13 research outputs found

    Search and hyperlinking task at MediaEval 2012

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    The Search and Hyperlinking Task was one of the Brave New Tasks at MediaEval 2012. The Task consisted of two subtasks which focused on search and linking in retrieval from a collection of semi-professional video content. These tasks followed up on research carried out within the MediaEval 2011 Rich Speech Retrieval (RSR) Task and the VideoCLEF 2009 Linking Task

    DCU search runs at MediaEval 2012: search and hyperlinking task

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    We describe the runs for our participation in the Search sub-task of the Search and Hyperlinking Task at MediaEval 2012. Our runs are designed to form a retrieval baseline by using time-based segmentation of audio transcripts incorporating pause information and a sliding window to define the retrieval segments boundaries with a standard language modelling information retrieval strategy. Using this baseline system runs based on transcripts provided by LIUM were better for all evaluation metrics, than those using transcripts provided by LIMSI

    UTwente does Brave New Tasks for MediaEval 2012: Searching and Hyperlinking

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    In this paper we report our experiments and results for the brave new searching and hyperlinking tasks for the MediaEval Benchmark Initiative 2012. The searching task involves nding target video segments based on a short natural language sentence query and the hyperlinking task involves nding links from the target video segments to other related video segments in the collection using a set of anchor segments in the videos that correspond to the textual search queries. To nd the starting points in the video, we only used speech transcripts and metadata as evidence source, however, other visual features (for e.g., faces, shots and keyframes) might also aect results for a query. We indexed speech transcripts and metadata, furthermore, the speech transcripts were indexed at speech segment level and at sentence level to improve the likelihood of nding jump-in-points. For linking video segments, we computed k-nearest neighbours of video segments using euclidean distance

    An investigation into feature effectiveness for multimedia hyperlinking

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    The increasing amount of archival multimedia content available online is creating increasing opportunities for users who are interested in exploratory search behaviour such as browsing. The user experience with online collections could therefore be improved by enabling navigation and recommendation within multimedia archives, which can be supported by allowing a user to follow a set of hyperlinks created within or across documents. The main goal of this study is to compare the performance of dierent multimedia features for automatic hyperlink generation. In our work we construct multimedia hyperlinks by indexing and searching textual and visual features extracted from the blip.tv dataset. A user-driven evaluation strategy is then proposed by applying the Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) crowdsourcing platform, since we believe that AMT workers represent a good example of "real world" users. We conclude that textual features exhibit better performance than visual features for multimedia hyperlink construction. In general, a combination of ASR transcripts and metadata provides the best results

    Blip10000: a social video dataset containing SPUG content for tagging and retrieval

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    The increasing amount of digital multimedia content available is inspiring potential new types of user interaction with video data. Users want to easilyfind the content by searching and browsing. For this reason, techniques are needed that allow automatic categorisation, searching the content and linking to related information. In this work, we present a dataset that contains comprehensive semi-professional user generated (SPUG) content, including audiovisual content, user-contributed metadata, automatic speech recognition transcripts, automatic shot boundary les, and social information for multiple `social levels'. We describe the principal characteristics of this dataset and present results that have been achieved on different tasks

    Multimedia information seeking through search and hyperlinking

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    Searching for relevant webpages and following hyperlinks to related content is a widely accepted and effective approach to information seeking on the textual web. Existing work on multimedia information retrieval has focused on search for individual relevant items or on content linking without specific attention to search results. We describe our research exploring integrated multimodal search and hyperlinking for multimedia data. Our investigation is based on the MediaEval 2012 Search and Hyperlinking task. This includes a known-item search task using the Blip10000 internet video collection, where automatically created hyperlinks link each relevant item to related items within the collection. The search test queries and link assessment for this task was generated using the Amazon Mechanical Turk crowdsourcing platform. Our investigation examines a range of alternative methods which seek to address the challenges of search and hyperlinking using multimodal approaches. The results of our experiments are used to propose a research agenda for developing eective techniques for search and hyperlinking of multimedia content

    Utilisation of metadata fields and query expansion in cross-lingual search of user-generated Internet video

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    Recent years have seen signicant eorts in the area of Cross Language Information Retrieval (CLIR) for text retrieval. This work initially focused on formally published content, but more recently research has begun to concentrate on CLIR for informal social media content. However, despite the current expansion in online multimedia archives, there has been little work on CLIR for this content. While there has been some limited work on Cross-Language Video Retrieval (CLVR) for professional videos, such as documentaries or TV news broadcasts, there has to date, been no signicant investigation of CLVR for the rapidly growing archives of informal user generated (UGC) content. Key differences between such UGC and professionally produced content are the nature and structure of the textual UGC metadata associated with it, as well as the form and quality of the content itself. In this setting, retrieval eectiveness may not only suer from translation errors common to all CLIR tasks, but also recognition errors associated with the automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems used to transcribe the spoken content of the video and with the informality and inconsistency of the associated user-created metadata for each video. This work proposes and evaluates techniques to improve CLIR effectiveness of such noisy UGC content. Our experimental investigation shows that dierent sources of evidence, e.g. the content from dierent elds of the structured metadata, significantly affect CLIR effectiveness. Results from our experiments also show that each metadata eld has a varying robustness to query expansion (QE) and hence can have a negative impact on the CLIR eectiveness. Our work proposes a novel adaptive QE technique that predicts the most reliable source for expansion and shows how this technique can be effective for improving CLIR effectiveness for UGC content

    Enabling automatic provenance-based trust assessment of web content

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    Augmenting automatic speech recognition and search models for spoken content retrieval

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    Spoken content retrieval (SCR) is a process to provide a user with spoken documents in which the user is potentially interested. Unlike textual documents, searching through speech is not trivial due to its representation. Generally, automatic speech recognition (ASR) is used to transcribe spoken content such as user-generated videos and podcast episodes into transcripts before search operations are performed. Despite recent improvements in ASR, transcription errors can still be present in automatic transcripts. This is in particular when ASR is applied to out-of-domain data or speech with background noise. This thesis explores improvement of ASR systems and search models for enhanced SCR on user-generated spoken content. There are three topics explored in this thesis. Firstly, the use of multimodal signals for ASR is investigated. This is motivated to integrate background contexts of spoken content into ASR. Integration of visual signals and document metadata into ASR is hypothesised to produce transcripts more aligned to background contexts of speech. Secondly, the use of semi-supervised training and content genre information from metadata are exploited for ASR. This approach is motivated to mitigate the transcription errors caused by recognition of out-of-domain speech. Thirdly, the use of neural models and the model extension using N-best ASR transcripts are investigated. Using ASR N-best transcripts instead of 1-best for search models is motivated because "key terms" missed in 1-best can be present in the N-best transcripts. A series of experiments are conducted to examine those approaches to improvement of ASR systems and search models. The findings suggest that semi-supervised training bring practical improvement of ASR systems for SCR and the use of neural ranking models in particular with N-best transcripts improve the result of known-item search over the baseline BM25 model