5 research outputs found

    Homi Jehangir Bhabha as a Knowledge Generating System: A Longitudinal Cognition Study

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    Quantitative analysis of the events of synchronous references in the research papers followed throughout the publishing career of an individual scientist revealed interesting highlights on the knowledge-generating-system. In the case study of Homi Jehangir Bhabha first quinquennium and fifth quinquennium of his research career had low Self-references; third quinquennium and fourth quinquennium had moderate Self-references; whereas second quinquennium had highest Self-references. The two major clusters of Self-references occurring during the second and third quinquennium were indicators of active periods of knowledgegenerating and faster communications

    Scientometric analysis of synchronous references in the Physics Nobel lectures, 1981-1985 : a pilot study

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    Scientometric analysis of synchronous references in the nine Physics Nobel lectures by Nicolaas Bloembergen (1981), Arthur L. Schawlow (1981), Kai M. Siegbahn (1981), Kenneth G. Wilson (1982), Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar (1983), William A. Fowler (1983), Carlo Rubbia (1984), Simon van der Meer (1984), and Klaus von Klitzing (1985) indicated high variations: No. of Synchronous References ranged from 24 (Meer) to 283 (Siegbahn); Synchronous Self-References ranged from 5 (Rubbia) to 88 (Siegbahn); synchronous references to others ranged from 10 (Chandrasekhar) to 255 (Wilson); Synchronous Self-Reference Rates ranged from 6.66 % (Rubbia) to 65.51 % (Chandrasekhar); Single-Authored References ranged from 15 (Klitzing) to 160 (Wilson); Multi-Authored References ranged from 4 (Chandrasekhar) to 194 (Siegbahn); Collaboration Coefficient in the synchronous references ranged from 0.14 (Chandrasekhar) to 0.75 (Klitzing); and Recency (age of 50 % of the latest references) ranged from 2 (Klitzing) to 18 (Chandrasekhar) years. Seventy five per cent of the references belonged to journal articles. Highly referred journals were Astrophysical Journal, Physical Review B, Physical Review Letters, Arkiv Fuer Fysik, Surface Science, Physics Letters, and IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science. See: Scientometrics Vol. 61 No.1, pp.55-68

    A selective review of bibliometric studies on Indian physics and astronomy research output

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    152-169This paper presents a review of 159 bibliometric studies on Indian physics and astronomy research output. The distribution of the 159 papers from1964 to 2020, contributing authors and specific subject domains are analysed. It is found that current research topics of physics and astronomy are hardly selected for the bibliometric study. A few papers incorporate currently relevant aspects of bibliometric analysis to carry out the studies. Both facets, i.e., bibliometrics and physics & astronomy as tool and subject respectively, need to be focussed upon as per the requirement and relevance of time

    A selective review of bibliometric studies on Indian physics and astronomy research output

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    This paper presents a review of 159 bibliometric studies on Indian physics and astronomy research output. The distribution of the 159 papers from1964 to 2020, contributing authors and specific subject domains are analysed. It is found that current research topics of physics and astronomy are hardly selected for the bibliometric study. A few papers incorporate currently relevant aspects of bibliometric analysis to carry out the studies. Both facets, i.e., bibliometrics and physics & astronomy as tool and subject respectively, need to be focussed upon as per the requirement and relevance

    Bibliometrics and scientometrics in India: An overview of studies during 1995-2014Part II: Contents of the articles in terms of disciplines and their bibliometric aspects

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    This part of the study highlights the contents of the published articles in terms of various disciplines or sub-disciplines and the bibliometric aspects discussed in these articles. The analysis of 902 papers published by Indian scholars during1995-2014 indicates that the main focus of bibliometrics/scientometrics is on assessment of science and technology in India in different sub-disciplines including contributions by Indian states and other individual countries followed by bibliometric analysis of individual journals. Papers dealing with bibliometric laws received a low priority as compared to other subdisciplines of bibliometrics/scientometrics. The analysis of data indicates that the share of theoretical studies using mathematical and statistical techniques which were missing in the earlier period (1970-1994) has increased during 1995-2014. The field of medicine as a discipline received the highest attention as compared to other disciplines