163 research outputs found

    Normalisasi Dalam Perancangan Basis Data Relasional Purchase Order (PO)

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    Abstrak: Basis data merupakan koleksi terpadu dari data yang saling terintegrasi dengan tujuan untuk kecepatan dalam pengambilan kembali data untuk memenuhi kebutuhan end user suatu perusahaan. Dalam melakukan perancangan basis data dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan 2 (dua) pendekatan yaitu dengan melakukan normalisasi atau dengan konsep ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram). Normalisasi merupakan teknik formal yang digunakan dalam perancangan basis data untuk menghasilkan rancangan basis data yang optimal yang bebas anomali (insert, update dan delete). Dalam perancangan basis data dengan  normalisasi menggunakan kasus data Purchase Order (PO). Dalam normalisasi dilakukan dengan melakukan Unnormalized Form (UNF), First Normal Form  (1 NF), Second Normal Form (2NF), Thirt Normal Form (3NF) sampai terbentuknya ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram) dan terbentuknya perancangan struktur tabel dari tabel-tabel yang terbentuk dari hasil normalisasi.   Kata Kunci: Anomali, Entity Relationship Diagram, Normalisasi.   Abstract: A database is an integrated collection of data are integrated with the purpose to speed in taking back the data to meet the needs of the end user of a company. When doing database design can be done by using 2 (two) approach is to perform normalization or with the concept of an ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram). Normalization is a formal technique used in designing the database to produce an optimal database design that is free of anomalies (insert, update, and delete). In the design of data base with normalization using case data Purchase Order (PO). In the normalization is performed by doing the Unnormalized Form (EXTRACT), the First Normal Form (1 NF), Second Normal Form (2NF), Thirt Normal Form (3NF) until the formation of the ERD (Entity Relationship Diagrams) and the formation of table structure design tables of results of normalization.  Keywords: Anomalies, Entity Relationship Diagram, Normalization

    Design and Implementation of Reservation Management System - Case Study: Grand Ville Hotels

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    The management and booking of Rooms in hotels is a tedious and complicated task especially if it is done manually. Keeping track of large customers and all their details requires an inordinate space for file cabinets, not to mention the time the hotel administrator would spend going back and forth to file cabinets so as to look up each customer’s information. This is why a good hotel reservation system is needed to make this task as easy as possible. This paper shows how the noted complicated human task can be solved by using a database Management System together with scripting and programming languages like Html and PHP respectively as the key tools in the development of a hotel reservation System. The system was developed using the object-oriented software development approach which   includes the use of object-oriented analysis, object- oriented design and object-oriented programming. This was done so that the developed software can be maintainable, reliable and scalable. Keywords: reservation, management, system DOI: 10.7176/JIEA/9-3-01 Publication date:May 31st 201

    Design and Implementation of Reservation Management System - Case study: Grand Ville Hotels

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    The management and booking of Rooms in hotels is a tedious and complicated task especially if it is done manually. Keeping track of large customers and all their details requires an inordinate space for file cabinets, not to mention the time the hotel administrator would spend going back and forth to file cabinets so as to look up each customer’s information. This is why a good hotel reservation system is needed to make this task as easy as possible. This paper shows how the noted complicated human task can be solved by using a database Management System together with scripting and programming languages like Html and PHP respectively as the key tools in the development of a hotel reservation System. The system was developed using the object-oriented software development approach which   includes the use of object-oriented analysis, object- oriented design and object-oriented programming. This was done so that the developed software can be maintainable, reliable and scalable. Keywords: reservation, management, system DOI: 10.7176/CEIS/10-4-05 Publication date:May 31st 201

    On the least redundancy problem of the queries of order two in combinatorial filing scheme

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    The paper concerns a least redundancy problem of queries of order two in a combinatorial file organization scheme. Every record will be assumed to have m attributes, each of them having n levels, and the queries of order two will be identified with edges of a complete m-partite graph Km(n,…, n). S. Yamamoto, S. Tazawa, K. Ushio, and H. Ikeda have proved that if c ⩽ (m − 1), then the graph, termed “claw with degree c,” has the least redundancy among all the graphs consisting of c edges over Km(n,…, n), and they presented a file organization scheme realizing the least redundancy. S. Tazawa and S. Yamamoto have proved that the claw with degree c has the least redundancy even in the case of c ⩽ n(m − 1). The purpose of this paper is to introduce some transformations of graphs over Km(n,…, n) and to prove that a graph termed “complete normal form” has the least redundancy in any case of c > 0. In mathematical language, the problem here is stated as follows: Let V be an n-dimensional lattice point space {1,…, m} × … × {1,…, m}. For fixed i, j (i ≠ j), p, p′, we define a subset V(i,j,p,p′) = {v} ∈ V; vi = p}, vj = p′} ⊂ V. For a given possible integer c, how should we select c mutually different V(i,j, p, p′) such that the number of lattice points contained in the union of them is minimum. The solution is Theorem 5, and Theorem 7 gives a formula for finding the minimum number


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    Sistem informasi monitoring pelaporan pada Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban akan sangat memberikan manfaat untuk perkembagan Instansi itu sendiri, aplikasi Monitoring ini akan memberikan kemudahan dalam proses pelaporan dan mencarinya. Pada Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban dari segi pelaporan masih menggunakan sistem semi komputer dan masih menggunakan kertas sebagai media penyampaian laporan, sehingga akan menjadi masalah ketika terdapat dobel laporan dan terjadi kerusakan pada laporan itu sendiri, serta menyulitkan untuk melakukan pencarian laporan yang sudah diserahkan pada Sub-bagian Pelaporan. Pada tahap analisis sistem berjalan, menggunakan metode analisis SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, dan Threats) dan analisis kebutuhan elisitasi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan suatu media pelaporan yang memanfaatkan teknologi informasi sebagai media penyampaian laporan yang dapat menyediakan informasi mengenai laporan dan mempermudah penyampaian laporan kepada Sub-bagian Pelaporan, sehingga dapat menghasilkan yang bermanfaat bagi Lembaga Perlindungan Saksi dan Korban

    XML document design via GN-DTD

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    Designing a well-structured XML document is important for the sake of readability and maintainability. More importantly, this will avoid data redundancies and update anomalies when maintaining a large quantity of XML based documents. In this paper, we propose a method to improve XML structural design by adopting graphical notations for Document Type Definitions (GN-DTD), which is used to describe the structure of an XML document at the schema level. Multiples levels of normal forms for GN-DTD are proposed on the basis of conceptual model approaches and theories of normalization. The normalization rules are applied to transform a poorly designed XML document into a well-designed based on normalized GN-DTD, which is illustrated through examples

    A Review of the First Phase of a Project to Develop and Utilize Animated Database Courseware

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    Database technologies have revolutionized information technologies and information systems and, as such, are recommended components of any undergraduate program in a computing discipline. However, there are many obstacles to teaching database concepts including prioritizing the many important database concepts, incorporating new technologies into an already full curriculum and supporting students who find the topic challenging. This paper presents a review of the development of a set of database courseware animation prototypes designed to support and strengthen the presentation of database concepts. The work was part of a proof-of-concept NSF grant. Preliminary evaluation of the prototypes suggests they enhance student learning and, consequently, future enhancements to the courseware have been proposed

    Perbandingan antara Dua Pendekatan Normalisasi Data Hingga Kondisi Fourth Normal Form (4nf)

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    Data normalization is a technique used to create databases that are able to store data in an effective and efficient manner. This, in turn, will ensure the integrity of the data contained within those databases. The process of normalizing a database from completely unnormalized to its ultimate form is a gradual one, and in practical terms this is commonly thought of as necessitating at least four steps, each of which is marked with a specific "normalized form", usually annotated as 1NF, 2NF, 3NF, and 4NF. This paper compares two different approaches to achieve 4NF. The first method comprises the four steps usually described in books and articles, while the second approach needs only two-and-a-half of those steps to attain 4NF