46 research outputs found

    Securing Large-Scale D2D Networks Using Covert Communication and Friendly Jamming

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    We exploit both covert communication and friendly jamming to propose a friendly jamming-assisted covert communication and use it to doubly secure a large-scale device-to-device (D2D) network against eavesdroppers (i.e., wardens). The D2D transmitters defend against the wardens by: 1) hiding their transmissions with enhanced covert communication, and 2) leveraging friendly jamming to ensure information secrecy even if the D2D transmissions are detected. We model the combat between the wardens and the D2D network (the transmitters and the friendly jammers) as a two-stage Stackelberg game. Therein, the wardens are the followers at the lower stage aiming to minimize their detection errors, and the D2D network is the leader at the upper stage aiming to maximize its utility (in terms of link reliability and communication security) subject to the constraint on communication covertness. We apply stochastic geometry to model the network spatial configuration so as to conduct a system-level study. We develop a bi-level optimization algorithm to search for the equilibrium of the proposed Stackelberg game based on the successive convex approximation (SCA) method and Rosenbrock method. Numerical results reveal interesting insights. We observe that without the assistance from the jammers, it is difficult to achieve covert communication on D2D transmission. Moreover, we illustrate the advantages of the proposed friendly jamming-assisted covert communication by comparing it with the information-theoretical secrecy approach in terms of the secure communication probability and network utility

    On the Performance of Low-Altitude UAV-Enabled Secure AF Relaying with Cooperative Jamming and SWIPT

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    This paper proposes a novel cooperative secure unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) aided transmission protocol, where a source (Alice) sends confidential information to a destination (Bob) via an energy-constrained UAV-mounted amplify-and-forward (AF) relay in the presence of a ground eavesdropper (Eve). We adopt destination-assisted cooperative jamming (CJ) as well as simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) at the UAV-mounted relay to enhance physical-layer security (PLS) and transmission reliability. Assuming a low altitude UAV, we derive connection probability (CP), secrecy outage probability (SOP), instantaneous secrecy rate, and average secrecy rate (ASR) of the proposed protocol over Air-Ground (AG) channels, which are modeled as Rician fading with elevation-angel dependent parameters. By simulations, we verify our theoretical results and demonstrate significant performance improvement of our protocol, when compared to conventional transmission protocol with ground relaying and UAV-based transmission protocol without destination-assisted jamming. Finally, we evaluate the impacts of different system parameters and different UAV's locations on the proposed protocol in terms of ASR.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, Submitted for possible journal publicatio

    Transmitter Optimization Techniques for Physical Layer Security

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    Information security is one of the most critical issues in wireless networks as the signals transmitted through wireless medium are more vulnerable for interception. Although the existing conventional security techniques are proven to be safe, the broadcast nature of wireless communications introduces different challenges in terms of key exchange and distributions. As a result, information theoretic physical layer security has been proposed to complement the conventional security techniques for enhancing security in wireless transmissions. On the other hand, the rapid growth of data rates introduces different challenges on power limited mobile devices in terms of energy requirements. Recently, research work on wireless power transfer claimed that it has been considered as a potential technique to extend the battery lifetime of wireless networks. However, the algorithms developed based on the conventional optimization approaches often require iterative techniques, which poses challenges for real-time processing. To meet the demanding requirements of future ultra-low latency and reliable networks, neural network (NN) based approach can be employed to determine the resource allocations in wireless communications. This thesis developed different transmission strategies for secure transmission in wireless communications. Firstly, transmitter designs are focused in a multiple-input single-output simultaneous wireless information and power transfer system with unknown eavesdroppers. To improve the performance of physical layer security and the harvested energy, artificial noise is incorporated into the network to mask the secret information between the legitimate terminals. Then, different secrecy energy efficiency designs are considered for a MISO underlay cognitive radio network, in the presence of an energy harvesting receiver. In particular, these designs are developed with different channel state information assumptions at the transmitter. Finally, two different power allocation designs are investigated for a cognitive radio network to maximize the secrecy rate of the secondary receiver: conventional convex optimization framework and NN based algorithm


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    In this paper, the impact of the jamming signal on the secrecy performance of Energy Harvesting (EH) enabled dual-hop amplify-and-forward relaying network is investigated. First, the security outage probability analysis is studied for conventional networks under a single passive eavesdropper attack. Then, the outage performance analysis in two cases regarding energy harvesting is investigated. Moreover, the proposed work enhances Physical Layer (PHY) security performance of two-hop relaying model using Cooperative Jamming Dual-Hop Techniques (CJDH). For this purpose, new closed-form expressions are derived for the outage probability of CJDH model in the presence of interference over Rayleigh fading channels. A power allocation optimization problem for energy harvesting protocol is formulated and solved for enhancing the system security. The derived analytical formulas herein are supported by numerical and simulation results to clarify the main contributions of the paper

    Relaying in the Internet of Things (IoT): A Survey

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    The deployment of relays between Internet of Things (IoT) end devices and gateways can improve link quality. In cellular-based IoT, relays have the potential to reduce base station overload. The energy expended in single-hop long-range communication can be reduced if relays listen to transmissions of end devices and forward these observations to gateways. However, incorporating relays into IoT networks faces some challenges. IoT end devices are designed primarily for uplink communication of small-sized observations toward the network; hence, opportunistically using end devices as relays needs a redesign of both the medium access control (MAC) layer protocol of such end devices and possible addition of new communication interfaces. Additionally, the wake-up time of IoT end devices needs to be synchronized with that of the relays. For cellular-based IoT, the possibility of using infrastructure relays exists, and noncellular IoT networks can leverage the presence of mobile devices for relaying, for example, in remote healthcare. However, the latter presents problems of incentivizing relay participation and managing the mobility of relays. Furthermore, although relays can increase the lifetime of IoT networks, deploying relays implies the need for additional batteries to power them. This can erode the energy efficiency gain that relays offer. Therefore, designing relay-assisted IoT networks that provide acceptable trade-offs is key, and this goes beyond adding an extra transmit RF chain to a relay-enabled IoT end device. There has been increasing research interest in IoT relaying, as demonstrated in the available literature. Works that consider these issues are surveyed in this paper to provide insight into the state of the art, provide design insights for network designers and motivate future research directions