374 research outputs found

    Guessing a password over a wireless channel (on the effect of noise non-uniformity)

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    A string is sent over a noisy channel that erases some of its characters. Knowing the statistical properties of the string's source and which characters were erased, a listener that is equipped with an ability to test the veracity of a string, one string at a time, wishes to fill in the missing pieces. Here we characterize the influence of the stochastic properties of both the string's source and the noise on the channel on the distribution of the number of attempts required to identify the string, its guesswork. In particular, we establish that the average noise on the channel is not a determining factor for the average guesswork and illustrate simple settings where one recipient with, on average, a better channel than another recipient, has higher average guesswork. These results stand in contrast to those for the capacity of wiretap channels and suggest the use of techniques such as friendly jamming with pseudo-random sequences to exploit this guesswork behavior.Comment: Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems & Computers, 201

    Side-Information Coding with Turbo Codes and its Application to Quantum Key Distribution

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    Turbo coding is a powerful class of forward error correcting codes, which can achieve performances close to the Shannon limit. The turbo principle can be applied to the problem of side-information source coding, and we investigate here its application to the reconciliation problem occurring in a continuous-variable quantum key distribution protocol.Comment: 3 pages, submitted to ISITA 200

    Strong Converse for a Degraded Wiretap Channel via Active Hypothesis Testing

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    We establish an upper bound on the rate of codes for a wiretap channel with public feedback for a fixed probability of error and secrecy parameter. As a corollary, we obtain a strong converse for the capacity of a degraded wiretap channel with public feedback. Our converse proof is based on a reduction of active hypothesis testing for discriminating between two channels to coding for wiretap channel with feedback.Comment: This paper was presented at Allerton 201

    Expurgation Exponent of Leaked Information in Privacy Amplification for Binary Sources

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    We investigate the privacy amplification problem in which Eve can observe the uniform binary source through a binary erasure channel (BEC) or a binary symmetric channel (BSC). For this problem, we derive the so-called expurgation exponent of the information leaked to Eve. The exponent is derived by relating the leaked information to the error probability of the linear code that is generated by the linear hash function used in the privacy amplification, which is also interesting in its own right. The derived exponent is larger than state-of-the-art exponent recently derived by Hayashi at low rate.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, to be presented at IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW) 201

    Rate Compatible Protocol for Information Reconciliation: An application to QKD

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    Information Reconciliation is a mechanism that allows to weed out the discrepancies between two correlated variables. It is an essential component in every key agreement protocol where the key has to be transmitted through a noisy channel. The typical case is in the satellite scenario described by Maurer in the early 90's. Recently the need has arisen in relation with Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) protocols, where it is very important not to reveal unnecessary information in order to maximize the shared key length. In this paper we present an information reconciliation protocol based on a rate compatible construction of Low Density Parity Check codes. Our protocol improves the efficiency of the reconciliation for the whole range of error rates in the discrete variable QKD context. Its adaptability together with its low interactivity makes it specially well suited for QKD reconciliation

    Secret-key generation from wireless channels: Mind the reflections

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    Secret-key generation in a wireless environment exploiting the randomness and reciprocity of the channel gains is considered. A new channel model is proposed which takes into account the effect of reflections (or re-radiations) from receive antenna elements, thus capturing an physical property of practical antennas. It turns out that the reflections have a deteriorating effect on the achievable secret-key rate between the legitimate nodes at high signal-to-noise-power-ratio (SNR). The insights provide guidelines in the design and operation of communication systems using the properties of the wireless channel to prevent eavesdropping.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figure