468 research outputs found

    Security in Pervasive Computing: Current Status and Open Issues

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    Million of wireless device users are ever on the move, becoming more dependent on their PDAs, smart phones, and other handheld devices. With the advancement of pervasive computing, new and unique capabilities are available to aid mobile societies. The wireless nature of these devices has fostered a new era of mobility. Thousands of pervasive devices are able to arbitrarily join and leave a network, creating a nomadic environment known as a pervasive ad hoc network. However, mobile devices have vulnerabilities, and some are proving to be challenging. Security in pervasive computing is the most critical challenge. Security is needed to ensure exact and accurate confidentiality, integrity, authentication, and access control, to name a few. Security for mobile devices, though still in its infancy, has drawn the attention of various researchers. As pervasive devices become incorporated in our day-to-day lives, security will increasingly becoming a common concern for all users - - though for most it will be an afterthought, like many other computing functions. The usability and expansion of pervasive computing applications depends greatly on the security and reliability provided by the applications. At this critical juncture, security research is growing. This paper examines the recent trends and forward thinking investigation in several fields of security, along with a brief history of previous accomplishments in the corresponding areas. Some open issues have been discussed for further investigation

    Tree Parity Machine Rekeying Architectures

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    The necessity to secure the communication between hardware components in embedded systems becomes increasingly important with regard to the secrecy of data and particularly its commercial use. We suggest a low-cost (i.e. small logic-area) solution for flexible security levels and short key lifetimes. The basis is an approach for symmetric key exchange using the synchronisation of Tree Parity Machines. Fast successive key generation enables a key exchange within a few milliseconds, given realistic communication channels with a limited bandwidth. For demonstration we evaluate characteristics of a standard-cell ASIC design realisation as IP-core in 0.18-micrometer CMOS-technology

    A Survey of RFID Authentication Protocols Based on Hash-Chain Method

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    Security and privacy are the inherent problems in RFID communications. There are several protocols have been proposed to overcome those problems. Hash chain is commonly employed by the protocols to improve security and privacy for RFID authentication. Although the protocols able to provide specific solution for RFID security and privacy problems, they fail to provide integrated solution. This article is a survey to closely observe those protocols in terms of its focus and limitations.Comment: Third ICCIT 2008 International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technolog

    Context-Aware User Authentication – Supporting Proximity-Based Login in Pervasive Computing

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    Abstract. This paper explores computer security in pervasive computing with focus on user authentication. We present the concept of Proximity-Based User Authentication, as a usability-wise ideal for UbiComp systems. We present a context-aware user authentication protocol, which (1) uses a JavaCard for identi-fication and cryptographic calculations, (2) uses a context-awareness system for verifying the user’s location, and (3) implements a security fall-back strategy. We analyze the security of this protocol and discuss the tradeoff between usabil-ity and security. We also present our current implementation of the protocol and discuss future work.

    Hierarchical Trustworthy Authentication for Pervasive Computing

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    This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. -- -- Copyright IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE

    A brave new world of Ambient Intelligence in the casinos of Macau: reality or fiction?

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    The article scrutinizes the brave new world of ambient intelligence in the casinos of the Macau, Special Administrative Region of People´s Republic of China, chiefly in regards to the (candent) issue of privacy of the casino patrons. Moreover, this scientific article provides an overview about the secondary use of big data of the casino patrons for law enforcement purposes

    Trust model for certificate revocation in Ad hoc networks

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    In this paper we propose a distributed trust model for certificate revocation in Adhoc networks. The proposed model allows trust to be built over time as the number of interactions between nodes increase. Furthermore, trust in a node is defined not only in terms of its potential for maliciousness, but also in terms of the quality of the service it provides. Trust in nodes where there is little or no history of interactions is determined by recommendations from other nodes. If the nodes in the network are selfish, trust is obtained by an exchange of portfolios. Bayesian networks form the underlying basis for this model

    Privacy, security, and trust issues in smart environments

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    Recent advances in networking, handheld computing and sensor technologies have driven forward research towards the realisation of Mark Weiser's dream of calm and ubiquitous computing (variously called pervasive computing, ambient computing, active spaces, the disappearing computer or context-aware computing). In turn, this has led to the emergence of smart environments as one significant facet of research in this domain. A smart environment, or space, is a region of the real world that is extensively equipped with sensors, actuators and computing components [1]. In effect the smart space becomes a part of a larger information system: with all actions within the space potentially affecting the underlying computer applications, which may themselves affect the space through the actuators. Such smart environments have tremendous potential within many application areas to improve the utility of a space. Consider the potential offered by a smart environment that prolongs the time an elderly or infirm person can live an independent life or the potential offered by a smart environment that supports vicarious learning
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