14 research outputs found

    Certificate Based Encryption for Securing Broker-Less Publish/Subscribe System in Wireless Network

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    ABSTRACT: The security mechanisms such as authentication and confidentiality is highly challenging in a contentbased publish/subscribe system and due to the loose coupling of publishers and subscribers, authentication and confidentiality of publishers and subscribers is difficult to achieve. In particular content-based approaches in brokerless environments do not address confidentiality at all. This paper presents to provide confidentiality and authentication in a broker-less content-based publish-subscribe system. The authentication and confidentiality and other security approach of publishers and subscribers ensured, by adapting the certificate based encryption mechanism. In certificate based encryption signature not only acts as certificate but also as encrypt and decrypt key. To encrypt or to decrypt a message, a key holder needs both its public key and private key and an up-to-date certificate from an authorizer. Certificate-based encryption combines the best aspects of identity-based encryption and public key encryption. This mechanism describes how certificate-based encryption can be used to construct an efficient PKI requiring fewer infrastructures than any previous method

    Secure Cloud Storage using Multi Attribute Authority with Multi Central Authority

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    Cloud Computing plays a main role in present day to day life. Security & privacy of data is major task in cloud. It is required to protect data from hackers & introdures . To provide more security this paper present multi attribute authority Cipher text Attribute Based Encryption (CPABE )technology with multi Central Authority(CA). Due to untrusted cloud server data access control becomes challenging task in cloud computing. Current data access control scheme is no longer applicable to cloud storage system, because it can’t provide fully trusted cloud server. We call it as a central authority. This single CA did not manage any attribute but responsible for issuing user unique id (UID).This CA must have capacity to decrypt any Cipher Text(CT) on the cloud. To overcome such a drawback here we can replace single CA to multi CA.in this paper we design secure cloud storage by providing access to the files using CPABE scheme. This system achieve forwarded & backward security . Also in this paper revocation technique is used related with file,user and attribute. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.16041

    Mediator Free From the Security System Using NBE-Noble Based Encryption

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    ABSTRACT: In various distributed organization is communicated through a dispatcher and recipient scheme. An event-identity based encryption is a few amounts of security of maintaining purpose. In this paper we present a noble based encryption technique is introducing to a dispatcher and recipient scheme. An affable arrive contained by achieve of to grant official recognition and undisclosed in a dealer less noble based dispatcher and recipient system with the assist of pairing based cryptography method is used. Moreover, an algorithm gathers their recipient secret has converse a feeble duplication of recipient scheme. Now, prerequisite in attendances are i) to stay absent of related encrypted event while valuable routing use of fine encryption. ii) Multi user can admittance to course-plotting is working for distribute their event into pricey receiver. iii) Effortlessness declaration of slashing their cloud information system. A universally advances evolution the enjoyable by management of confer to attributes. Moreover, they are make available that privacy of estimation 1) a planned cryptography ancient. 2) A dispatcher and recipient overlaying network system and event circulation. KEYWORD: Many-to-Many cloud server, a noble based encryption, time alone, squat expenditure

    Trust and Privacy in Development of Publish/Subscribe Systems

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    Publish/subscribe (pub/sub) is a widely deployed paradigm for information dissemination in a variety of distributed applications such as financial platforms, e-health frameworks and the Internet-of-Things. In essence, the pub/sub model considers one or more publishers generating feeds of information and a set of subscribers, the clients of the system. A pub/sub service is in charge of delivering the published information to interested clients. With the advent of cloud computing, we observe a growing tendency to externalize applications using pub/sub services to public clouds. This trend, despite its advantages, opens up multiple important data privacy and trust issues. Although multiple solutions for data protection have been proposed by the academic community, there is no unified view or framework describing how to deploy secure pub/sub systems on public clouds. To remediate this, we advocate towards a trust model which we believe can serve as basis for such deployments

    Collusion defender : preserving subscribers’ privacy in publish and subscribe systems

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    The Publish and Subscribe (pub/sub) system is an established paradigm to disseminate the data from publishers to subscribers in a loosely coupled manner using a network of dedicated brokers. However, sensitive data could be exposed to malicious entities if brokers get compromised or hacked; or even worse, if brokers themselves are curious to learn about the data. A viable mechanism to protect sensitive publications and subscriptions is to encrypt the data before it is disseminated through the brokers. State-of-the-art approaches allow brokers to perform encrypted matching without revealing publications and subscriptions. However, if malicious brokers collude with malicious subscribers or publishers, they can learn the interests of innocent subscribers, even when the interests are encrypted. In this article, we present a pub/sub system that ensures confidentiality of publications and subscriptions in the presence of untrusted brokers. Furthermore, our solution resists collusion attacks between untrusted brokers and malicious subscribers (or publishers). Finally, we have implemented a prototype of our solution to show its feasibility and efficiency. Index Terms: Collusion Resistance, Secure Pub/sub, Subscribers’ Privacy, Publications’ Confidentialit

    Scalable data retrieval in a mobile environment

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    Retrieving multidimensional data out of distributed systems becomes increasingly important. But applications of these systems are often not only interested in data vectors that match certain queries. Instead, many applications demand for retrieval of data with high quality. In this thesis, we design a distributed system that can be used by applications to retrieve data of high quality for arbitrary multidimensional queries. Major challenges for the quality-based data retrieval are to 1.) find an appropriate formalization of data quality, 2.) design routing algorithms for queries, that are robust in the presence of high dynamics with respect to the participants of the system and the data on the participants and 3.) handle heterogeneous and high-dimensional data in the system. In order to retrieve data quality, we propose 1.) the measure of confidence for a query that is based on clusters of data. When a participant of the system finds, that its confidence for a query is high, it will assume to possess data of high quality for that query. 2.) Further, we design and implement routing strategies in order to route queries to nodes that can answer them with high confidence. Maintaining exact routing tables for each possible query would be infeasible, so nodes have to model the data that can be reached via neighbours in routing models. Such modelling of data is based on structural properties of the data such as how good the data can be clustered. 3.) In the high-dimensional space, we have to overcome the curse of dimensionality: the structure of data can become invisible in higher dimensions. We address this problem with a method for dimensionality reduction that reduces the dimensions with highest data variance. The evaluation of our approaches shows a high accuracy of query routing, even if our approaches do not make use of scalability bottlenecks like flooding of the query or flooding of routing information. Further, we show that the use of dimensionality reduction in routing has positive influence on the routing accuracy. We think that the methods in our approach can be useful instruments, whenever the task of retrieving data of high quality has to be outsourced to a distributed system

    Confidentiality-Preserving Publish/Subscribe: A Survey

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    Publish/subscribe (pub/sub) is an attractive communication paradigm for large-scale distributed applications running across multiple administrative domains. Pub/sub allows event-based information dissemination based on constraints on the nature of the data rather than on pre-established communication channels. It is a natural fit for deployment in untrusted environments such as public clouds linking applications across multiple sites. However, pub/sub in untrusted environments lead to major confidentiality concerns stemming from the content-centric nature of the communications. This survey classifies and analyzes different approaches to confidentiality preservation for pub/sub, from applications of trust and access control models to novel encryption techniques. It provides an overview of the current challenges posed by confidentiality concerns and points to future research directions in this promising field

    Novel Techniques for Secure Use of Public Cloud Computing Resources

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    The federal government has an expressed interest in moving data and services to third party service providers in order to take advantage of the flexibility, scalability, and potential cost savings. This approach is called cloud computing. The thesis for this research is that efficient techniques exist to support the secure use of public cloud computing resources by a large, federated enterprise. The primary contributions of this research are the novel cryptographic system MA-AHASBE (Multi-Authority Anonymous Hierarchical Attribute-Set Based Encryption), and the techniques used to incorporate MA-AHASBE in a real world application. Performance results indicate that while there is a cost associated with enforcing the suggested security model, the cost is not unreasonable and the benefits in security can be significant. The contributions of this research give the DoD additional tools for supporting the mission while taking advantage of the cost efficient public cloud computing resources that are becoming widely available