13,027 research outputs found

    Bangladesh Human Security Assessment 2005

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    Security assessment of audience response systems using software defined radios

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    Audience response systems, also known as clickers, are used at many academic institutions to offer active learning environments. Since these systems are used to administer graded assignments, and sometimes even exams, it is crucial to assess their security. Our work seeks to exploit and document potential vulnerabilities of clickers. For this purpose, we use software defined radios to perform eavesdropping attacks on an audience response system in production. The results of our study demon- strate that clickers are easily exploitable. We build a prototype and show that it is practically possible to covertly steal answers from a peer or even the entire classroom, with high levels of confidence. As a result of this study, we discourage using clickers for high-stake assessments, unless manufacturers provide proper security protection.http://people.bu.edu/staro/MIT_Conference_Khai.pdfAccepted manuscrip

    Food Security Assessment: Why Countries Are at Risk

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    Food insecurity in many low-income, developing countries is projected to intensify unless steps are taken to reverse the performance trend of key contributing factors: agricultural productivity, foreign exchange earnings, and population growth. For the poorest countries, an increase in agricultural productivity is the key to improving food security. In these countries, imports play a small role in the domestic food supply because of limited foreign exchange availability. This study evaluates availability and distribution of food and analyzes their trends through 2008 by projecting food gaps to maintain per capita consumption, meet nutritional needs, and fulfill requirements stemming from unequal food distribution.food security, developing countries, productivity, foreign exchange availability, import capacity, income distribution, population growth, nutritional requirements, per capita consumption, Food Security and Poverty,

    ZigBee/ZigBee PRO security assessment based on compromised cryptographic keys

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    Sensor networks have many applications in monitoring and controlling of environmental properties such as sound, acceleration, vibration and temperature. Due to limited resources in computation capability, memory and energy, they are vulnerable to many kinds of attacks. The ZigBee specification based on the 802.15.4 standard, defines a set of layers specifically suited to sensor networks. These layers support secure messaging using symmetric cryptographic. This paper presents two different ways for grabbing the cryptographic key in ZigBee: remote attack and physical attack. It also surveys and categorizes some additional attacks which can be performed on ZigBee networks: eavesdropping, spoofing, replay and DoS attacks at different layers. From this analysis, it is shown that some vulnerabilities still in the existing security schema in ZigBee technology.Les xarxes de sensors tenen moltes aplicacions en el control i la monitorització de les propietats del medi ambient, com ara el so, l¿acceleració, la vibració i la temperatura. A causa dels limitats recursos en la capacitat de càlcul, la memòria i l'energia són vulnerables a molts tipus d'atacs. L'especificació ZigBee basada en l'estàndard 802.15.4, defineix un conjunt de capes, adaptada específicament per a xarxes de sensors. Aquestes capes suporten missatgeria segura mitjançant criptografia simètrica. Aquest article presenta dues formes diferents per agafar la clau de xifrat en ZigBee: atac a distància i atacs físics. També les enquesta i classifica alguns atacs addicionals que es poden realitzar en les xarxes ZigBee: espionatge, falsificació, reproducció i atacs DoS en les diferents capes. A partir d'aquesta anàlisi, es demostren algunes vulnerabilitats existents en l'esquema de seguretat en tecnologia ZigBee.Las redes de sensores tienen muchas aplicaciones en el control y la monitorización de las propiedades del medio ambiente, como el sonido, la aceleración, la vibración y la temperatura. Debido a los limitados recursos en la capacidad de cálculo, la memoria y la energía son vulnerables a muchos tipos de ataques. La especificación ZigBee basada en el estándar 802.15.4, define un conjunto de capas, adaptada específicamente para redes de sensores. Estas capas soportan mensajería segura mediante criptografía simétrica. Este artículo presenta dos formas diferentes para coger la clave de cifrado en ZigBee: ataque a distancia y ataques físicos. También las encuesta y clasifica algunos ataques adicionales que se pueden realizar en las redes ZigBee: espionaje, falsificación, reproducción y ataques DoS en las diferentes capas. A partir de este análisis, se demuestran algunas vulnerabilidades existentes en el esquema de seguridad en tecnología ZigBee