2 research outputs found

    Algorithms for pre-microrna classification and a GPU program for whole genome comparison

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are non-coding RNAs with approximately 22 nucleotides that are derived from precursor molecules. These precursor molecules or pre-miRNAs often fold into stem-loop hairpin structures. However, a large number of sequences with pre-miRNA-like hairpin can be found in genomes. It is a challenge to distinguish the real pre-miRNAs from other hairpin sequences with similar stem-loops (referred to as pseudo pre-miRNAs). The first part of this dissertation presents a new method, called MirID, for identifying and classifying microRNA precursors. MirID is comprised of three steps. Initially, a combinatorial feature mining algorithm is developed to identify suitable feature sets. Then, the feature sets are used to train support vector machines to obtain classification models, based on which classifier ensemble is constructed. Finally, an AdaBoost algorithm is adopted to further enhance the accuracy of the classifier ensemble. Experimental results on a variety of species demonstrate the good performance of the proposed approach, and its superiority over existing methods. In the second part of this dissertation, A GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) program is developed for whole genome comparison. The goal for the research is to identify the commonalities and differences of two genomes from closely related organisms, via multiple sequencing alignments by using a seed and extend technique to choose reliable subsets of exact or near exact matches, which are called anchors. A rigorous method named Smith-Waterman search is applied for the anchor seeking, but takes days and months to map millions of bases for mammalian genome sequences. With GPU programming, which is designed to run in parallel hundreds of short functions called threads, up to 100X speed up is achieved over similar CPU executions

    Identification de caractéristiques communes et rares dans les ARN structurés dans la base de données Rfam

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    Les ARN non codants (ARNnc) sont des transcrits d'ARN qui ne sont pas traduits en protéines et qui pourtant ont des fonctions clés et variées dans la cellule telles que la régulation des gènes, la transcription et la traduction. Parmi les nombreuses catégories d'ARNnc qui ont été découvertes, on trouve des ARN bien connus tels que les ARN ribosomiques (ARNr), les ARN de transfert (ARNt), les snoARN et les microARN (miARN). Les fonctions des ARNnc sont étroitement liées à leurs structures d’où l’importance de développer des outils de prédiction de structure et des méthodes de recherche de nouveaux ARNnc. Les progrès technologiques ont mis à la disposition des chercheurs des informations abondantes sur les séquences d'ARN. Ces informations sont accessibles dans des bases de données telles que Rfam, qui fournit des alignements et des informations structurelles sur de nombreuses familles d'ARNnc. Dans ce travail, nous avons récupéré toutes les séquences des structures secondaires annotées dans Rfam, telles que les boucles en épingle à cheveux, les boucles internes, les renflements « bulge », etc. dans toutes les familles d'ARNnc. Une base de données locale, RNAstem, a été créée pour faciliter la manipulation et la compilation des données sur les motifs de structure secondaire. Nous avons analysé toutes les boucles terminales et internes ainsi que les « bulges » et nous avons calculé un score d’abondance qui nous a permis d’étudier la fréquence de ces motifs. Tout en minimisant le biais de la surreprésentation de certaines classes d’ARN telles que l’ARN ribosomal, l’analyse des scores a permis de caractériser les motifs rares pour chacune des catégories d’ARN en plus de confirmer des motifs communs comme les boucles de type GNRA ou UNCG. Nous avons identifié des motifs abondants qui n’ont pas été étudiés auparavant tels que la « tetraloop » UUUU. En analysant le contenu de ces motifs en nucléotides, nous avons remarqué que ces régions simples brins contiennent beaucoup plus de nucléotides A et U. Enfin, nous avons exploré la possibilité d’utiliser ces scores pour la conception d’un filtre qui permettrait d’accélérer la recherche de nouveaux ARN non-codants. Nous avons développé un système de scores, RNAscore, qui permet d’évaluer un ARN en se basant sur son contenu en motifs et nous avons testé son applicabilité avec différents types de contrôles.Noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) are RNA transcripts that are not translated into proteins yet they play important functional roles in the cell including gene regulation, transcription and translation. Among the many categories of ncRNAs that were discovered, we find the well-known ribosomal RNA (rRNA), transfer RNA (tRNA), snoRNA and microRNAs (miRNA). The functions of ncRNAs are tightly linked to their structural features. Thus, understanding and predicting RNA structure as well as developing methods to search for new ncRNAs help to gain insight into these molecules. Technological advances have made available abundant sequence information accessible in databases such as Rfam, which provides alignments and structural information of many ncRNA families. In this research project, we retrieved the information from the Rfam database about the sequences of all secondary structures such as hairpin loops, internal loops, bulges, etc. in all RNA families. A local database, RNAstem, was created to facilitate the use and manipulation of information about secondary structure motifs. We analyzed hairpin loops, bulges and internal loops using the compiled data about the frequencies of occurrence of each loop or bulge and calculated a frequency score. The frequency score is aimed to be an indicator for the abundance of a specific secondary structure motif. While minimizing the bias caused by the high redundancy of some RNA classes as ribosomal RNAs, the frequency score allowed us to identify the rare motifs in each category as well as the common ones. Our findings about the abundant motifs confirm what is already known from previous studies (ex. abundant GNRA or UNCG tetraloops). We found very large gaps between the most abundant and rare RNA structural features. Moreover, we discovered that "A" and "U" dominate single stranded RNA regions, whether they are bulges or loops. We further explored the possibility of using this data to improve current prediction tools for ncRNAs by applying a filter to new candidates. We developed a score system, RNAscore, that evaluates RNAs depending on their motif contents and we tested the program with many different controls