4 research outputs found

    Segmentation in Echocardiographic Sequences Using Shape-based Snake Model

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    A method for segmentation of cardiac structures especially for mitral valve in echocardiographic sequences is presented. The method is motivated by the observation that the structures of neighboring frames have consistent locations and shapes that aid in segmentation. To cooperate with the constraining information provided by the neighboring frames, we combine the template matching with the conventional snake model. It means that the model not only is driven by conventional internal and external forces, but also combines an additional constraint, the matching degree to measure the similarity between the neighboring prior shape and the derived contour. Furthermore, in order to automatically or semi-automatically segment the sequent images without manually drawing the initial contours in each image, generalized Hough transformation (GHT) is used to roughly estimate the initial contour by transforming the neighboring prior shape. Based on the experiments on forty sequences, the method is particularly useful in case of the large frame-to-frame displacement of structure such as mitral valve. As a result, the active contour can easily detect the desirable boundaries in ultrasound images and has a high penetrability through the interference of various undesirables, such as the speckle, the tissue-related textures and the artifacts

    Augmenting CT cardiac roadmaps with segmented streaming ultrasound

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    Static X-ray computed tomography (CT) volumes are often used as anatomic roadmaps during catheter-based cardiac interventions performed under X-ray fluoroscopy guidance. These CT volumes provide a high-resolution depiction of soft-tissue structures, but at only a single point within the cardiac and respiratory cycles. Augmenting these static CT roadmaps with segmented myocardial borders extracted from live ultrasound (US) provides intra-operative access to real-time dynamic information about the cardiac anatomy. In this work, using a customized segmentation method based on a 3D active mesh, endocardial borders of the left ventricle were extracted from US image streams (4D data sets) at a frame rate of approximately 5 frames per second. The coordinate systems for CT and US modalities were registered using rigid body registration based on manually selected landmarks, and the segmented endocardial surfaces were overlaid onto the CT volume. The root-mean squared fiducial registration error was 3.80 mm. The accuracy of the segmentation was quantitatively evaluated in phantom and human volunteer studies via comparison with manual tracings on 9 randomly selected frames using a finite-element model (the US image resolutions of the phantom and volunteer data were 1.3 x 1.1 x 1.3 mm and 0.70 x 0.82 x 0.77 mm, respectively). This comparison yielded 3.70±2.5 mm (approximately 3 pixels) root-mean squared error (RMSE) in a phantom study and 2.58±1.58 mm (approximately 3 pixels) RMSE in a clinical study. The combination of static anatomical roadmap volumes and dynamic intra-operative anatomic information will enable better guidance and feedback for image-guided minimally invasive cardiac interventions

    Méthodes de segmentation d'images médicales basées sur la fusion d'information clinique : application à l'ouverture de la valve aortique et à la réalisation des contours de la prostate

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    Le domaine de l’imagerie médicale a pris depuis de nombreuses années un essor sans pareil permettant le développement de nouvelles méthodes de diagnostic et de traitement. Celles-ci se sont évidemment accompagnées de nombreux outils facilitant le travail des médecins. La présente thèse propose deux approches pour l’aide à la segmentation de structures anatomiques sur des images médicales. Une première technique se penche sur la détermination semi-automatique de l’aire de l’ouverture de la valve aortique. La combinaison des contours actifs et d’information a priori provenant de l’électrocardiogramme constitue une contribution majeure de cette méthode. Des essais ont été réalisés sur six patients. Ils ont produit une courbe de l’évolution temporelle de l’aire de la valve comparable à celle obtenue avec une segmentation manuelle. La seconde méthode permet de tracer les contours de la prostate sur des images de CT en exploitant l’information sur la prostate obtenue d’images d’échographie. L’objectif de cette méthode est de proposer des contours initiaux aux radio-oncologues afin de réduire la variabilité dans la détermination du volume de la prostate. La contribution majeure de cette technique est la projection des contours extraits de l’échographie sur les images de CT. Ces contours sont ensuite déformés pour les adapter à la forme réelle de la prostate sur l’image CT. Une étude clinique a été menée afin de vérifier l’impact de l’utilisation de cet outil d’aide au traçage des contours sur la variabilité intra et inter-observateurs. Les résultats de cette étude ont été très concluants puisqu’ils ont permis de montrer qu’il est possible de diminuer la variabilité inter-observateur de 6% sur le volume complet. L’étude n’a par contre pas permis de tirer une conclusion définitive concernant la diminution de la variabilité intra observateur. Le temps nécessaire pour le traçage des contours constituait aussi un aspect qui a été mesuré par cette étude. Les résultats obtenus montrent une diminution de 46% du temps nécessaire pour la réalisation des contours lorsque l’on propose des contours initiaux adaptés à l’image.Since many years the use of medical imaging techniques has increased significantly. Medical imaging has driven the development of treatments and diagnosis to increase the efficiency and the precision of the physicians. This thesis proposes two methods to help the segmentation of anatomical structures in medical images. The first technique creates semi-automatic segmentation for the opening of the aortic valve. This method combines active contours (snakes) and a priori information from the electrocardiogram for guiding the segmentation. This association is the major contribution of this approach. This method has been tested on six patients. The curve of the area of the opening of the valve produced by the algorithm is very similar to the same curve obtained with manual segmentation. The second technique extracts a segmentation of the prostate on CT images using ultrasound data. The aim of this tool is to suggest initial contours to the physician in order to reduce the variability in his delineation of the prostate volume. The major contribution of this technique is to project planning ultrasound contours on the CT images. After the projection, the contours are directly adapted to the CT image with a deformation process. A clinical survey has been led to assess that this tool can help to reduce the intra and inter-observer variability in his delineation of the prostate volume. The result of this study shows that it is possible to reduce the inter-observer variability by 6% on the complete volume. It is also possible to reduce the intra observer variability by 12%. The time for delineation of the prostate was also a factor that was measured in the clinical study. It was found that it is possible to reduce the time to draw contours as much as 46% when initial contours are suggested to the physician