3 research outputs found

    Recommender system for sport videos based on user audiovisual consumption

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    This paper describes a recommender system for sport videos, transmitted over the Internet and/or broadcast, in the context of large-scale events, which has been tested for the Olympic Games. The recommender is based on audiovisual consumption and does not depend on the number of users, running only on the client side. This avoids the concurrence, computation and privacy problems of central server approaches in scenarios with a large number of users, such as the Olympic Games. The system has been designed to take advantage of the information available in the videos, which is used along with the implicit information of the user and the modeling of his/her audiovisual content consumption. The system is thus transparent to the user, who does not need to take any specific action. Another important characteristic is that the system can produce recommendations for both live and recorded events. Testing has showed advantages compared to previous systems, as will be shown in the results

    Segmental Hidden Markov Models for View-based Sport Video Analysis

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    We present a generative model approach to explore in-trinsic semantic structures in sport videos, e.g., the cam-era view in American football games. We will invoke the concept of semantic space to explicitly dene the semantic structure in the video in terms of latent states. A dynamic model is used to govern the transition between states, and an observation model is developed to characterize visual features pertaining to different states. Then the problem is formulated as a statistical inference process where we want to infer latent states (i.e., camera views) from observations (i.e., visual features). Two generative models, the hidden Markov model (HMM) and the Segmental HMM (SHMM), are involved in this research. In the HMM, both latent states and visual features are shot-based, and in the SHMM, latent states and visual features are dened for shots and frames respectively. Both models provide promising performance for view-based shot classication, and the SHMM outper-forms the HMM by involving a two-layer observation model to accommodate the variability of visual features. This ap-proach is also applicable to other video mining tasks. 1

    Segmental Hidden Markov Models for View-based Sport Video Analysis

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    We present a generative model approach to explore intrinsic semantic structures in sport videos, e.g., the camera view in American football games. We will invoke the concept of semantic space to explicitly define the semantic structure in the video in terms of latent states. A dynamic model is used to govern the transition between states, and an observation model is developed to characterize visual features pertaining to different states. Then the problem is formulated as a statistical inference process where we want to infer latent states (i.e., camera views) from observations (i.e., visual features). Two generative models, the hidden Markov model (HMM) and the Segmental HMM (SHMM), are involved in this research. In the HMM, both latent states and visual features are shot-based, and in the SHMM, latent states and visual features are defined for shots and frames respectively. Both models provide promising performance for view-based shot classification, and the SHMM outperforms the HMM by involving a two-layer observation model to accommodate the variability of visual features. This approach is also applicable to other video mining tasks. 1