20 research outputs found

    Security under Key-Dependent Inputs

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    In this work we re-visit the question of building cryptographic primitives that remain secure even when queried on inputs that depend on the secret key. This was investigated by Black, Rogaway, and Shrimpton in the context of randomized encryption schemes and in the random oracle model. We extend the investigation to deterministic symmetric schemes (such as PRFs and block ciphers) and to the standard model. We term this notion security against key-dependent-input attack , or KDI-security for short. Our motivation for studying KDI security is the existence of significant real-world implementations of deterministic encryption (in the context of storage encryption) that actually rely on their building blocks to be KDI secure. We consider many natural constructions for PRFs, ciphers, tweakable ciphers and randomized encryption, and examine them with respect to their KDI security. We exhibit inherent limitations of this notion and show many natural constructions that fail to be KDI secure in the standard model, including some schemes that have been proven in the random oracle model. On the positive side, we demonstrate examples where some measure of KDI security can be provably achieved (in particular, we show such examples in the standard model)

    On the Security of the Free-XOR Technique

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    Yao\u27s garbled-circuit approach enables constant-round secure two-party computation for any boolean circuit. In Yao\u27s original construction, each gate in the circuit requires the parties to perform a constant number of encryptions/decryptions, and to send/receive a constant number of ciphertexts. Kolesnikov and Schneider (ICALP 2008) proposed an improvement that allows XOR gates in the circuit to be evaluated ``for free\u27\u27, i.e., incurring no cryptographic operations and zero communication. Their ``free-XOR\u27\u27 technique has proven very popular, and has been shown to improve performance of garbled-circuit protocols by up to a factor of~4. Kolesnikov and Schneider proved security of their approach in the random oracle model, and claimed that (an unspecified variant of) correlation robustness would suffice; this claim has been repeated in subsequent work, and similar ideas have since been used (with the same claim about correlation robustness) in other contexts. We show that, in fact, the free-XOR technique cannot be proven secure based on correlation robustness alone: somewhat surprisingly, some form of circular security is also required. We propose an appropriate notion of security for hash functions capturing the necessary requirements, and prove security of the free-XOR approach when instantiated with any hash function satisfying our definition. Our results do not impact the security of the free-XOR technique in practice, or imply an error in the free-XOR work, but instead pin down the assumptions needed to prove security

    Security of Symmetric Primitives against Key-Correlated Attacks

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    We study the security of symmetric primitives against key-correlated attacks (KCA), whereby an adversary can arbitrarily correlate keys, messages, and ciphertexts. Security against KCA is required whenever a primitive should securely encrypt key-dependent data, even when it is used under related keys. KCA is a strengthening of the previously considered notions of related-key attack (RKA) and key-dependent message (KDM) security. This strengthening is strict, as we show that 2-round Even–Mansour fails to be KCA secure even though it is both RKA and KDM secure. We provide feasibility results in the ideal-cipher model for KCAs and show that 3-round Even–Mansour is KCA secure under key offsets in the random-permutation model. We also give a natural transformation that converts any authenticated encryption scheme to a KCA-secure one in the random-oracle model. Conceptually, our results allow for a unified treatment of RKA and KDM security in idealized models of computation

    Fully homomorphic encryption using ideal lattices

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    Clever Arbiters Versus Malicious Adversaries

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    When moving from known-input security to chosen-input security, some generic attacks sometimes become possible and must be discarded by a specific set of rules in the threat model. Similarly, common practices consist of fixing security systems, once an exploit is discovered, by adding a specific rule to thwart it. To study feasibility, we investigate a new security notion: security against undetectable attacks. I.e., attacks which cannot be ruled out by any specific rule based on the observable behavior of the adversary. In this model, chosen-input attacks must specify inputs which are indistinguishable from the ones in known-input attacks. Otherwise, they could be ruled out, in theory. Although non-falsifiable, this notion provides interesting results: for any primitives based on symmetric encryption, message authentication code (MAC), or pseudorandom function (PRF), known-input security is equivalent to this restricted chosen-input security in Minicrypt. Otherwise, any separation implies the construction of a public-key cryptosystem (PKC): for a known-input-secure primitive, any undetectable chosen-input attack transforms the primitive into a PKC. In this paper, we develop the notion of security based on open rules. We show the above results. We revisit the notion of related-key security of block ciphers to illustrate these results. Interestingly, when the relation among the keys is specified as a black box, no chosen-relation security is feasible. By translating this result to non-black box relations, either no known-input security is feasible, or we can recognize any obfuscated relation by a fixed set of rules, or we can build a PKC. Any of these three results is quite interesting in itself

    Semantic Security Under Related-Key Attacks and Applications

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    In a related-key attack (RKA) an adversary attempts to break a cryptographic primitive by invoking the primitive with several secret keys which satisfy some known, or even chosen, relation. We initiate a formal study of RKA security for \emph{randomized encryption} schemes. We begin by providing general definitions for semantic security under passive and active RKAs. We then focus on RKAs in which the keys satisfy known linear relations over some Abelian group. We construct simple and efficient schemes which resist such RKAs even when the adversary can choose the linear relation adaptively during the attack. More concretely, we present two approaches for constructing RKA-secure encryption schemes. The first is based on standard randomized encryption schemes which additionally satisfy a natural ``key-homomorphism\u27\u27 property. We instantiate this approach under number-theoretic or lattice-based assumptions such as the Decisional Diffie-Hellman (DDH) assumption and the Learning Noisy Linear Equations assumption. Our second approach is based on RKA-secure pseudorandom generators. This approach can yield either {\em deterministic,} {\em one-time use} schemes with optimal ciphertext size or randomized unlimited use schemes. We instantiate this approach by constructing a simple RKA-secure pseurodandom generator under a variant of the DDH assumption. Finally, we present several applications of RKA-secure encryption by showing that previous protocols which made a specialized use of random oracles in the form of \emph{operation respecting synthesizers} (Naor and Pinkas, Crypto 1999) or \emph{correlation-robust hash functions} (Ishai et. al., Crypto 2003) can be instantiated with RKA-secure encryption schemes. This includes the Naor-Pinkas protocol for oblivious transfer (OT) with adaptive queries, the IKNP protocol for batch-OT, the optimized garbled circuit construction of Kolesnikov and Schneider (ICALP 2008), and other results in the area of secure computation. Hence, by plugging in our constructions we get instances of these protocols that are provably secure in the standard model under standard assumptions

    Fiat-Shamir and Correlation Intractability from Strong KDM-Secure Encryption

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    A hash function family is called correlation intractable if for all sparse relations, it is hard to find, given a random function from the family, an input-output pair that satisfies the relation (Canetti et al., STOC 98). Correlation intractability (CI) captures a strong Random-Oracle-like property of hash functions. In particular, when security holds for all sparse relations, CI suffices for guaranteeing the soundness of the Fiat-Shamir transformation from any constant round, statistically sound interactive proof to a non-interactive argument. However, to date, the only CI hash function for all sparse relations (Kalai et al., Crypto 17) is based on general program obfuscation with exponential hardness properties. We construct a simple CI hash function for arbitrary sparse relations, from any symmetric encryption scheme that satisfies some natural structural properties, and in addition guarantees that key recovery attacks mounted by polynomial-time adversaries have only exponentially small success probability - even in the context of key-dependent messages (KDM). We then provide parameter settings where ElGamal encryption and Regev encryption plausibly satisfy the needed properties. Our techniques are based on those of Kalai et al., with the main contribution being substituting a statistical argument for the use of obfuscation, therefore greatly simplifying the construction and basing security on better-understood intractability assumptions. In addition, we extend the definition of correlation intractability to handle moderately sparse relations so as to capture the properties required in proof-of-work applications (e.g. Bitcoin). We also discuss the applicability of our constructions and analyses in that regime

    Augmented Random Oracles

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    We propose a new paradigm for justifying the security of random oracle-based protocols, which we call the Augmented Random Oracle Model (AROM). We show that the AROM captures a wide range of important random oracle impossibility results. Thus a proof in the AROM implies some resiliency to such impossibilities. We then consider three ROM transforms which are subject to impossibilities: Fiat-Shamir (FS), Fujisaki-Okamoto (FO), and Encrypt-with-Hash (EwH). We show in each case how to obtain security in the AROM by strengthening the building blocks or modifying the transform. Along the way, we give a couple other results. We improve the assumptions needed for the FO and EwH impossibilities from indistinguishability obfuscation to circularly secure LWE; we argue that our AROM still captures this improved impossibility. We also demonstrate that there is no best possible hash function, by giving a pair of security properties, both of which can be instantiated in the standard model separately, which cannot be simultaneously satisfied by a single hash function