVM is structural risk minimization and closely related to regularization theory. SVM is a group of supervised learning techniques or methods, which is used to do for classification or regression. In this paper discussed the importance of Support Vector Machines in various areas. This paper discussing the efficiency of SVM with the combination of other classification techniques