3,903 research outputs found

    Mapping and Scheduling of Directed Acyclic Graphs on An FPFA Tile

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    An architecture for a hand-held multimedia device requires components that are energy-efficient, flexible, and provide high performance. In the CHAMELEON [4] project we develop a coarse grained reconfigurable device for DSP-like algorithms, the so-called Field Programmable Function Array (FPFA). The FPFA devices are reminiscent to FPGAs, but with a matrix of Processing Parts (PP) instead of CLBs. The design of the FPFA focuses on: (1) Keeping each PP small to maximize the number of PPs that can fit on a chip; (2) providing sufficient flexibility; (3) Low energy consumption; (4) Exploiting the maximum amount of parallelism; (5) A strong support tool for FPFA-based applications. The challenge in providing compiler support for the FPFA-based design stems from the flexibility of the FPFA structure. If we do not use the characteristics of the FPFA structure properly, the advantages of an FPFA may become its disadvantages. The GECKO1project focuses on this problem. In this paper, we present a mapping and scheduling scheme for applications running on one FPFA tile. Applications are written in C and C code is translated to a Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAG) [4]. This scheme can map a DAG directly onto the reconfigurable PPs of an FPFA tile. It tries to achieve low power consumption by exploiting locality of reference and high performance by exploiting maximum parallelism

    Towards an Adaptive Skeleton Framework for Performance Portability

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    The proliferation of widely available, but very different, parallel architectures makes the ability to deliver good parallel performance on a range of architectures, or performance portability, highly desirable. Irregularly-parallel problems, where the number and size of tasks is unpredictable, are particularly challenging and require dynamic coordination. The paper outlines a novel approach to delivering portable parallel performance for irregularly parallel programs. The approach combines declarative parallelism with JIT technology, dynamic scheduling, and dynamic transformation. We present the design of an adaptive skeleton library, with a task graph implementation, JIT trace costing, and adaptive transformations. We outline the architecture of the protoype adaptive skeleton execution framework in Pycket, describing tasks, serialisation, and the current scheduler.We report a preliminary evaluation of the prototype framework using 4 micro-benchmarks and a small case study on two NUMA servers (24 and 96 cores) and a small cluster (17 hosts, 272 cores). Key results include Pycket delivering good sequential performance e.g. almost as fast as C for some benchmarks; good absolute speedups on all architectures (up to 120 on 128 cores for sumEuler); and that the adaptive transformations do improve performance

    A C-DAG task model for scheduling complex real-time tasks on heterogeneous platforms: preemption matters

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    Recent commercial hardware platforms for embedded real-time systems feature heterogeneous processing units and computing accelerators on the same System-on-Chip. When designing complex real-time application for such architectures, the designer needs to make a number of difficult choices: on which processor should a certain task be implemented? Should a component be implemented in parallel or sequentially? These choices may have a great impact on feasibility, as the difference in the processor internal architectures impact on the tasks' execution time and preemption cost. To help the designer explore the wide space of design choices and tune the scheduling parameters, in this paper we propose a novel real-time application model, called C-DAG, specifically conceived for heterogeneous platforms. A C-DAG allows to specify alternative implementations of the same component of an application for different processing engines to be selected off-line, as well as conditional branches to model if-then-else statements to be selected at run-time. We also propose a schedulability analysis for the C-DAG model and a heuristic allocation algorithm so that all deadlines are respected. Our analysis takes into account the cost of preempting a task, which can be non-negligible on certain processors. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on a large set of synthetic experiments by comparing with state of the art algorithms in the literature

    A Graph-Partition-Based Scheduling Policy for Heterogeneous Architectures

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    In order to improve system performance efficiently, a number of systems choose to equip multi-core and many-core processors (such as GPUs). Due to their discrete memory these heterogeneous architectures comprise a distributed system within a computer. A data-flow programming model is attractive in this setting for its ease of expressing concurrency. Programmers only need to define task dependencies without considering how to schedule them on the hardware. However, mapping the resulting task graph onto hardware efficiently remains a challenge. In this paper, we propose a graph-partition scheduling policy for mapping data-flow workloads to heterogeneous hardware. According to our experiments, our graph-partition-based scheduling achieves comparable performance to conventional queue-base approaches.Comment: Presented at DATE Friday Workshop on Heterogeneous Architectures and Design Methods for Embedded Image Systems (HIS 2015) (arXiv:1502.07241

    Static Partitioning of Spreadsheets for Parallel Execution

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