436,351 research outputs found

    China, India, and the social construction of technology in international society: the English school meets science and technology studies

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    In recent years, there has been a growing scholarly interest in how International Relations theory can contribute to our understanding of the impact of technology on global politics, underpinned mainly by an engagement with Science and Technology Studies (STS). However, less attention has been paid to the ways in which international society shapes technology. Building on sociological and historical studies of science and technology, this article outlines one way through which international society has constituted technology by developing a synthetic account of the emergence of technological advancement as a ‘standard of civilisation’ in the nineteenth century that differentiated the ‘society of civilised states’ from non-European societies, with a particular focus on China and India. In doing so, this article also highlights how this process has had a powerful and enduring influence on Chinese and Indian conceptions about science and technology. Thus, by shifting the focus from how technology shapes global politics to how international society shapes technology, this article provides new insights into the relationship between technology, power, and modernity in an interdisciplinary context. It also offers a new way of thinking about the complex dynamics of today's global politics of technology

    Women in Nuclear Science & Technology in India: Challenges & Opportunities

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    Women have been actively contributing toward frontline research and development of various advanced technologies in the nuclear domain and playing a crucial role in key positions. However, proportional representation of women in various decision-making positions at higher levels in politics, diplomacy, military affairs, science, and technology remains low, and most of these positions remain male-dominated. We see that women often find it difficult to achieve leadership roles for several reasons, but often from an implicit bias in society. The stereotypical image of women in society is still propagated very discreetly. In recent times, Indian women have made big strides in several frontline sectors like Information Technology (IT), Biotechnology, and on corporate levels. More recently, organizations, including the Indian government, have been promoting an awareness of gender equality in various fields including nuclear technology. Amity University has also been motivating women academicians to take a lead in various fields including nuclear technology and nuclear security. This paper describes various initiatives that the Government of India has taken, along with many Indian organizations, including Amity University, to promote women in various fields especially in nuclear technology. This paper also discusses the opportunities for Indian women, their contributions, and challenges

    J. C. Bose’s Scientific Inventions Confirmed the Truth of Consciousness

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    A world leader in telecommunications, Bose was a significant figure behind the creation of  modern radio and sonic technology. In 1896 his work was commemorated by IEEE  as the oldest  "milestone achievement" from Asia. In 1997 the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers  of America named Bose as a “Father of Radio Science.” Royal Society of England was  impressed by a research paper of Bose on electro-magnetic waves and they honoured him with  a Degree of Doctorate in Science. He was knighted in 1917, and made a Fellow of the Royal  Society in 1920 (the first Indian to become a fellow for science as opposed to mathematics). 


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    ABSTRACT Society\u27s growth and progress are totally dependent on ongoing research. Citation analysis is one of the most common research methodologies used to assess the quality of research in any area of a topic. A bibliometric study would be helpful to all LIS members. To fulfil the study\u27s goals, citation analysis techniques were utilized. The information was gathered from the Shodhganga repository, which is an online database of Indian theses. The Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology received the most citations. According to the research, it was ranked first out of 1929 national and worldwide referenced publications, while just seven Indian journals were in the top twenty most cited journals. The current research also suggests that in the LIS field, there is a need to promote collaborative research and improve the quality of articles published in Indian research journals and that Indian academics should pay more attention to peer-reviewed journals for publication so that their research is visible to readers

    Convection-Enhanced Delivery of Antiangiogenic Drugs and Liposomal Cytotoxic Drugs to Heterogeneous Brain Tumor for Combination Therapy

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    Acknowledgments The authors thank RK Gupta for providing the clinical DCE-MRI data of human brain tumors. Funding Ajay Bhandari would like to acknowledge the support received by a grant from the Science and Engineering Research Board (Grant Number: SRG/2021/000053) and the Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines), Dhanbad (Grant Number: FRS (147)/2020-2021/MECH). Wenbo Zhan would like to acknowledge the support received from the Children with Cancer UK under the project Children’s Brain Tumor Drug Delivery Consortium (Grant Number:16-224). Both authors would like to acknowledge the support received from the Royal Society (Grant Number: IES\R1\221015).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Science and technology for rural India

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    Though the importance of science and technology for rural India was appreciated in the 1930s by Gandhi, giving rise to the work of the Centre for Science for Villages, advanced institutions of education, science and technology turned their attention to this area only in the 1970s. The most well-known of these efforts was from the Indian Institute of Science with its programme for the application of science and technology to rural areas known by its acronym ASTRA. ASTRA (recently renamed as Centre for Sustainable Technologies) was based on a model of science-technology interactions in a ‘dual society’ like India with a small affluent elite amidst a large economically deprived majority living primarily in rural areas. The model showed that inter alia an extension centre and a mission- oriented programme would be required to develop technologies to address the normally ignored needs of the rural population. While many features of this initial ASTRA model have been validated, it also had several shortcomings that are described. An attempt has been made in this article to indicate some directions along which the model should be updated taking into account the emphasis today on sustainable development. Special attention has been devoted to the failure modes in the generation, commercialization and dissemination of rural technologies. Finally, the barriers to the commercialization and dissemination of rural technologies are discussed

    Distinct mechanisms of decadal subsurface heat content variations in the eastern and western Indian Ocean modulated by tropical Pacific SST

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2018. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Climate 31 (2018): 7751-7769, doi:10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0184.1.Decadal variability of the subsurface ocean heat content (OHC) in the Indian Ocean is investigated using a coupled climate model experiment, in which observed eastern tropical Pacific sea surface temperature (EPSST) anomalies are specified. This study intends to understand the contributions of external forcing relative to those of internal variability associated with EPSST, as well as the mechanisms by which the Pacific impacts Indian Ocean OHC. Internally generated variations associated with EPSST dominate decadal variations in the subsurface Indian Ocean. Consistent with ocean reanalyses, the coupled model reproduces a pronounced east–west dipole structure in the southern tropical Indian Ocean and discontinuities in westward-propagating signals in the central Indian Ocean around 100°E. This implies distinct mechanisms by which the Pacific impacts the eastern and western Indian Ocean on decadal time scales. Decadal variations of OHC in the eastern Indian Ocean are attributed to 1) western Pacific surface wind anomalies, which trigger oceanic Rossby waves propagating westward through the Indonesian Seas and influence Indonesian Throughflow transport, and 2) zonal wind anomalies over the central tropical Indian Ocean, which trigger eastward-propagating Kelvin waves. Decadal variations of OHC in the western Indian Ocean are linked to conditions in the Pacific via changes in the atmospheric Walker cell, which trigger anomalous wind stress curl and Ekman pumping in the central tropical Indian Ocean. Westward-propagating oceanic Rossby waves extend the influence of this anomalous Ekman pumping to the western Indian Ocean.This research was supported by the Independent Research and Development Program at WHOI to CCU, an NSF OCE PO grant (NSF OCE- 1242989) to Young-Oh Kwon, NOAA CP CVP grants (NA15OAR4310176 and NA17OAR4310255) to Hyodae Seo, and a research grant fromtheMinistry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China to Tsinghua University (2017YFA0603902).2019-02-1

    Nehru’s Vision of Scientific Temper

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    Nehru articulated the concept of scientific temper in 1946. The term “scientific temper” is contemporary but appeals to rational enquiry are not new to Indian ethos. Nehru’s vision of scientific temper should be seen in the context of his understanding of science and religion for a better appreciation. For Nehru science was not merely an individual’s search for truth but it should be an integral part of one’s thinking and action. He was more interested in social consequences of science than science itself. Science has made it possible to view traditional beliefs in a new light based on facts. Religion in its narrow sense discourage people in understanding natural processes rationally because it encourage ‘an uncritical credulousness, a reliance on the supernatural.’ He viewed religion’s approach as totally different from scientific method. One should not accept tradition simply because it is tradition. Nehru insisted on giving up much of traditional ways of beliefs and living. Nehru wanted scientists should play more active role in spreading scientific temper in the country. Nehru’s legacy of scientific temper got reflected in its incorporation as a fundamental duty of every citizen in Indian constitution. The importance of spreading scientific temper in the country was highlighted in various science and technology policy statements adopted by the government. There were other attempts in visualizing the concept of scientific temper in the present context and working out action plans. However, India is yet to achieve scientific temper that Nehru wanted. Serious attempts should be made to remove the obstacles that undermine scientific temper for inclusive and peaceful development of Indian society

    Emerging PPP model in science and technology in India

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    Knowledge society is the result of various socioeconomic and political aspects such as globalization, emerging technologies, innovations and their management. Various studies have concluded that technology innovation contributes significantly to nation’s productivity, economic growth and standard of living. Technological innovation in a country has been accepted as an integral component of Knowledge Economy Index. Business leaders have also highlighted the role of innovation in national growth, competitiveness and quality of life. Fast moving global technology based business and need of access to proprietary technologies has increased the interest in public–private collaboration. Several new mechanisms for accessing new technologies are evolving. Further, there is an increase in the general understanding of IPR and its importance as a strategic tool. The emerging IP regime is creating new business opportunities and new models in research collaborations. These include new business and legal options to gain access to proprietary technologies through confidential agreements, material transfer agreements, licensing, purchase, and joint ventures. Government influences the overall technical innovation system through supporting innovation in public and private sectors, and through regulation of market operations and industry structures. Active and effective governance also ensures compliance of policies through rules, processes, procedures and specific actions for innovative technologies and their dissemination. Indian government is promoting dissemination of scientific results through involvement of private players for the benefit of society. Public private partnership (PPP) is one of the important mechanisms through which Indian Government is encouraging stakeholder participation and innovation process by promoting various technological interactions and public-private collaborations. The present article is about government policy and programme fostering PPP model in Indian science and technology sector. The objective of this article is to give an overview of on PPP concept in Science and Technology, operating PPP models in Indian technology sector, and emerging legal and IP issues in technology based business and public private collaborations


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    History has proved that education and discovery are best advanced when knowledge is shared openly. Open Courseware (OCW) is a part of a comparatively new educational movement in the line of Open access and also an opportunity in the field of distance/elearning that leading institutions and universities around the world can capitalize for the betterment of the society. Great Universities and institutions constantly expand their reach, working across traditional boundaries to grasp and meet the global community’s most critical needs. Already world famous institutes like Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), all Indian Institute of Technologies (IITs) and Indian Institute of Science (IISc) are working along this way that will automatically inspire other institutions to openly share their course materials for open dissemination of knowledge and information that can open new doors to the benefits of education for humanity around the world. India is a vast country with different culture and languages. In this paper we studied different aspects of OCW and its impact on total learning processMizoram Universit