2 research outputs found

    Modelado de arquitecturas interoperables seguras

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    Web Service es una de las tecnologías y estándares comúnmente usada para implementar SOA. Pero, aplicar una capa de Web Service sobre aplicaciones legadas o componentes, no garantiza las propiedades SOA requeridas. Es necesario disponer de un enfoque sistemático y completo que tenga en cuenta los requerimientos de negocio y siga las prácticas recomendadas. La interoperabilidad es el principal problema a resolver a la hora de diseñar y desarrollar sistemas basados en servicios, pero esta facilidad de inter-operar no está completa si no se consideran los aspectos de seguridad en esta interoperación. En este trabajo se realiza primeramente un análisis y selección de propuestas para el modelado de arquitecturas basadas en servicios. Luego se analizan propuestas existentes para tratar el aspecto de seguridad en arquitecturas de software interoperables, y se discuten algunas propuestas para modelar específicamente la seguridad en arquitecturas de software. Del análisis se desprende que una manera adecuada para lograr modelar un esquema de interoperabilidad.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativa (SADIO

    Flexible virtual learning environments: a schema-driven approach using sematic web concepts

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    Flexible e-Iearning refers to an intelligent educational mechanism that focuses on simulating and improving traditional education as far as possible on the Web by integrating various electronic approaches, technologies, and equipment. This mechanism aims to promote the personalized development and management of e-learning Web services and applications. The main value of this method is that it provides high-powered individualization in pedagogy for students and staff.Here, the thesis mainly studied three problems in meeting the practical requirements of users in education. The first question is how a range of teaching styles (e.g. command and guided discovery) can be supported. The second one is how varieties of instructional processes can be authored. The third question is how these processes can be controlled by learners and educators in terms of their personalized needs during the execution of instruction.In this research, through investigating the existing e-Iearning approaches and technologies, the main technical problems of current virtual learning environments (VLEs) were analyzed. Next, by using the Semantic Web concepts as well as relevant standards, a schema-driven approach was created. This method can support users' individualized operations in the Web-based education. Then, a flexible e-learning system based on the approach was designed and implemented to map a range of extensive didactic paradigms. Finally, a case study was completed to evaluate the research results. The main findings of the assessment were that the flexible VLE implemented a range of teaching styles and the personalized creation and control of educational processes