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    The purpose of this paper is to assess use and impact of e-resources among research scholars of Agriculture and Technology Universities in Uttar Pradesh. A survey has been conducted and appropriate tools and technology were applied for the collection and interpretation of the data. The study highlights the purpose of using e-resources, methods used for searching and browsing eresources, satisfaction level and problems among research scholars. On the basis of the findings, suggestions have been put forward for making the optimum use of e-resources and provide effective and efficient library services to its users


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    The purpose of this paper is to assess use and impact of e-resources among research scholars of Agriculture and Technology Universities in Uttar Pradesh. A survey has been conducted and appropriate tools and technology were applied for the collection and interpretation of the data. The study highlights the purpose of using e-resources, methods used for searching and browsing eresources, satisfaction level and problems among research scholars. On the basis of the findings, suggestions have been put forward for making the optimum use of e-resources and provide effective and efficient library services to its users

    Students’ Perspective on Safety Education using Second Life as a Tool for Effective Learning

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    Educators are searching for cutting-edge ideas to deliver effective instructional methods to students and employers on different aspects of training. The population of students in colleges and universities are different in terms of dependency on technology. Most students are visual learners and are dependent on the use of technology in their everyday lives to satisfy social needs. Educators are seeking methods to increase student learning and comprehension of classroom theory by integrating the students’ need of technology. Teaching industrial safety can often leave the instructor with a level of uncertainty as to whether the students have grasped concepts taught in the classroom. As educators begin to embrace new innovations in teaching and learning, researchers are examining Flow in virtual environments such as Second Life. The researchers see potential in developing collaborative activities which intrigue and lure students into an environment which induces Flow, thereby allowing students to “think outside the box” and analyze simulated situations which are representative of real-world safety issues

    Posibilidades educativas de las redes sociales y el trabajo en grupo. Percep- ciones de los alumnos universitarios

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    The change in classroom methodologies has in many cases come with the emergence of the Internet and 2.0 tools (mainly social networks). The development of a constructivist approach focused on group work means that students’ training can be improved by this type of resources as they foster important aspects such as socialization, information searching and the achievement of a common goal, etc. This work aims to analyze the information and communication technology (ICT) university learning processes and student preferences for working either inside or outside the classroom at the universities of Córdoba, Sevilla, Huelva and the Basque Country. Our objectives are focused on knowing: the students' feelings on social software and its influence on collaborative and group work;) the social network tools they use and, if there are any differences between these universities in terms of collaborative work perceptions. The instrument for data gathering was a four-dimensional questionnaire. The main results are: students are interested in group work as a type of classroom methodology; students have little knowledge of technology tools (except for social networks). These results provide a reliable diagnostic instrument for the variables that comprise this tool

    Examining the Use of Social Media in Building a Student Personal Brand and the Impact of Demographics

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    Personal branding has recently gained interest as employer requirements and recruitment practices have been transformed with advancements in technology. Social media platforms have made personal branding efforts both easy and challenging. Prior research pointed out that college students and graduates entering the job market need to understand the importance of current technology tools and utilize them in building their personal brand and searching for jobs. However, empirical research on the topic is very limited. To respond to this void, this study examines students’ perceptions of their efforts for building their personal brands using social media. Data were collected using an online survey at two universities in the U.S. The findings reveal that students’ perceptions of their efforts in building their personal brands differ by their use of social media platforms and demographics. Practical implications are discussed

    Facilitating teaching and learning resources through the World Wide Web - case accounts of industrial design and living technology education in Taiwan

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    Designers have a key role to play in exploring the potential uses of technology, understanding and managing its impact on society, and ensuring that it is accessible, usable, and useful. There are a number of resources on the Internet aimed specially at students and faculties. The Internet provides access to the World Wide Web, Usenet, Ftp, and Telnet, which have tremendous educational potential. The World Wide Web has more appeal, because of its hypermedia foundation, its access to an immense volume of rapidly evolving information, and its access to the latest information. Because of all these characteristics, the World Wide Web becomes a potent tool for educational purposes. This paper discusses these features of the Internet and its application to teaching and learning, possible sophisticated pedagogical uses of the web, and notes web-based content for assisting both industrial design and living technology education in Taiwan. There are 18 universities offering Industrial Design at undergraduate and postgraduate level in Taiwan; Living Technology, the course title for technology education in Taiwan, is a requirement for secondary students. The bases of this research are archival study, on-line searching, and focus group panel discussions. Finally, the strategies of implementing web-based content are presented in brief case accounts

    The Influence of Integrating Technology in Language Learning Courses

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    Second language learning (L2) in many parts of the world often involves students in rote memorization and repetitive tasks that are not motivational. This study investigated how technology can be integrated into teaching to support active language learning and personal engagement that benefits motivation, course satisfaction and enhances social experiences. Theories guiding this investigation included Gardner's Integrative theory of language learning involving social construction, cooperative learning and communicative competence, and Dörnyei's L2 Motivational Self System that involves successful engagement with the ideal self, ought-to-self, and L2 learning experience. Participants included 315 students in two Taiwanese universities taking night courses in year 1-4 English courses. Both universities integrate technology across the courses with video clips, audio listening, web searching and creating presentations. Students completed a 66 item "Motivation to Learn English with Technology" survey near the end of the term that included these sections: 1) Desire to Learn English, 2) Preference of Learning Style, 3) Social Experience, 4) Course Satisfaction, 5) Level of Engagement, 6) Technology Experience, and 7) Demographics. Data was analyzed using multiple and simple regression as well as correlation analysis. Desire to Learn English had a positive relationship with Preference of Learning with Technology; r =.37, p <.05. Learning with Technology also has a positive relationship with Activity Engagement r =.33, p<.05. Preference of Learning with Technology was a positive predictor of Course Satisfaction; R square=.22, F(1, 313)=86.75, p <.05. Technology Experience was also a positive predictor of course satisfaction; R square=.03, F(1, 313)=9.50, p<.05. Preference to Learn with Traditional Methods was also a positive predictor of Course Satisfaction ( r =.49), p<.05. Desire to Learn English also shows positive relationship with social experience r=.35, p<.05; and Social Experience shows positive correlation with Course Satisfaction r=.55, p<.05. The Demographics (gender, academic major, academic year, and English level) were not significant predictors. Students with a higher preference for learning with technology are more likely to become actively involved in class activities, have greater desire to learn English, and gain a higher degree of course satisfaction. Because learning with technology appears to benefit motivation and course satisfaction, educators might consider integrating technology throughout their language-learning curriculum

    Translation Tools and Resources: Exploring Saudi Translators’ Awareness of Translation Technologies

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    This study provides a baseline for future comparisons in translation technology awareness which has implications for teaching translation technology under the premise that greater systematic training on translation technologies is needed in Saudi universities. The study is quantitative in nature: It investigates the awareness of translation technologies among 213 Saudi translators via a questionnaire distributed through Twitter and LinkedIn. The questionnaire was used to measure translators’ awareness of five types of translation technology tools, namely CAT tools, Machine Translation (MT), Terminology Management Systems (TMS), Corpora Analysis Tools, and Quality Assurance (QA) tools, along with seven types of online resources, namely online dictionaries, knowledge-based resources, discussion fora, search engines, web pages, online documents, and Translation Memories (TM). The results show various degrees of awareness toward the tools and resources. However, Saudi translators were more familiar with the online resources than tools. More specifically, 50% and above of respondents displayed comparable high familiarity for all online resources, except for TM which recorded lower familiarity. As for tools, MT was the tool most familiar to translators, followed by CAT tools with a fair awareness, and a limited awareness was reported for TMS, QA tools, and Corpora Analysis Tools. Based on the findings, the study suggests searching for effective solutions to keep translators motivated and updated regarding recent translation technology. Another recommendation is to conduct further research that draws upon broader perspectives to explore the factors that have a decisive influence on the awareness of translation technology

    Identification of University Inventors and University Patenting Patterns at Lund University:Conceptual- Methodological & Empirical Findings

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    One of the most interesting indicators to show the change in the socio-economic role of universities in the last several decades has been the use of university patenting. However except some individual studies in European countries (e.g. Finland, Norway, Belgium, Italy, Germany and France) there has been no such a comprehensive data available for Sweden and most other European countries. The main motivation of this paper is therefore to obtain a systematic database on university patenting activities in Sweden. The main method of this research is data-matching between the EPO-patents and Lund University Faculty registers, and manual controls. The methodology of this research underlines the importance of searching for university-patents by the name of university inventors rather their affiliated university. The rate of patenting activity showed a positive trend between the years 1990 and 2004. 458 patents have been filed by Lund University researchers. The total number of inventors is 250. Although the number of large firms is lesser than the SMEs, the former group (e.g. Ericsson, Astra-Zeneca) has applied for a larger number of patents than the total number of patents of SMEs.university patents; technology transfer; innovation; Swedish Model

    The roles of technology in enhancing service excellence in higher education

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    The purpose of this study is to examine the rules of technology in enhancing service excellence in higher education.Service excellence is crucially needed in every business environment and previous studies have proven that, those implementing service excellence will increase their profit and remain competitive in the long run.The study will be thoroughly reviewing previous literatures in getting an idea on the existing condition.To look at how much fast-moving technology has enhanced the implementation of service excellence especially in higher education industry.The aims of the study are to explore any possible advantage of technology in enhancing service excellence.In a highly competitive environment, public universities are suffering from the high demand for unlimited information.Demand for fast communication has turn social media into a big role. In becoming customer‟s choice, universities all over the world must invest into a new and updated approach or application of mass media to remain competitive.Somehow, searching for related article regarding an approach in improving services in higher education industry by any specific technology is hard to find.Continuous study is needed in shaping our future education industry in becoming a world-class university
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