1,120 research outputs found

    Vision, Action, and Make-Perceive

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    In this paper, I critically assess the enactive account of visual perception recently defended by Alva Noë (2004). I argue inter alia that the enactive account falsely identifies an object’s apparent shape with its 2D perspectival shape; that it mistakenly assimilates visual shape perception and volumetric object recognition; and that it seriously misrepresents the constitutive role of bodily action in visual awareness. I argue further that noticing an object’s perspectival shape involves a hybrid experience combining both perceptual and imaginative elements – an act of what I call ‘make-perceive.

    An efficient algorithm for overlapping bubbles segmentation

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    Image processing is an effective method for characterizing various two-phase gas/liquid flow systems. However, bubbly flows at a high void fraction impose significant challenges such as diverse bubble shapes and sizes, large overlapping bubble clusters occurrence, as well as out-of-focus bubbles. This study describes an efficient multi-level image processing algorithm for highly overlapping bubbles recognition. The proposed approach performs mainly in three steps: overlapping bubbles classification, contour segmentation and arcs grouping for bubble reconstruction. In the first step, we classify bubbles in the image into a solitary bubble and overlapping bubbles. The purpose of the second step is overlapping bubbles segmentation. This step is performed in two subsequent steps: at first, we classify bubble clusters into touching and communicating bubbles. Then, the boundaries of communicating bubbles are split into segments based on concave point extraction. The last step in our algorithm addresses segments grouping to merge all contour segments that belong to the same bubble and circle/ellipse fitting to reconstruct the missing part of each bubble. An application of the proposed technique to computer generated and high-speed real air bubble images is used to assess our algorithm. The developed method provides an accurate and computationally effective way for overlapping bubbles segmentation. The accuracy rate of well segmented bubbles we achieved is greater than 90 % in all cases. Moreover, a computation time equal to 12 seconds for a typical image (1 Mpx, 150 overlapping bubbles) is reached

    Connectivity-Enforcing Hough Transform for the Robust Extraction of Line Segments

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    Global voting schemes based on the Hough transform (HT) have been widely used to robustly detect lines in images. However, since the votes do not take line connectivity into account, these methods do not deal well with cluttered images. In opposition, the so-called local methods enforce connectivity but lack robustness to deal with challenging situations that occur in many realistic scenarios, e.g., when line segments cross or when long segments are corrupted. In this paper, we address the critical limitations of the HT as a line segment extractor by incorporating connectivity in the voting process. This is done by only accounting for the contributions of edge points lying in increasingly larger neighborhoods and whose position and directional content agree with potential line segments. As a result, our method, which we call STRAIGHT (Segment exTRAction by connectivity-enforcInG HT), extracts the longest connected segments in each location of the image, thus also integrating into the HT voting process the usually separate step of individual segment extraction. The usage of the Hough space mapping and a corresponding hierarchical implementation make our approach computationally feasible. We present experiments that illustrate, with synthetic and real images, how STRAIGHT succeeds in extracting complete segments in several situations where current methods fail.Comment: Submitted for publicatio

    A Fast Spectral Method for Active 3D Shape Reconstruction

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    Variational energy minimization techniques for surface reconstruction are implemented by evolving an active surface according to the solutions of a sequence of elliptic partial differential equations (PDE's). For these techniques, most current approaches to solving the elliptic PDE are iterative involving the implementation of costly finite element methods (FEM) or finite difference methods (FDM). The heavy computational cost of these methods makes practical application to 3D surface reconstruction burdensome. In this paper, we develop a fast spectral method which is applied to 3D active surface reconstruction of star-shaped surfaces parameterized in polar coordinates. For this parameterization the Euler-Lagrange equation is a Helmholtz-type PDE governing a diffusion on the unit sphere. After linearization, we implement a spectral non-iterative solution of the Helmholtz equation by representing the active surface as a double Fourier series over angles in spherical coordinates. We show how this approach can be extended to include region-based penalization. A number of 3D examples and simulation results are presented to illustrate the performance of our fast spectral active surface algorithms.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/46627/1/10851_2004_Article_5151173.pd

    Color and Shape Recognition

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    The object "car" and "cat" can be easily distinguished by humans, but how these labels are assigned? Grouping these images is easy for a person into different categories, but its very tedious for a computer. Hence, an object recognition system finds objects in the real world from an image. Object recognition algorithms rely on matching, learning or pattern recognition algorithms using appearance-based or feature-based techniques. In this thesis, the use of color and shape attributes as an explicit color and shape representation respectively for object detection is proposed. Color attributes are dense, computationally effective, and when joined with old-fashioned shape features provide pleasing results for object detection. The procedure of shape detection is actually a natural extension of the job of edge detection at the pixel level to the difficulty of global contour detection. A tool for a systematic analysis of edge based shape detection is provided by this filtering scheme. This enables us to find distinctions between objects based on color and shape

    Large-Scale Permanent Slide Imaging and Image Analysis for Diatom Morphometrics

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    Light microscopy analysis of diatom frustules is widely used in basic and applied research, notably taxonomy, morphometrics, water quality monitoring and paleo-environmental studies. Although there is a need for automation in these applications, various developments in image processing and analysis methodology supporting these tasks have not become widespread in diatom-based analyses. We have addressed this issue by combining our automated diatom image analysis software SHERPA with a commercial slide-scanning microscope. The resulting workflow enables mass-analyses of a broad range of morphometric features from individual frustules mounted on permanent slides. Extensive automation and internal quality control of the results helps to minimize user intervention, but care was taken to allow the user to stay in control of the most critical steps (exact segmentation of valve outlines and selection of objects of interest) using interactive functions for reviewing and revising results. In this contribution, we describe our workflow and give an overview of factors critical for success, ranging from preparation and mounting through slide scanning and autofocus finding to final morphometric data extraction. To demonstrate the usability of our methods we finally provide an example application by analysing Fragilariopsis kerguelensis valves originating from a sediment core, which substantially extends the size range reported in the literature

    Cortical Dynamics of 3-D Figure-Ground Perception of 2-D Pictures

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    This article develops the FACADE theory of 3-D vision and figure-ground separation to explain data concerning how 2-D pictures give rise to 3-D percepts of occluding and occluded objects. These percepts include pop-out of occluding figures and amodal completion of occluded figures in response to line drawings, to Bregman-Kanizsa displays in which the relative contrasts of occluding and occluded surfaces are reversed, to White displays from which either transparent or opaque occlusion percepts can obtain, to Egusa and Kanizsa square displays in which brighter regions look closer, and to Kanizsa stratification displays in which bistable reversals of occluding and occluded surfaces occurs, and in which real contours and illusory contours compete to alter the reversal percept. The model describes how changes in contrast can alter a percept without a change in geometry, and conversely. More generally it shows how geometrical and contrastive properties of a picture can either cooperate or compete when forming the boundaries and surface representations that subserve conscious percepts. Spatially long-range cooperation and spatially short-range competition work together to separate the boundaries of occluding figures from their occluded neighbors. This boundary ownership process is sensitive to image T-junctions at which occluded figures contact occluding figures, but there are no explicit T-junction detectors in the network. Rather, the contextual balance of boundary cooperation and competition strengthens some boundaries while breaking others. These boundaries control the filling-in of color within multiple, depth-sensitive surface respresentations. Feedback between surface and boundary representations strengthens consistent boundaries while inhibiting inconsistent ones. It is suggested how both the boundary and the surface representations of occluded objects may be amodally completed, even while the surface representations of unocclucled objects become visible through modal completion. Distinct functional roles for conscious modal and amodal representations in object recognition, spatial attention, and reaching behaviors are discussed. Model interactions are interpreted in terms of visual, temporal, and parietal cortex. Model concepts provide a mechanistic neural explanation and revision of such Gestalt principles as good continuation, stratification, and non-accidental solution.Office of Naval Research (N00014-91-J-4100, N00014-95-I-0409, N00014-95-I-0657, N00014-92-J-11015

    A Generalized 2-D Multiport Model for Planar Circuits with Slots in Ground Plane

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    With increasing complexity of microwave integrated circuits and tendency towards building integrated modules, real estate in printed circuit boards becomes more at premium. On the other hand, building MIC's on a single semiconductor substrate such as GaAs has other drawbacks as substrate requirements for different components are sometimes contradictory. This has motivated researchers to consider multi-layer and stacked designs. Multi-layer planar circuits offer advantages that cannot be equaled by traditional single layer designs. In this respect, a new class of planar structures, based upon a multi-layered stack of dual-mode stripline or microstrip patches is becoming increasingly popular. In the new stacked design coupling between planar circuits separated by a ground plane is accomplished through coupling apertures in the common ground plane. This thesis is about developing a new approximate multiport network model for fast analysis of multi-layered planar structures with ground plane slots. To extend applicability of multiport network model (MNM) to the class of planar structures containing ground plane slots, a generalized network formulation for aperture problems is combined with traditional MNM to account for the presence of the slot. To this end, the slot is replaced by an unknown equivalent surface magnetic current. Slot ports are defined in terms of electric and magnetic fields over the slot in accordance with the generalized network formulation for aperture problems. While traditional MNM for planar circuits is based on generalized impedance matrices, we adopt a hybrid matrix approach for multi-layer structures. The hybrid matrix consists of four sub-matrices that relate terminal voltages and currents of edge and slot ports. The same generalized impedance matrix in the absence of the slot can be used to relate terminal voltages and currents of edge ports when the slot ports are short-circuited. Open circuit voltage at edge ports due to terminal voltages at slot ports and terminal currents at slot ports due to input currents at edge ports are represented by two transfer matrices. Both these transfer matrices can be calculated from 2D analysis which only considers TMz modes. Interaction among slot ports, represented by a generalized admittance matrix, however, requires considering both TMz and TEz modes. This generalized admittance matrix is obtained from tangential component of the magnetic field over the slot due to the equivalent surface magnetic current and relates terminal voltages and currents of slot ports. Full modal expansion consisting of both TMz and TEz modes is used to compute the generalized admittance matrix of a slot in a regularly shaped planar cavity. For irregularly shaped patches, modal expansion is not available. Instead, a new contour integral equation for magnetic field, derived for the first time in this thesis, is combined with complex images method for calculation of generalized admittance matrix of a slot radiating in a planar cavity of arbitrary shape. Once the hybrid matrix representation of a planar circuit on a ground plane containing a slot is derived, it can be connected to the hybrid matrix of any other planar circuit on the other side of the ground plane. This can be done by enforcing network equivalent of continuity of tangential fields across the slot. This leads to a generalized impedance matrix for the multi-layer structure relating terminal voltages and currents of edge ports of both planar circuits. To show the accuracy of the proposed method of analysis, several proof-of-concept structures have been analyzed by both this method and ANSOFT HFSS full-wave simulator as a reference. In most cases excellent agreement is achieved in predicting the return loss and radiation patterns of these multi-layer structures which proves the validity of the proposed approach for fast analysis and design of multi-layer planar structures

    Assessment of slope failures off Vancouver Island revealed in EM300 multibeam bathymetry data

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    Multibeam bathymetric data acquired off Vancouver Island across the accretionary prism of the Cascadia subduction zone reveal a prominent segmentation of the deformation front with dominant azimuths of the ridges at ~120° and ~150° and abundant submarine landslides. Both these ridge-orientations are oblique to the direction of subduction (~45°). Ridges at a strike of ~120° show dominantly rectangular-shaped failure head-scarps and intact blocks of sediments within the failed sediment mass, whereas ridges with an azimuth of ~150° show curved head-scarps and incoherent debris in the failure mass. We propose that this systematic change in failure-style is related to the underlying thrust fault system producing steeper and taller ridges for azimuths around 150°, but less steep and tall ridges at 120°. Thus, debris-flow style failure is simply a result of higher kinetic forcing of the down-sliding sediment mass: more mixing and destruction of the coherent blocks for taller and steeper ridges, and blocks of intact sediment for gentle slopes and less elevated ridges. A segmentation of the deformation front and ridge alignment into two dominant azimuths could be a result of: a) complex interaction and competing forces from overall slab-pull (45°), b) re-activated faults orientated almost N-S (~175°) on the oceanic plate and overlying sediment cover (reflected in the magnetic stripes and abyssal plain strike-slip faulting), and c) relative orientation of the back-stop off Vancouver Island and accreted terranes (at ~127° following the coastline between Nootka Island and Port Renfrew). Extensional faulting is observed only at ridges with debris-flow style failure, which also are the ridges with larger height and steeper slopes. These extensional faults may be the result of over-steepening of the ridges and collapse of the sediment pile that can no longer withstand its own weight due to limited internal shear strength