228 research outputs found

    Predictability Issues in Recommender Systems Based on Web Usage Behavior towards Robust Collaborative Filtering

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    This paper examines the effect of Recommender Systems in security oriented issues. Currently research has begun to evaluate the vulnerabilities and robustness of various collaborative recommender techniques in the face of profile injection and shilling attacks. Standard collaborative filtering algorithms are vulnerable to attacks. The robustness of recommender system and the impact of attacks are well suited this study and examined in this paper. The predictability issues and the various attack strategies are also discussed. Based on KNN the robustness of the recommender system were examined and the sensitivity of the rating given by the users are also analyzed. Furthermore the robust PLSA also considered for the work

    Single-User Injection for Invisible Shilling Attack against Recommender Systems

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    Recommendation systems (RS) are crucial for alleviating the information overload problem. Due to its pivotal role in guiding users to make decisions, unscrupulous parties are lured to launch attacks against RS to affect the decisions of normal users and gain illegal profits. Among various types of attacks, shilling attack is one of the most subsistent and profitable attacks. In shilling attack, an adversarial party injects a number of well-designed fake user profiles into the system to mislead RS so that the attack goal can be achieved. Although existing shilling attack methods have achieved promising results, they all adopt the attack paradigm of multi-user injection, where some fake user profiles are required. This paper provides the first study of shilling attack in an extremely limited scenario: only one fake user profile is injected into the victim RS to launch shilling attacks (i.e., single-user injection). We propose a novel single-user injection method SUI-Attack for invisible shilling attack. SUI-Attack is a graph based attack method that models shilling attack as a node generation task over the user-item bipartite graph of the victim RS, and it constructs the fake user profile by generating user features and edges that link the fake user to items. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SUI-Attack can achieve promising attack results in single-user injection. In addition to its attack power, SUI-Attack increases the stealthiness of shilling attack and reduces the risk of being detected. We provide our implementation at: https://github.com/KDEGroup/SUI-Attack.Comment: CIKM 2023. 10 pages, 5 figure

    Attacking Recommender Systems with Augmented User Profiles

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    Recommendation Systems (RS) have become an essential part of many online services. Due to its pivotal role in guiding customers towards purchasing, there is a natural motivation for unscrupulous parties to spoof RS for profits. In this paper, we study the shilling attack: a subsistent and profitable attack where an adversarial party injects a number of user profiles to promote or demote a target item. Conventional shilling attack models are based on simple heuristics that can be easily detected, or directly adopt adversarial attack methods without a special design for RS. Moreover, the study on the attack impact on deep learning based RS is missing in the literature, making the effects of shilling attack against real RS doubtful. We present a novel Augmented Shilling Attack framework (AUSH) and implement it with the idea of Generative Adversarial Network. AUSH is capable of tailoring attacks against RS according to budget and complex attack goals, such as targeting a specific user group. We experimentally show that the attack impact of AUSH is noticeable on a wide range of RS including both classic and modern deep learning based RS, while it is virtually undetectable by the state-of-the-art attack detection model.Comment: CIKM 2020. 10 pages, 2 figure

    RecAD: Towards A Unified Library for Recommender Attack and Defense

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    In recent years, recommender systems have become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, while they suffer from a high risk of being attacked due to the growing commercial and social values. Despite significant research progress in recommender attack and defense, there is a lack of a widely-recognized benchmarking standard in the field, leading to unfair performance comparison and limited credibility of experiments. To address this, we propose RecAD, a unified library aiming at establishing an open benchmark for recommender attack and defense. RecAD takes an initial step to set up a unified benchmarking pipeline for reproducible research by integrating diverse datasets, standard source codes, hyper-parameter settings, running logs, attack knowledge, attack budget, and evaluation results. The benchmark is designed to be comprehensive and sustainable, covering both attack, defense, and evaluation tasks, enabling more researchers to easily follow and contribute to this promising field. RecAD will drive more solid and reproducible research on recommender systems attack and defense, reduce the redundant efforts of researchers, and ultimately increase the credibility and practical value of recommender attack and defense. The project is released at https://github.com/gusye1234/recad

    Stability of matrix factorization for collaborative filtering

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    We study the stability vis a vis adversarial noise of matrix factorization algorithm for matrix completion. In particular, our results include: (I) we bound the gap between the solution matrix of the factorization method and the ground truth in terms of root mean square error; (II) we treat the matrix factorization as a subspace fitting problem and analyze the difference between the solution subspace and the ground truth; (III) we analyze the prediction error of individual users based on the subspace stability. We apply these results to the problem of collaborative filtering under manipulator attack, which leads to useful insights and guidelines for collaborative filtering system design.Comment: ICML201

    Untargeted Black-box Attacks for Social Recommendations

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    The rise of online social networks has facilitated the evolution of social recommender systems, which incorporate social relations to enhance users' decision-making process. With the great success of Graph Neural Networks in learning node representations, GNN-based social recommendations have been widely studied to model user-item interactions and user-user social relations simultaneously. Despite their great successes, recent studies have shown that these advanced recommender systems are highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks, in which attackers can inject well-designed fake user profiles to disrupt recommendation performances. While most existing studies mainly focus on targeted attacks to promote target items on vanilla recommender systems, untargeted attacks to degrade the overall prediction performance are less explored on social recommendations under a black-box scenario. To perform untargeted attacks on social recommender systems, attackers can construct malicious social relationships for fake users to enhance the attack performance. However, the coordination of social relations and item profiles is challenging for attacking black-box social recommendations. To address this limitation, we first conduct several preliminary studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of cross-community connections and cold-start items in degrading recommendations performance. Specifically, we propose a novel framework Multiattack based on multi-agent reinforcement learning to coordinate the generation of cold-start item profiles and cross-community social relations for conducting untargeted attacks on black-box social recommendations. Comprehensive experiments on various real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed attacking framework under the black-box setting.Comment: Preprint. Under revie