61 research outputs found

    Practical and Employable Protocols for UC-Secure Circuit Evaluation over ZnZ_n

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    We present a set of new, efficient, universally composable two-party protocols for evaluating reactive arithmetic circuits modulo n, where n is a safe RSA modulus of unknown factorization. Our protocols are based on a homomorphic encryption scheme with message space ZnZ_n, zero-knowledge proofs of existence, and a novel mixed trapdoor commitment scheme. Our protocols are proven secure against adaptive corruptions (assuming secure erasures) under standard assumptions in the CRS model (without random oracles). Our protocols appear to be the most efficient ones that satisfy these security requirements. In contrast to prior protocols, we provide facilities that allow for the use of our protocols as building blocks of higher-level protocols. An additional contribution of this paper is a universally composable construction of the variant of the Dodis-Yampolskiy oblivious pseudorandom function in a group of order n as originally proposed by Jarecki and Liu

    Quantum Algorithms for Some Hidden Shift Problems

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    Almost all of the most successful quantum algorithms discovered to date exploit the ability of the Fourier transform to recover subgroup structures of functions, especially periodicity. The fact that Fourier transforms can also be used to capture shift structure has received far less attention in the context of quantum computation. In this paper, we present three examples of "unknown shift" problems that can be solved efficiently on a quantum computer using the quantum Fourier transform. For one of these problems, the shifted Legendre symbol problem, we give evidence that the problem is hard to solve classically, by showing a reduction from breaking algebraically homomorphic cryptosystems. We also define the hidden coset problem, which generalizes the hidden shift problem and the hidden subgroup problem. This framework provides a unified way of viewing the ability of the Fourier transform to capture subgroup and shift structure

    Secure Protocol for Mining in Horizontally Scattered Database Using Association Rule

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    Data mining is the Data mining is the analysis step of the "Knowledge Discovery in Databases" process or KDD. In this paper, produced protocol for secure protocol for mining in scattered database using association rule. Here frequent pattern tree used to find a frequent item sets. The primary part in this protocol is secure multi party algorithm in which one compute the union of private subsets that each of the interacting players hold, and another one that test the inclusion of an element hold by one player in a subset which another subset has. Our protocol provides privacy more securely than previous protocols. In addition, it is simpler and it is improved in terms of communication rounds, communication cost and computational cost than other protocols. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15025

    Multi-Party Private Set Intersection: A Circuit-Based Protocol with Jaccard Similarity for Secure and Efficient Anomaly Detection in Network Traffic

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    We present a new circuit-based protocol for multi-party private set intersection (PSI) that allows m parties to compute the intersection of their datasets without revealing any additional information about the items outside the intersection. Building upon the two-party Sort-Compare-Shuffle (SCS) protocol, we seamlessly extend it to a multi-party setting. Demonstrating its practicality through implementation, our protocol exhibits acceptable performance. Specifically, with 7 parties, each possessing a set size of 2^{12}, our protocol completes in just 19 seconds. Moreover, circuit-based protocols like ours have an advantage over using custom protocols to perform more complex computation. We substantiate this advantage by incorporating a module for calculating the Jaccard similarity metric of the private sets which can be used in the application domain of network traffic analysis for anomaly detection. This extension showcases the versatility of our protocol beyond set intersection computations, demonstrating its efficacy in preserving privacy while efficiently identifying abnormal patterns in network flow

    Data Mining Applications in Banking Sector While Preserving Customer Privacy

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    In real-life data mining applications, organizations cooperate by using each other’s data on the same data mining task for more accurate results, although they may have different security and privacy concerns. Privacy-preserving data mining (PPDM) practices involve rules and techniques that allow parties to collaborate on data mining applications while keeping their data private. The objective of this paper is to present a number of PPDM protocols and show how PPDM can be used in data mining applications in the banking sector. For this purpose, the paper discusses homomorphic cryptosystems and secure multiparty computing. Supported by experimental analysis, the paper demonstrates that data mining tasks such as clustering and Bayesian networks (association rules) that are commonly used in the banking sector can be efficiently and securely performed. This is the first study that combines PPDM protocols with applications for banking data mining. Doi: 10.28991/ESJ-2022-06-06-014 Full Text: PD

    Design of large scale applications of secure multiparty computation : secure linear programming

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    Secure multiparty computation is a basic concept of growing interest in modern cryptography. It allows a set of mutually distrusting parties to perform a computation on their private information in such a way that as little as possible is revealed about each private input. The early results of multiparty computation have only theoretical signi??cance since they are not able to solve computationally complex functions in a reasonable amount of time. Nowadays, e??ciency of secure multiparty computation is an important topic of cryptographic research. As a case study we apply multiparty computation to solve the problem of secure linear programming. The results enable, for example in the context of the EU-FP7 project SecureSCM, collaborative supply chain management. Collaborative supply chain management is about the optimization of the supply and demand con??guration of a supply chain. In order to optimize the total bene??t of the entire chain, parties should collaborate by pooling their sensitive data. With the focus on e??ciency we design protocols that securely solve any linear program using the simplex algorithm. The simplex algorithm is well studied and there are many variants of the simplex algorithm providing a simple and e??cient solution to solving linear programs in practice. However, the cryptographic layer on top of any variant of the simplex algorithm imposes restrictions and new complexity measures. For example, hiding the number of iterations of the simplex algorithm has the consequence that the secure implementations have a worst case number of iterations. Then, since the simplex algorithm has exponentially many iterations in the worst case, the secure implementations have exponentially many iterations in all cases. To give a basis for understanding the restrictions, we review the basic theory behind the simplex algorithm and we provide a set of cryptographic building blocks used to implement secure protocols evaluating basic variants of the simplex algorithm. We show how to balance between privacy and e??ciency; some protocols reveal data about the internal state of the simplex algorithm, such as the number of iterations, in order to improve the expected running times. For the sake of simplicity and e??ciency, the protocols are based on Shamir's secret sharing scheme. We combine and use the results from the literature on secure random number generation, secure circuit evaluation, secure comparison, and secret indexing to construct e??cient building blocks for secure simplex. The solutions for secure linear programming in this thesis can be split into two categories. On the one hand, some protocols evaluate the classical variants of the simplex algorithm in which numbers are truncated, while the other protocols evaluate the variants of the simplex algorithms in which truncation is avoided. On the other hand, the protocols can be separated by the size of the tableaus. Theoretically there is no clear winner that has both the best security properties and the best performance
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