2 research outputs found

    Building Trust Networks

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    The common agreement in the industry is that the Public Key Infrastructure is complex and expensive. From the year 1976 with the introduction of public key cryptography and the introduction of PKI concept in 1977 a lot of scientific resources has been spent on creation of usable key exchange systems and concepts to build trust networks. Most EU Member States have implemented their own national Public Key Infrastructure solutions mainly to enable strong authentication of citizens. They are however not the only systems within the EU to utilize PKI. Due to the nature of the PKI it is most convenient or suitable in an environment with stakeholders with similar agendas. This has resulted in several new PKI developments for specific purposes, within one industry or one vertical such as healthcare. Some Member States have tried to incorporate vertical needs with an all-purpose PKI solution, such as the Austrian eID card with so called sector specific certificates (http://ec.europa.eu/idabc/en/document/4486/5584). From the CIA (Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability) triangle public key cryptography provides confidentiality and integrity. The modern world however has more requirements in environments where sensitive information is being exchanged. It is not enough to know identity of the entity trying to access the information, but to also know the entity permissions or privileges regarding the requested resource. The authorization process grants the user specific permissions to e.g. access, modify or delete resources. A pure PKI does not allow us to build complex authorization policies, and therefore some of the Member States have built (authentication and) authorization solutions on top of existing authentication infrastructures, especially in the eGovernment sector. The scientific community has also tried to solve this issue by creating extensions to the basic PKI concept, and some of these concepts have been successful. Another problem with large scales systems is the key distribution. Managing a large number of keys using a central solution such as PKI has proven to be problematic in certain conditions. Either there are tradeoffs in security, or problems with application support. The last issue deals with public key cryptography itself. Current cryptography relies on the fact that it provides enough security based on availability of the resources, i.e. computational power. New approaches have been introduced both scientifically and commercially by moving away from the mathematics to other areas such as quantum mechanics. This paper is a quick review on some of the existing systems and their benefits and inherent challenges as well as a short introduction to new developments in the areas of authentication, authorization and key distribution.JRC.G.6-Security technology assessmen