3,382 research outputs found

    Occlusion-Aware Object Localization, Segmentation and Pose Estimation

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    We present a learning approach for localization and segmentation of objects in an image in a manner that is robust to partial occlusion. Our algorithm produces a bounding box around the full extent of the object and labels pixels in the interior that belong to the object. Like existing segmentation aware detection approaches, we learn an appearance model of the object and consider regions that do not fit this model as potential occlusions. However, in addition to the established use of pairwise potentials for encouraging local consistency, we use higher order potentials which capture information at the level of im- age segments. We also propose an efficient loss function that targets both localization and segmentation performance. Our algorithm achieves 13.52% segmentation error and 0.81 area under the false-positive per image vs. recall curve on average over the challenging CMU Kitchen Occlusion Dataset. This is a 42.44% decrease in segmentation error and a 16.13% increase in localization performance compared to the state-of-the-art. Finally, we show that the visibility labelling produced by our algorithm can make full 3D pose estimation from a single image robust to occlusion.Comment: British Machine Vision Conference 2015 (poster

    Data-Driven Grasp Synthesis - A Survey

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    We review the work on data-driven grasp synthesis and the methodologies for sampling and ranking candidate grasps. We divide the approaches into three groups based on whether they synthesize grasps for known, familiar or unknown objects. This structure allows us to identify common object representations and perceptual processes that facilitate the employed data-driven grasp synthesis technique. In the case of known objects, we concentrate on the approaches that are based on object recognition and pose estimation. In the case of familiar objects, the techniques use some form of a similarity matching to a set of previously encountered objects. Finally for the approaches dealing with unknown objects, the core part is the extraction of specific features that are indicative of good grasps. Our survey provides an overview of the different methodologies and discusses open problems in the area of robot grasping. We also draw a parallel to the classical approaches that rely on analytic formulations.Comment: 20 pages, 30 Figures, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotic

    Computerized Analysis of Magnetic Resonance Images to Study Cerebral Anatomy in Developing Neonates

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    The study of cerebral anatomy in developing neonates is of great importance for the understanding of brain development during the early period of life. This dissertation therefore focuses on three challenges in the modelling of cerebral anatomy in neonates during brain development. The methods that have been developed all use Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) as source data. To facilitate study of vascular development in the neonatal period, a set of image analysis algorithms are developed to automatically extract and model cerebral vessel trees. The whole process consists of cerebral vessel tracking from automatically placed seed points, vessel tree generation, and vasculature registration and matching. These algorithms have been tested on clinical Time-of- Flight (TOF) MR angiographic datasets. To facilitate study of the neonatal cortex a complete cerebral cortex segmentation and reconstruction pipeline has been developed. Segmentation of the neonatal cortex is not effectively done by existing algorithms designed for the adult brain because the contrast between grey and white matter is reversed. This causes pixels containing tissue mixtures to be incorrectly labelled by conventional methods. The neonatal cortical segmentation method that has been developed is based on a novel expectation-maximization (EM) method with explicit correction for mislabelled partial volume voxels. Based on the resulting cortical segmentation, an implicit surface evolution technique is adopted for the reconstruction of the cortex in neonates. The performance of the method is investigated by performing a detailed landmark study. To facilitate study of cortical development, a cortical surface registration algorithm for aligning the cortical surface is developed. The method first inflates extracted cortical surfaces and then performs a non-rigid surface registration using free-form deformations (FFDs) to remove residual alignment. Validation experiments using data labelled by an expert observer demonstrate that the method can capture local changes and follow the growth of specific sulcus

    Latent-Class Hough Forests for 3D object detection and pose estimation of rigid objects

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    In this thesis we propose a novel framework, Latent-Class Hough Forests, for the problem of 3D object detection and pose estimation in heavily cluttered and occluded scenes. Firstly, we adapt the state-of-the-art template-based representation, LINEMOD [34, 36], into a scale-invariant patch descriptor and integrate it into a regression forest using a novel template-based split function. In training, rather than explicitly collecting representative negative samples, our method is trained on positive samples only and we treat the class distributions at the leaf nodes as latent variables. During the inference process we iteratively update these distributions, providing accurate estimation of background clutter and foreground occlusions and thus a better detection rate. Furthermore, as a by-product, the latent class distributions can provide accurate occlusion aware segmentation masks, even in the multi-instance scenario. In addition to an existing public dataset, which contains only single-instance sequences with large amounts of clutter, we have collected a new, more challenging, dataset for multiple-instance detection containing heavy 2D and 3D clutter as well as foreground occlusions. We evaluate the Latent-Class Hough Forest on both of these datasets where we outperform state-of-the art methods.Open Acces
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