15,598 research outputs found

    Behavior of Electrodeposited Cd and Pb Schottky Junctions on CH3-Terminated n-Si(111) Surfaces

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    n-Si/Cd and n-Si/Pb Schottky junctions have been prepared by electrodeposition of Cd or Pb from acidic aqueous solutions onto H-terminated and CH3-terminated n-type Si(111) surfaces. For both nondegenerately (n-) and degenerately (n+-) doped H–Si(111) electrodes, Cd and Pb were readily electroplated and oxidatively stripped, consistent with a small barrier height (Phib) at the Si/solution and the Si/metal junctions. Electrodeposition of Cd or Pb onto degenerately doped CH3-terminated n+-Si(111) electrodes occurred at the same potentials as Cd or Pd electrodeposition onto H-terminated n+-Si(111). However, electrodeposition on nondegenerately doped CH3-terminated n-Si(111) surfaces was significantly shifted to more negative applied potentials (by −130 and −347 mV, respectively), and the anodic stripping of the electrodeposited metals was severely attenuated, indicating large values of Phib for contacts on nondegenerately doped n-type CH3–Si(111) surfaces. With either Cd or Pb, current–voltage measurements on the dry, electrodeposited Schottky junctions indicated that much larger values of Phib were obtained on CH3-terminated n-Si(111) surfaces than on H-terminated n-Si(111) surfaces. Chronoamperometric data indicated that CH3–Si(111) surfaces possessed an order-of-magnitude lower density of nucleation sites for metal electrodeposition than did H–Si(111) surfaces, attesting to the high degree of structural passivation afforded by the CH3–Si surface modification

    Towards spin injection from silicon into topological insulators: Schottky barrier between Si and Bi2Se3

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    A scheme is proposed to electrically measure the spin-momentum coupling in the topological insulator surface state by injection of spin polarized electrons from silicon. As a first approach, devices were fabricated consisting of thin (<100nm) exfoliated crystals of Bi2Se3 on n-type silicon with independent electrical contacts to silicon and Bi2Se3. Analysis of the temperature dependence of thermionic emission in reverse bias indicates a barrier height of 0.34 eV at the Si-Bi2Se3 interface. This robust Schottky barrier opens the possibility of novel device designs based on sub-band gap internal photoemission from Bi2Se3 into Si

    Scaling analysis of electron transport through metal-semiconducting carbon nanotube interfaces: Evolution from the molecular limit to the bulk limit

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    We present a scaling analysis of electronic and transport properties of metal-semiconducting carbon nanotube interfaces as a function of the nanotube length within the coherent transport regime, which takes fully into account atomic-scale electronic structure and three-dimensional electrostatics of the metal-nanotube interface using a real-space Green's function based self-consistent tight-binding theory. As the first example, we examine devices formed by attaching finite-size single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWNT) to both high- and low- work function metallic electrodes through the dangling bonds at the end. We analyze the nature of Schottky barrier formation at the metal-nanotube interface by examining the electrostatics, the band lineup and the conductance of the metal-SWNT molecule-metal junction as a function of the SWNT molecule length and metal-SWNT coupling strength. We show that the confined cylindrical geometry and the atomistic nature of electronic processes across the metal-SWNT interface leads to a different physical picture of band alignment from that of the planar metal-semiconductor interface. We analyze the temperature and length dependence of the conductance of the SWNT junctions, which shows a transition from tunneling- to thermal activation-dominated transport with increasing nanotube length. The temperature dependence of the conductance is much weaker than that of the planar metal-semiconductor interface due to the finite number of conduction channels within the SWNT junctions. We find that the current-voltage characteristics of the metal-SWNT molecule-metal junctions are sensitive to models of the potential response to the applied source/drain bias voltages.Comment: Minor revision to appear in Phys. Rev. B. Color figures available in the online PRB version or upon request to: [email protected]
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