16 research outputs found

    Certifying LLM Safety against Adversarial Prompting

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    Large language models (LLMs) released for public use incorporate guardrails to ensure their output is safe, often referred to as "model alignment." An aligned language model should decline a user's request to produce harmful content. However, such safety measures are vulnerable to adversarial prompts, which contain maliciously designed token sequences to circumvent the model's safety guards and cause it to produce harmful content. In this work, we introduce erase-and-check, the first framework to defend against adversarial prompts with verifiable safety guarantees. We erase tokens individually and inspect the resulting subsequences using a safety filter. Our procedure labels the input prompt as harmful if any subsequences or the input prompt are detected as harmful by the filter. This guarantees that any adversarial modification of a harmful prompt up to a certain size is also labeled harmful. We defend against three attack modes: i) adversarial suffix, which appends an adversarial sequence at the end of the prompt; ii) adversarial insertion, where the adversarial sequence is inserted anywhere in the middle of the prompt; and iii) adversarial infusion, where adversarial tokens are inserted at arbitrary positions in the prompt, not necessarily as a contiguous block. Empirical results demonstrate that our technique obtains strong certified safety guarantees on harmful prompts while maintaining good performance on safe prompts. For example, against adversarial suffixes of length 20, it certifiably detects 93% of the harmful prompts and labels 94% of the safe prompts as safe using the open source language model Llama 2 as the safety filter

    Improving Robustness by Enhancing Weak Subnets

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    Adversarial Robustness through the Lens of Causality

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    The adversarial vulnerability of deep neural networks has attracted significant attention in machine learning. From a causal viewpoint, adversarial attacks can be considered as a specific type of distribution change on natural data. As causal reasoning has an instinct for modeling distribution change, we propose to incorporate causality into mitigating adversarial vulnerability. However, causal formulations of the intuition of adversarial attack and the development of robust DNNs are still lacking in the literature. To bridge this gap, we construct a causal graph to model the generation process of adversarial examples and define the adversarial distribution to formalize the intuition of adversarial attacks. From a causal perspective, we find that the label is spuriously correlated with the style (content-independent) information when an instance is given. The spurious correlation implies that the adversarial distribution is constructed via making the statistical conditional association between style information and labels drastically different from that in natural distribution. Thus, DNNs that fit the spurious correlation are vulnerable to the adversarial distribution. Inspired by the observation, we propose the adversarial distribution alignment method to eliminate the difference between the natural distribution and the adversarial distribution. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method. Our method can be seen as the first attempt to leverage causality for mitigating adversarial vulnerability

    Explicit Tradeoffs between Adversarial and Natural Distributional Robustness

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    Several existing works study either adversarial or natural distributional robustness of deep neural networks separately. In practice, however, models need to enjoy both types of robustness to ensure reliability. In this work, we bridge this gap and show that in fact, explicit tradeoffs exist between adversarial and natural distributional robustness. We first consider a simple linear regression setting on Gaussian data with disjoint sets of core and spurious features. In this setting, through theoretical and empirical analysis, we show that (i) adversarial training with ℓ1\ell_1 and ℓ2\ell_2 norms increases the model reliance on spurious features; (ii) For ℓ∞\ell_\infty adversarial training, spurious reliance only occurs when the scale of the spurious features is larger than that of the core features; (iii) adversarial training can have an unintended consequence in reducing distributional robustness, specifically when spurious correlations are changed in the new test domain. Next, we present extensive empirical evidence, using a test suite of twenty adversarially trained models evaluated on five benchmark datasets (ObjectNet, RIVAL10, Salient ImageNet-1M, ImageNet-9, Waterbirds), that adversarially trained classifiers rely on backgrounds more than their standardly trained counterparts, validating our theoretical results. We also show that spurious correlations in training data (when preserved in the test domain) can improve adversarial robustness, revealing that previous claims that adversarial vulnerability is rooted in spurious correlations are incomplete.Comment: Accepted to NeurIPS 202