1 research outputs found

    Technological trends in logistics 4.0 for cargo tracking: A state of the art

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    Debido al aumento de la comercializaci贸n en l铆nea, la transformaci贸n digital de los servicios ha tomado cada vez m谩s fuerza, y, en consecuencia, la log铆stica de distribuci贸n se ha convertido en un factor primordial en las organizaciones, por lo que es importante contar con una mayor trazabilidad de la mercanc铆a para tener gran confiabilidad en la entrega. La presente investigaci贸n evidencia las principales tendencias tecnol贸gicas que ofrece la log铆stica 4.0 para el seguimiento de la mercanc铆a en funci贸n de su seguridad. Se realiz贸 una revisi贸n bibliogr谩fica basada en el estudio de diferentes trabajos investigativos enfocados al seguimiento de la mercanc铆a, la seguridad de la carga y las tendencias tecnol贸gicas en el sector, as铆 como empresas que ofrecen servicios con tecnolog铆a en funci贸n del rastreo de mercanc铆a. Adem谩s, se destacaron las principales caracter铆sticas de tecnolog铆as disruptivas como la Internet de las Cosas-IoT, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Blockchain y sensores inteligentes, exponiendo su aplicabilidad en la trazabilidad de la mercanc铆a. Como fruto de este trabajo se resalta que las tendencias tecnol贸gicas ofrecidas por la log铆stica 4.0 para el tracking, generan grandes beneficios para la empresa tanto en servicio al cliente, como a nivel monetario; por lo cual, se hace imprescindible la aplicaci贸n de ellas con el objetivo de ofrecer un valor agregado en el servicio y aumentar la competitividad en el sector.Due to the increase in online marketing, the digital transformation of services has taken more and more force, and, consequently, distribution logistics has become a primary factor in organizations, so it is important to have a greater traceability of the merchandise to have great reliability in the delivery. This research shows the main technological trends offered by logistics 4.0 for the tracking of merchandise based on its security. A bibliographic review was carried out based on the study of different investigative works focused on the monitoring of merchandise, cargo security and technological trends in the sector, as well as companies that offer services with technology based on merchandise tracking. In addition, the main characteristics of disruptive technologies such as the Internet of Things-IoT, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Blockchain and smart sensors were highlighted, exposing their applicability in the traceability of merchandise. As a result of this work, it is highlighted that the technological trends offered by logistics 4.0 for monitoring, generate great benefits for the company both in customer service, as well as at a monetary level; Therefore, the application of them is essential in order to offer added value in the service and increase competitiveness in the sector.Especializaci贸