2,927 research outputs found

    An Empirical Analysis of NMT-Derived Interlingual Embeddings and their Use in Parallel Sentence Identification

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    End-to-end neural machine translation has overtaken statistical machine translation in terms of translation quality for some language pairs, specially those with large amounts of parallel data. Besides this palpable improvement, neural networks provide several new properties. A single system can be trained to translate between many languages at almost no additional cost other than training time. Furthermore, internal representations learned by the network serve as a new semantic representation of words -or sentences- which, unlike standard word embeddings, are learned in an essentially bilingual or even multilingual context. In view of these properties, the contribution of the present work is two-fold. First, we systematically study the NMT context vectors, i.e. output of the encoder, and their power as an interlingua representation of a sentence. We assess their quality and effectiveness by measuring similarities across translations, as well as semantically related and semantically unrelated sentence pairs. Second, as extrinsic evaluation of the first point, we identify parallel sentences in comparable corpora, obtaining an F1=98.2% on data from a shared task when using only NMT context vectors. Using context vectors jointly with similarity measures F1 reaches 98.9%.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Contextual Information Retrieval based on Algorithmic Information Theory and Statistical Outlier Detection

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    The main contribution of this paper is to design an Information Retrieval (IR) technique based on Algorithmic Information Theory (using the Normalized Compression Distance- NCD), statistical techniques (outliers), and novel organization of data base structure. The paper shows how they can be integrated to retrieve information from generic databases using long (text-based) queries. Two important problems are analyzed in the paper. On the one hand, how to detect "false positives" when the distance among the documents is very low and there is actual similarity. On the other hand, we propose a way to structure a document database which similarities distance estimation depends on the length of the selected text. Finally, the experimental evaluations that have been carried out to study previous problems are shown.Comment: Submitted to 2008 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (6 pages, 6 figures

    The System Kato: Detecting Cases of Plagiarism for Answer-Set Programs

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    Plagiarism detection is a growing need among educational institutions and solutions for different purposes exist. An important field in this direction is detecting cases of source-code plagiarism. In this paper, we present the tool Kato for supporting the detection of this kind of plagiarism in the area of answer-set programming (ASP). Currently, the tool is implemented for DLV programs but it is designed to handle other logic-programming dialects as well. We review the basic features of Kato, introduce its theoretical underpinnings, and discuss an application of Kato for plagiarism detection in the context of courses on logic programming at the Vienna University of Technology