84 research outputs found

    Autonomous crater detection on asteroids using a fully-convolutional neural network

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    This paper shows the application of autonomous Crater Detection using the U-Net, a Fully-Convolutional Neural Network, on Ceres. The U-Net is trained on optical images of the Moon Global Morphology Mosaic based on data collected by the LRO and manual crater catalogues. The Moon-trained network will be tested on Dawn optical images of Ceres: this task is accomplished by means of a Transfer Learning (TL) approach. The trained model has been fine-tuned using 100, 500 and 1000 additional images of Ceres. The test performance was measured on 350 never before seen images, reaching a testing accuracy of 96.24%, 96.95% and 97.19%, respectively. This means that despite the intrinsic differences between the Moon and Ceres, TL works with encouraging results. The output of the U-Net contains predicted craters: it will be post-processed applying global thresholding for image binarization and a template matching algorithm to extract craters positions and radii in the pixel space. Post-processed craters will be counted and compared to the ground truth data in order to compute image segmentation metrics: precision, recall and F1 score. These indices will be computed, and their effect will be discussed for tasks such as automated crater cataloguing and optical navigation

    Feature Extraction and Classification from Planetary Science Datasets enabled by Machine Learning

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    In this paper we present two examples of recent investigations that we have undertaken, applying Machine Learning (ML) neural networks (NN) to image datasets from outer planet missions to achieve feature recognition. Our first investigation was to recognize ice blocks (also known as rafts, plates, polygons) in the chaos regions of fractured ice on Europa. We used a transfer learning approach, adding and training new layers to an industry-standard Mask R-CNN (Region-based Convolutional Neural Network) to recognize labeled blocks in a training dataset. Subsequently, the updated model was tested against a new dataset, achieving 68% precision. In a different application, we applied the Mask R-CNN to recognize clouds on Titan, again through updated training followed by testing against new data, with a precision of 95% over 369 images. We evaluate the relative successes of our techniques and suggest how training and recognition could be further improved. The new approaches we have used for planetary datasets can further be applied to similar recognition tasks on other planets, including Earth. For imagery of outer planets in particular, the technique holds the possibility of greatly reducing the volume of returned data, via onboard identification of the most interesting image subsets, or by returning only differential data (images where changes have occurred) greatly enhancing the information content of the final data stream

    Deep learning methods applied to digital elevation models: state of the art

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    Deep Learning (DL) has a wide variety of applications in various thematic domains, including spatial information. Although with limitations, it is also starting to be considered in operations related to Digital Elevation Models (DEMs). This study aims to review the methods of DL applied in the field of altimetric spatial information in general, and DEMs in particular. Void Filling (VF), Super-Resolution (SR), landform classification and hydrography extraction are just some of the operations where traditional methods are being replaced by DL methods. Our review concludes that although these methods have great potential, there are aspects that need to be improved. More appropriate terrain information or algorithm parameterisation are some of the challenges that this methodology still needs to face.Functional Quality of Digital Elevation Models in Engineering’ of the State Agency Research of SpainPID2019-106195RB- I00/AEI/10.13039/50110001103

    Sensor Independent Deep Learning for Detection Tasks with Optical Satellites

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    The design of optical satellite sensors varies widely, and this variety is mirrored in the data they produce. Deep learning has become a popular method for automating tasks in remote sensing, but currently it is ill-equipped to deal with this diversity of satellite data. In this work, sensor independent deep learning models are proposed, which are able to ingest data from multiple satellites without retraining. This strategy is applied to two tasks in remote sensing: cloud masking and crater detection. For cloud masking, a new dataset---the largest ever to date with respect to the number of scenes---is created for Sentinel-2. Combination of this with other datasets from the Landsat missions results in a state-of-the-art deep learning model, capable of masking clouds on a wide array of satellites, including ones it was not trained on. For small crater detection on Mars, a dataset is also produced, and state-of-the-art deep learning approaches are compared. By combining datasets from sensors with different resolutions, a highly accurate sensor independent model is trained. This is used to produce the largest ever database of crater detections for any solar system body, comprising 5.5 million craters across Isidis Planitia, Mars using CTX imagery. Novel geospatial statistical techniques are used to explore this database of small craters, finding evidence for large populations of distant secondary impacts. Across these problems, sensor independence is shown to offer unique benefits, both regarding model performance and scientific outcomes, and in the future can aid in many problems relating to data fusion, time series analysis, and on-board applications. Further work on a wider range of problems is needed to determine the generalisability of the proposed strategies for sensor independence, and extension from optical sensors to other kinds of remote sensing instruments could expand the possible applications of this new technique