103,977 research outputs found

    Identifying Security-Critical Cyber-Physical Components in Industrial Control Systems

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    In recent years, Industrial Control Systems (ICS) have become an appealing target for cyber attacks, having massive destructive consequences. Security metrics are therefore essential to assess their security posture. In this paper, we present a novel ICS security metric based on AND/OR graphs that represent cyber-physical dependencies among network components. Our metric is able to efficiently identify sets of critical cyber-physical components, with minimal cost for an attacker, such that if compromised, the system would enter into a non-operational state. We address this problem by efficiently transforming the input AND/OR graph-based model into a weighted logical formula that is then used to build and solve a Weighted Partial MAX-SAT problem. Our tool, META4ICS, leverages state-of-the-art techniques from the field of logical satisfiability optimisation in order to achieve efficient computation times. Our experimental results indicate that the proposed security metric can efficiently scale to networks with thousands of nodes and be computed in seconds. In addition, we present a case study where we have used our system to analyse the security posture of a realistic water transport network. We discuss our findings on the plant as well as further security applications of our metric.Comment: Keywords: Security metrics, industrial control systems, cyber-physical systems, AND-OR graphs, MAX-SAT resolutio

    An open virtual testbed for industrial control system security research

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    ICS security has been a topic of scrutiny and research for several years, and many security issues are well known. However, research efforts are impeded by a lack of an open virtual industrial control system testbed for security research. This thesis describes a virtual testbed framework using Python to create discrete testbed components (including virtual devices and process simulators). This testbed is designed such that the testbeds are interoperable with real ICS devices and that the virtual testbeds can provide comparable ICS network behavior to a laboratory testbed. Two testbeds based on laboratory testbeds have been developed and have been shown to be interoperable with real industrial control systemequipment and vulnerable to attacks in the samemanner as a real system. Additionally, these testbeds have been quantitatively shown to produce traffic close to laboratory systems (within 90% similarity on most metrics)

    Identifying Vulnerabilities of Industrial Control Systems using Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimisation

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    In this paper we propose a novel methodology to assist in identifying vulnerabilities in a real-world complex heterogeneous industrial control systems (ICS) using two evolutionary multiobjective optimisation (EMO) algorithms, NSGA-II and SPEA2. Our approach is evaluated on a well known benchmark chemical plant simulator, the Tennessee Eastman (TE) process model. We identified vulnerabilities in individual components of the TE model and then made use of these to generate combinatorial attacks to damage the safety of the system, and to cause economic loss. Results were compared against random attacks, and the performance of the EMO algorithms were evaluated using hypervolume, spread and inverted generational distance (IGD) metrics. A defence against these attacks in the form of a novel intrusion detection system was developed, using a number of machine learning algorithms. Designed approach was further tested against the developed detection methods. Results demonstrate that EMO algorithms are a promising tool in the identification of the most vulnerable components of ICS, and weaknesses of any existing detection systems in place to protect the system. The proposed approach can be used by control and security engineers to design security aware control, and test the effectiveness of security mechanisms, both during design, and later during system operation.Comment: 25 page

    Identifying vulnerabilities of industrial control systems using evolutionary multiobjective optimisation

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    In this paper, we propose a novel methodology to assist in identifying vulnerabilities in real-world complex heterogeneous industrial control systems (ICS) using two Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimisation (EMO) algorithms, NSGA-II and SPEA2. Our approach is evaluated on a well-known benchmark chemical plant simulator, the Tennessee Eastman (TE) process model. We identified vulnerabilities in individual components of the TE model and then made use of these vulnerabilities to generate combinatorial attacks. The generated attacks were aimed at compromising the safety of the system and inflicting economic loss. Results were compared against random attacks, and the performance of the EMO algorithms was evaluated using hypervolume, spread, and inverted generational distance (IGD) metrics. A defence against these attacks in the form of a novel intrusion detection system was developed, using machine learning algorithms. The designed approach was further tested against the developed detection methods. The obtained results demonstrate that the developed EMO approach is a promising tool in the identification of the vulnerable components of ICS, and weaknesses of any existing detection systems in place to protect the system. The proposed approach can serve as a proactive defense tool for control and security engineers to identify and prioritise vulnerabilities in the system. The approach can be employed to design resilient control strategies and test the effectiveness of security mechanisms, both in the design stage and during the operational phase of the system

    Improving cyber security in industrial control system environment.

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    Integrating industrial control system (ICS) with information technology (IT) and internet technologies has made industrial control system environments (ICSEs) more vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Increased connectivity has brought about increased security threats, vulnerabilities, and risks in both technology and people (human) constituents of the ICSE. Regardless of existing security solutions which are chiefly tailored towards technical dimensions, cyber-attacks on ICSEs continue to increase with a proportionate level of consequences and impacts. These consequences include system failures or breakdowns, likewise affecting the operations of dependent systems. Impacts often include; marring physical safety, triggering loss of lives, causing huge economic damages, and thwarting the vital missions of productions and businesses. This thesis addresses uncharted solution paths to the above challenges by investigating both technical and human-factor security evaluations to improve cyber security in the ICSE. An ICS testbed, scenario-based, and expert opinion approaches are used to demonstrate and validate cyber-attack feasibility scenarios. To improve security of ICSs, the research provides: (i) an adaptive operational security metrics generation (OSMG) framework for generating suitable security metrics for security evaluations in ICSEs, and a list of good security metrics methodology characteristics (scope-definitive, objective-oriented, reliable, simple, adaptable, and repeatable), (ii) a technical multi-attribute vulnerability (and impact) assessment (MAVCA) methodology that considers and combines dynamic metrics (temporal and environmental) attributes of vulnerabilities with the functional dependency relationship attributes of the vulnerability host components, to achieve a better representation of exploitation impacts on ICSE networks, (iii) a quantitative human-factor security (capability and vulnerability) evaluation model based on human-agent security knowledge and skills, used to identify the most vulnerable human elements, identify the least security aspects of the general workforce, and prioritise security enhancement efforts, and (iv) security risk reduction through critical impact point assessment (S2R-CIPA) process model that demonstrates the combination of technical and human-factor security evaluations to mitigate risks and achieve ICSE-wide security enhancements. The approaches or models of cyber-attack feasibility testing, adaptive security metrication, multi-attribute impact analysis, and workforce security capability evaluations can support security auditors, analysts, managers, and system owners of ICSs to create security strategies and improve cyber incidence response, and thus effectively reduce security risk.PhD in Manufacturin

    SCADA System Testbed for Cybersecurity Research Using Machine Learning Approach

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    This paper presents the development of a Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system testbed used for cybersecurity research. The testbed consists of a water storage tank's control system, which is a stage in the process of water treatment and distribution. Sophisticated cyber-attacks were conducted against the testbed. During the attacks, the network traffic was captured, and features were extracted from the traffic to build a dataset for training and testing different machine learning algorithms. Five traditional machine learning algorithms were trained to detect the attacks: Random Forest, Decision Tree, Logistic Regression, Naive Bayes and KNN. Then, the trained machine learning models were built and deployed in the network, where new tests were made using online network traffic. The performance obtained during the training and testing of the machine learning models was compared to the performance obtained during the online deployment of these models in the network. The results show the efficiency of the machine learning models in detecting the attacks in real time. The testbed provides a good understanding of the effects and consequences of attacks on real SCADA environmentsComment: E-Preprin
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