27 research outputs found

    Location-Based Beamforming for Rician Wiretap Channels

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    We propose a location-based beamforming scheme for wiretap channels, where a source communicates with a legitimate receiver in the presence of an eavesdropper. We assume that the source and the eavesdropper are equipped with multiple antennas, while the legitimate receiver is equipped with a single antenna. We also assume that all channels are in a Rician fading environment, the channel state information from the legitimate receiver is perfectly known at the source, and that the only information on the eavesdropper available at the source is her location. We first describe how the beamforming vector that minimizes the secrecy outage probability of the system is obtained, illustrating its dependence on the eavesdropper's location. We then derive an easy-to-compute expression for the secrecy outage probability when our proposed location-based beamforming is adopted. Finally, we investigate the impact location uncertainty has on the secrecy outage probability, showing how our proposed solution can still allow for secrecy even when the source has limited information on the eavesdropper's location.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Location-Based Beamforming and Physical Layer Security in Rician Wiretap Channels

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    We propose a new location-based beamforming (LBB) scheme for wiretap channels, where a multi-antenna source communicates with a single-antenna legitimate receiver in the presence of a multi-antenna eavesdropper. We assume that all channels are in a Rician fading environment, the channel state information from the legitimate receiver is perfectly known at the source, and that the only information on the eavesdropper available at the source is her location. We first describe how the optimal beamforming vector that minimizes the secrecy outage probability of the system is obtained, illustrating its dependence on the eavesdropper's location. We then derive an easy-to-compute expression for the secrecy outage probability when our proposed LBB scheme is adopted. We also consider the positive impact a friendly jammer can have on our beamforming solution, showing how the path to optimality remains the same. Finally, we investigate the impact of location uncertainty on the secrecy outage probability, showing how our solution can still allow for secrecy even when the source only has a noisy estimate of the eavesdropper's location. Our work demonstrates how a multi-antenna array, operating in the most general channel conditions and most likely system set-up, can be configured rapidly in the field so as to deliver an optimal physical layer security solution.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1510.0856

    On the Design of Artificial-Noise-Aided Secure Multi-Antenna Transmission in Slow Fading Channels

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    In this paper, we investigate the design of artificial-noise-aided secure multi-antenna transmission in slow fading channels. The primary design concerns include the transmit power allocation and the rate parameters of the wiretap code. We consider two scenarios with different complexity levels: i) the design parameters are chosen to be fixed for all transmissions, ii) they are adaptively adjusted based on the instantaneous channel feedback from the intended receiver. In both scenarios, we provide explicit design solutions for achieving the maximal throughput subject to a secrecy constraint, given by a maximum allowable secrecy outage probability. We then derive accurate approximations for the maximal throughput in both scenarios in the high signal-to-noise ratio region, and give new insights into the additional power cost for achieving a higher security level, whilst maintaining a specified target throughput. In the end, the throughput gain of adaptive transmission over non-adaptive transmission is also quantified and analyzed.Comment: to appear in IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technolog

    Outage Constrained Robust Secure Transmission for MISO Wiretap Channels

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    In this paper we consider the robust secure beamformer design for MISO wiretap channels. Assume that the eavesdroppers' channels are only partially available at the transmitter, we seek to maximize the secrecy rate under the transmit power and secrecy rate outage probability constraint. The outage probability constraint requires that the secrecy rate exceeds certain threshold with high probability. Therefore including such constraint in the design naturally ensures the desired robustness. Unfortunately, the presence of the probabilistic constraints makes the problem non-convex and hence difficult to solve. In this paper, we investigate the outage probability constrained secrecy rate maximization problem using a novel two-step approach. Under a wide range of uncertainty models, our developed algorithms can obtain high-quality solutions, sometimes even exact global solutions, for the robust secure beamformer design problem. Simulation results are presented to verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed algorithms

    Increasing the Secrecy Gap in Quasi-Static Rayleigh Channels with Secret Splitting

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    Exploiting Full-duplex Receivers for Achieving Secret Communications in Multiuser MISO Networks

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    We consider a broadcast channel, in which a multi-antenna transmitter (Alice) sends KK confidential information signals to KK legitimate users (Bobs) in the presence of LL eavesdroppers (Eves). Alice uses MIMO precoding to generate the information signals along with her own (Tx-based) friendly jamming. Interference at each Bob is removed by MIMO zero-forcing. This, however, leaves a "vulnerability region" around each Bob, which can be exploited by a nearby Eve. We address this problem by augmenting Tx-based friendly jamming (TxFJ) with Rx-based friendly jamming (RxFJ), generated by each Bob. Specifically, each Bob uses self-interference suppression (SIS) to transmit a friendly jamming signal while simultaneously receiving an information signal over the same channel. We minimize the powers allocated to the information, TxFJ, and RxFJ signals under given guarantees on the individual secrecy rate for each Bob. The problem is solved for the cases when the eavesdropper's channel state information is known/unknown. Simulations show the effectiveness of the proposed solution. Furthermore, we discuss how to schedule transmissions when the rate requirements need to be satisfied on average rather than instantaneously. Under special cases, a scheduling algorithm that serves only the strongest receivers is shown to outperform the one that schedules all receivers.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Communication

    Spatially Selective Artificial-Noise Aided Transmit Optimization for MISO Multi-Eves Secrecy Rate Maximization

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    Consider an MISO channel overheard by multiple eavesdroppers. Our goal is to design an artificial noise (AN)-aided transmit strategy, such that the achievable secrecy rate is maximized subject to the sum power constraint. AN-aided secure transmission has recently been found to be a promising approach for blocking eavesdropping attempts. In many existing studies, the confidential information transmit covariance and the AN covariance are not simultaneously optimized. In particular, for design convenience, it is common to prefix the AN covariance as a specific kind of spatially isotropic covariance. This paper considers joint optimization of the transmit and AN covariances for secrecy rate maximization (SRM), with a design flexibility that the AN can take any spatial pattern. Hence, the proposed design has potential in jamming the eavesdroppers more effectively, based upon the channel state information (CSI). We derive an optimization approach to the SRM problem through both analysis and convex conic optimization machinery. We show that the SRM problem can be recast as a single-variable optimization problem, and that resultant problem can be efficiently handled by solving a sequence of semidefinite programs. Our framework deals with a general setup of multiple multi-antenna eavesdroppers, and can cater for additional constraints arising from specific application scenarios, such as interference temperature constraints in interference networks. We also generalize the framework to an imperfect CSI case where a worst-case robust SRM formulation is considered. A suboptimal but safe solution to the outage-constrained robust SRM design is also investigated. Simulation results show that the proposed AN-aided SRM design yields significant secrecy rate gains over an optimal no-AN design and the isotropic AN design, especially when there are more eavesdroppers.Comment: To appear in IEEE Trans. Signal Process., 201