719 research outputs found

    Secure Two-party Threshold ECDSA from ECDSA Assumptions

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    The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is one of the most widely used schemes in deployed cryptography. Through its applications in code and binary authentication, web security, and cryptocurrency, it is likely one of the few cryptographic algorithms encountered on a daily basis by the average person. However, its design is such that executing multi-party or threshold signatures in a secure manner is challenging: unlike other, less widespread signature schemes, secure multi-party ECDSA requires custom protocols, which has heretofore implied reliance upon additional cryptographic assumptions and primitives such as the Paillier cryptosystem. We propose new protocols for multi-party ECDSA key-generation and signing with a threshold of two, which we prove secure against malicious adversaries in the Random Oracle Model using only the Computational Diffie-Hellman Assumption and the assumptions already relied upon by ECDSA itself. Our scheme requires only two messages, and via implementation we find that it outperforms the best prior results in practice by a factor of 56 for key generation and 11 for signing, coming to within a factor of 18 of local signatures. Concretely, two parties can jointly sign a message in just over three milliseconds. This document is an updated version. A new preface includes errata and notes relevant to the original work, and a brief description of a revised protocol with a revised proof. The original paper appears in unedited form at the end. The authors consider this work to be fully subsumed by the more recent three-round protocol of Doerner, Kondi, Lee, and shelat (2023), and direct new readers to that work

    Accountable authentication with privacy protection: The Larch system for universal login

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    Credential compromise is hard to detect and hard to mitigate. To address this problem, we present larch, an accountable authentication framework with strong security and privacy properties. Larch protects user privacy while ensuring that the larch log server correctly records every authentication. Specifically, an attacker who compromises a user's device cannot authenticate without creating evidence in the log, and the log cannot learn which web service (relying party) the user is authenticating to. To enable fast adoption, larch is backwards-compatible with relying parties that support FIDO2, TOTP, and password-based login. Furthermore, larch does not degrade the security and privacy a user already expects: the log server cannot authenticate on behalf of a user, and larch does not allow relying parties to link a user across accounts. We implement larch for FIDO2, TOTP, and password-based login. Given a client with four cores and a log server with eight cores, an authentication with larch takes 150ms for FIDO2, 91ms for TOTP, and 74ms for passwords (excluding preprocessing, which takes 1.23s for TOTP).Comment: This is an extended version of a paper appearing at OSDI 202

    CryptoMaze: Atomic Off-Chain Payments in Payment Channel Network

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    Payment protocols developed to realize off-chain transactions in Payment channel network (PCN) assumes the underlying routing algorithm transfers the payment via a single path. However, a path may not have sufficient capacity to route a transaction. It is inevitable to split the payment across multiple paths. If we run independent instances of the protocol on each path, the execution may fail in some of the paths, leading to partial transfer of funds. A payer has to reattempt the entire process for the residual amount. We propose a secure and privacy-preserving payment protocol, CryptoMaze. Instead of independent paths, the funds are transferred from sender to receiver across several payment channels responsible for routing, in a breadth-first fashion. Payments are resolved faster at reduced setup cost, compared to existing state-of-the-art. Correlation among the partial payments is captured, guaranteeing atomicity. Further, two party ECDSA signature is used for establishing scriptless locks among parties involved in the payment. It reduces space overhead by leveraging on core Bitcoin scripts. We provide a formal model in the Universal Composability framework and state the privacy goals achieved by CryptoMaze. We compare the performance of our protocol with the existing single path based payment protocol, Multi-hop HTLC, applied iteratively on one path at a time on several instances. It is observed that CryptoMaze requires less communication overhead and low execution time, demonstrating efficiency and scalability.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures, 1 tabl