5 research outputs found

    Improving Real-Time Data Dissemination Performance by Multi Path Data Scheduling in Data Grids

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    The performance of data grids for data intensive, real-time applications is highly dependent on the data dissemination algorithm employed in the system. Motivated by this fact, this study first formally defines the real-time splittable data dissemination problem (RTS/DDP) where data transfer requests can be routed over multiple paths to maximize the number of data transfers to be completed before their deadlines. Since RTS/DDP is proved to be NP-hard, four different heuristic algorithms, namely kSP/ESMP, kSP/BSMP, kDP/ESMP, and kDP/BSMP are proposed. The performance of these heuristic algorithms is analyzed through an extensive set of data grid system simulation scenarios. The simulation results reveal that a performance increase up to 8 % as compared to a very competitive single path data dissemination algorithm is possible

    An Online Scheduling Algorithm with Advance Reservation for Large-Scale Data Transfers

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    Scientific applications and experimental facilities generate massive data sets that need to be transferred to remote collaborating sites for sharing, processing, and long term storage. In order to support increasingly data-intensive science, next generation research networks have been deployed to provide high-speed on-demand data access between collaborating institutions. In this paper, we present a practical model for online data scheduling in which data movement operations are scheduled in advance for end-to-end high performance transfers. In our model, data scheduler interacts with reservation managers and data transfer nodes in order to reserve available bandwidth to guarantee completion of jobs that are accepted and confirmed to satisfy preferred time constraint given by the user. Our methodology improves current systems by allowing researchers and higher level meta-schedulers to use data placement as a service where theycan plan ahead and reserve the scheduler time in advance for their data movement operations. We have implemented our algorithm and examined possible techniques for incorporation into current reservation frameworks. Performance measurements confirm that the proposed algorithm is efficient and scalable

    Data transfer scheduling with advance reservation and provisioning

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    Over the years, scientific applications have become more complex and more data intensive. Although through the use of distributed resources the institutions and organizations gain access to the resources needed for their large-scale applications, complex middleware is required to orchestrate the use of these storage and network resources between collaborating parties, and to manage the end-to-end processing of data. We present a new data scheduling paradigm with advance reservation and provisioning. Our methodology provides a basis for provisioning end-to-end high performance data transfers which require integration between system, storage and network resources, and coordination between reservation managers and data transfer nodes. This allows researchers/users and higher level meta-schedulers to use data placement as a service where they can plan ahead and reserve time and resources for their data movement operations. We present a novel approach for evaluating time-dependent structures with bandwidth guaranteed paths. We present a practical online scheduling model using advance reservation in dynamic network with time constraints. In addition, we report a new polynomial algorithm presenting possible reservation options and alternatives for earliest completion and shortest transfer duration. We enhance the advance network reservation system by extending the underlying mechanism to provide a new service in which users submit their constraints and the system suggests possible reservation requests satisfying users\u27 requirements. We have studied scheduling data transfer operation with resource and time conflicts. We have developed a new scheduling methodology considering resource allocation in client sites and bandwidth allocation on network link connecting resources. Some other major contributions of our study include enhanced reliability, adaptability, and performance optimization of distributed data placement tasks. While designing this new data scheduling architecture, we also developed other important methodologies such as early error detection, failure awareness, job aggregation, and dynamic adaptation of distributed data placement tasks. The adaptive tuning includes dynamically setting data transfer parameters and controlling utilization of available network capacity. Our research aims to provide a middleware to improve the data bottleneck in high performance computing systems