20 research outputs found

    Secure Two-Party Computation with Low Communication

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    We propose a 2-party UC-secure protocol that can compute any function securely. The protocol requires only two messages, communication that is poly-logarithmic in the size of the circuit description of the function, and the workload for one of the parties is also only poly-logarithmic in the size of the circuit. This implies, for instance, delegatable computation that requires no expensive off-line phase and remains secure even if the server learns whether the client accepts its results. To achieve this, we define two new notions of extractable hash functions, propose an instantiation based on the knowledge of exponent in an RSA group, and build succinct zero-knowledge arguments in the CRS model

    Randomized Secure Two-Party Computation for Modular Conversion, Zero Test, Comparison, MOD and Exponentiation

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    When secure arithmetic is required, computation based on secure multiplication (\MULT) is much more efficient than computation based on secure boolean circuits. However, a typical application can also require other building blocks, such as comparison, exponentiation and the modulo (MOD) operation. Secure solutions for these functions proposed in the literature rely on bit-decomposition or other bit-oriented methods, which require O()O(\ell) \MULTs for \ell-bit inputs. In the absence of a known bit-length independent solution, the complexity of the whole computation is often dominated by these non-arithmetic functions. To resolve the above problem, we start with a general modular conversion, which converts secret shares over distinct moduli. For this, we proposed a probabilistically correct protocol for this with a complexity that is independent of \ell. Then, we show that when these non-arithmetic functions are based on secure modular conversions, they can be computed in constant rounds and O(k)O(k) \MULTs, where kk is a parameter for an error rate of 2Ω(k)2^{-\Omega(k)}. To promote our protocols to be actively secure, we apply O(k)O(k) basic zero-knowledge proofs, which cost at most O(k)O(k) exponentiation computation, O(1)O(1) rounds and O(k(+κ))O(k(\ell+\kappa)) communication bits, where κ\kappa is the security parameter used in the commitment scheme

    Fastplay-A Parallelization Model and Implementation of SMC on CUDA based GPU Cluster Architecture

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    We propose a four-tiered parallelization model for acceleration of the secure multiparty computation (SMC) on the CUDA based Graphic Processing Unit (GPU) cluster architecture. Specification layer is the top layer, which adopts the SFDL of Fairplay for specification of secure computations. The SHDL file generated by the SFDL compiler of Fairplay is used as inputs to the function layer, for which we developed both multi-core and GPU based control functions for garbling of various types of Boolean gates, and ECC-based 1-out-of-2 Oblivious Transfer (OT). These high level control functions invoke computation of 3-DGG (3-DES gate garbling), EGG (ECC based gate garbling), and ECC based OT that run at the secure protocol layer. An ECC Arithmetic GPU Library (EAGL), which co-run on the GPU cluster and its host, manages utilization of GPUs in parallel computing of ECC arithmetic. Experimental results show highly linear acceleration of ECC related computations when the system is not overloaded; When running on a GPU cluster consisted of 6 Tesla C870 devices, with GPU devices fully loaded with over 3000 execution threads, Fastplay achieved 35~40 times of acceleration over a serial implementation running on a 2.53GHz duo core CPU and 4GB memory. When the execution thread count exceeds this number, the speed up factor remains fairly constant, yet slightly increased

    From Dust to Dawn: Practically Efficient Two-Party Secure Function Evaluation Protocols and their Modular Design

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    General two-party Secure Function Evaluation (SFE) allows mutually distrusting parties to (jointly) correctly compute \emph{any} function on their private input data, without revealing the inputs. SFE, properly designed, guarantees to satisfy the most stringent security requirements, even for interactive computation. Two-party SFE can benefit almost any client-server interaction where privacy is required, such as privacy-preserving credit checking, medical classification, or face recognition. Today, SFE is subject of an immense amount of research in a variety of directions, and is not easy to navigate. In this paper, we systematize the most \emph{practically important} work of the vast research knowledge on \emph{general} SFE. It turns out that the most efficient SFE protocols today are obtained by combining several basic techniques, such as garbled circuits and homomorphic encryption. We limit our detailed discussion to efficient general techniques. In particular, we do not discuss the details of currently \emph{practically inefficient} techniques, such as fully homomorphic encryption (although we elaborate on its practical relevance), nor do we cover \emph{specialized} techniques applicable only to small classes of functions. As an important practical contribution, we present a framework in which today\u27s practically most efficient techniques for general SFE can be viewed as building blocks with well-defined interfaces that can be easily combined to establish a complete efficient solution. Further, our approach naturally lends itself to automated protocol generation (compilation). This is evidenced by the implementation of (parts of) our framework in the TASTY SFE compiler (introduced at ACM CCS 2010). In sum, our work is positioned as a comprehensive guide in state-of-the-art SFE, with the additional goal of extracting, systematizing and unifying the most relevant and promising general techniques from among the mass of SFE knowledge. We hope this guide would help developers of SFE libraries and privacy-preserving protocols in selecting the most efficient SFE components available today

    Secure Arithmetic Computation with Constant Computational Overhead

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    We study the complexity of securely evaluating an arithmetic circuit over a finite field FF in the setting of secure two-party computation with semi-honest adversaries. In all existing protocols, the number of arithmetic operations per multiplication gate grows either linearly with logF\log |F| or polylogarithmically with the security parameter. We present the first protocol that only makes a *constant* (amortized) number of field operations per gate. The protocol uses the underlying field FF as a black box, and its security is based on arithmetic analogues of well-studied cryptographic assumptions. Our protocol is particularly appealing in the special case of securely evaluating a ``vector-OLE\u27\u27 function of the form ax+b\vec{a}x+\vec{b}, where xFx\in F is the input of one party and a,bFw\vec{a},\vec{b}\in F^w are the inputs of the other party. In this case, which is motivated by natural applications, our protocol can achieve an asymptotic rate of 1/31/3 (i.e., the communication is dominated by sending roughly 3w3w elements of FF). Our implementation of this protocol suggests that it outperforms competing approaches even for relatively small fields FF and over fast networks. Our technical approach employs two new ingredients that may be of independent interest. First, we present a general way to combine any linear code that has a fast encoder and a cryptographic (``LPN-style\u27\u27) pseudorandomness property with another linear code that supports fast encoding and *erasure-decoding*, obtaining a code that inherits both the pseudorandomness feature of the former code and the efficiency features of the latter code. Second, we employ local *arithmetic* pseudo-random generators, proposing arithmetic generalizations of boolean candidates that resist all known attacks

    Semi-homomorphic Encryption and Multiparty Computation

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    An additively-homomorphic encryption scheme enables us to compute linear functions of an encrypted input by manipulating only the ciphertexts. We define the relaxed notion of a semi-homomorphic encryption scheme, where the plaintext can be recovered as long as the computed function does not increase the size of the input too much . We show that a number of existing cryptosystems are captured by our relaxed notion. In particular, we give examples of semi-homomorphic encryption schemes based on lattices, subset sum and factoring. We then demonstrate how semi-homomorphic encryption schemes allow us to construct an efficient multiparty computation protocol for arithmetic circuits, UC-secure against a dishonest majority. The protocol consists of a preprocessing phase and an online phase. Neither the inputs nor the function to be computed have to be known during preprocessing. Moreover, the online phase is extremely efficient as it requires no cryptographic operations: the parties only need to exchange additive shares and verify information theoretic MACs. Our contribution is therefore twofold: from a theoretical point of view, we can base multiparty computation on a variety of different assumptions, while on the practical side we offer a protocol with better efficiency than any previous solution

    Secure Arithmetic Computation with No Honest Majority

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    We study the complexity of securely evaluating arithmetic circuits over finite rings. This question is motivated by natural secure computation tasks. Focusing mainly on the case of two-party protocols with security against malicious parties, our main goals are to: (1) only make black-box calls to the ring operations and standard cryptographic primitives, and (2) minimize the number of such black-box calls as well as the communication overhead. We present several solutions which differ in their efficiency, generality, and underlying intractability assumptions. These include: • An unconditionally secure protocol in the OT-hybrid model which makes a black-box use of an arbitrary ring R, but where the number of ring operations grows linearly with (an upper bound on) log |R|. • Computationally secure protocols in the OT-hybrid model which make a black-box use of an underlying ring, and in which the number of ring operations does not grow with the ring size. The protocols rely on variants of previous intractability assumptions related to linear codes. In the most efficient instance of these protocols, applied to a suitable class of fields, the (amortized) communication cost is a constant number of field elements per multiplication gate and the computational cost is dominated by O(log k) field operations per gate, where k is a security parameter. These results extend a previous approach of Naor and Pinkas for secure polynomial evaluation (SIAM J. Comput., 35(5), 2006). • A protocol for the rings Zm = Z/mZ which only makes a black-box use of a homomorphic encryption scheme. When m is prime, the (amortized) number of calls to the encryption scheme for each gate of the circuit is constant. All of our protocols are in fact UC-secure in the OT-hybrid model and can be generalized to multiparty computation with an arbitrary number of malicious parties