163,851 research outputs found

    Bayesian analysis of multiple direct detection experiments

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    Bayesian methods offer a coherent and efficient framework for implementing uncertainties into induction problems. In this article, we review how this approach applies to the analysis of dark matter direct detection experiments. In particular we discuss the exclusion limit of XENON100 and the debated hints of detection under the hypothesis of a WIMP signal. Within parameter inference, marginalizing consistently over uncertainties to extract robust posterior probability distributions, we find that the claimed tension between XENON100 and the other experiments can be partially alleviated in isospin violating scenario, while elastic scattering model appears to be compatible with the frequentist statistical approach. We then move to model comparison, for which Bayesian methods are particularly well suited. Firstly, we investigate the annual modulation seen in CoGeNT data, finding that there is weak evidence for a modulation. Modulation models due to other physics compare unfavorably with the WIMP models, paying the price for their excessive complexity. Secondly, we confront several coherent scattering models to determine the current best physical scenario compatible with the experimental hints. We find that exothermic and inelastic dark matter are moderatly disfavored against the elastic scenario, while the isospin violating model has a similar evidence. Lastly the Bayes' factor gives inconclusive evidence for an incompatibility between the data sets of XENON100 and the hints of detection. The same question assessed with goodness of fit would indicate a 2 sigma discrepancy. This suggests that more data are therefore needed to settle this question.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figures; invited review for the special issue of the journal Physics of the Dark Universe; matches the published versio

    Aspects of the Stueckelberg Extension

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    A detailed analysis of a Stueckelberg extension of the electro-weak gauge group with an extra U(1) factor is presented for the Standard Model as well as for the MSSM. The extra gauge boson gets massive through a Stueckelberg type coupling to a pseudo-scalar, instead of a Higgs effect. This new massive neutral gauge boson Z' has vector and axial vector couplings uniquely different from those of conventional extra abelian gauge bosons, such as appear e.g. in GUT models. The extended MSSM furthermore contains two extra neutralinos and one extra neutral CP-even scalar, the latter with a mass larger than that of the Z'. One interesting scenario that emerges is an LSP that is dominantly composed out of the new neutralinos, leading to a possible new superweak candidate for dark matter. We investigate signatures of the Stueckelberg extension at a linear collider and discuss techniques for the detection of the expected sharp Z' resonance. It turns out that the substantially modified forward-backward asymmetry around the Z' pole provides an important signal. Furthermore, we also elaborate on generalizations of the minimal Stueckelberg extension to an arbitrary number of extra U(1) gauge factors.Comment: 49 pages, 13 figures; to appear in JHE

    TeV Scale Singlet Dark Matter

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    It is well known that stable weak scale particles are viable dark matter candidates since the annihilation cross section is naturally about the right magnitude to leave the correct thermal residual abundance. Many dark matter searches have focused on relatively light dark matter consistent with weak couplings to the Standard Model. However, in a strongly coupled theory, or even if the coupling is just a few times bigger than the Standard Model couplings, dark matter can have TeV-scale mass with the correct thermal relic abundance. Here we consider neutral TeV-mass scalar dark matter, its necessary interactions, and potential signals. We consider signals both with and without higher-dimension operators generated by strong coupling at the TeV scale, as might happen for example in an RS scenario. We find some potential for detection in high energy photons that depends on the dark matter distribution. Detection in positrons at lower energies, such as those PAMELA probes, would be difficult though a higher energy positron signal could in principle be detectable over background. However, a light dark matter particle with higher-dimensional interactions consistent with a TeV cutoff can in principle match PAMELA data.Comment: 30 pages, 11 figures. Minor changes, references adde

    Dark Matter Blind Spots at One-Loop

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    We evaluate the impact of one-loop electroweak corrections to the spin-independent dark matter (DM) scattering cross-section with nucleons (σSI\sigma_{\rm SI}), in models with a so-called blind spot for direct detection, where the leading-order prediction for the relevant DM coupling to the Higgs boson, and therefore σSI\sigma_{\rm SI}, are vanishingly small. Adopting a simple illustrative scenario in which the DM state results from the mixing of electroweak singlet and doublet fermions, we compute the relevant higher order corrections to the scalar effective operator contributions to σSI\sigma_{\rm SI}, stemming from both triangle and box diagrams involving the SM and dark sector fields. It is observed that in a significant region of the singlet-doublet model-space, the one-loop corrections ``unblind'' the tree-level blind spots and lead to detectable SI scattering rates at future multi-ton scale liquid Xenon experiments, with σSI\sigma_{\rm SI} reaching values up to a few times 1047 cm210^{-47} {~\rm cm}^2, for a weak scale DM with O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) Yukawa couplings. Furthermore, we find that there always exists a new SI blind spot at the next-to-leading order, which is perturbatively shifted from the leading order one in the singlet-doublet mass parameters. For comparison, we also present the tree-level spin-dependent scattering cross-sections near the SI blind-spot region, that could lead to a larger signal. Our results can be mapped to the blind-spot scenario for bino-Higgsino DM in the MSSM, with other sfermions, the heavier Higgs boson, and the wino decoupled.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures; Minor corrections, references updated, version published in JHE

    Can WIMP Dark Matter overcome the Nightmare Scenario?

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    Even if new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM) indeed exists, the energy scale of new physics might be beyond the reach at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the LHC could find only the Higgs boson but nothing else. This is the so-called "nightmare scenario". On the other hand, the existence of the dark matter has been established from various observations. One of the promising candidates for thermal relic dark matter is a stable and electric charge-neutral Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) with the mass below the TeV scale. In the nightmare scenario, we introduce a WIMP dark matter singlet under the SM gauge group, which only couples to the Higgs doublet at the lowest order, and investigate a possibility that such WIMP dark matter can be a clue to overcome the nightmare scenario via various phenomenological tests such as the dark matter relic abundance, the direct detection experiments for the dark matter particle, and the production of the dark matter particle at the LHC.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Rician MIMO Channel- and Jamming-Aware Decision Fusion

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    In this manuscript we study channel-aware decision fusion (DF) in a wireless sensor network (WSN) where: (i) the sensors transmit their decisions simultaneously for spectral efficiency purposes and the DF center (DFC) is equipped with multiple antennas; (ii) each sensor-DFC channel is described via a Rician model. As opposed to the existing literature, in order to account for stringent energy constraints in the WSN, only statistical channel information is assumed for the non-line-of sight (scattered) fading terms. For such a scenario, sub-optimal fusion rules are developed in order to deal with the exponential complexity of the likelihood ratio test (LRT) and impractical (complete) system knowledge. Furthermore, the considered model is extended to the case of (partially unknown) jamming-originated interference. Then the obtained fusion rules are modified with the use of composite hypothesis testing framework and generalized LRT. Coincidence and statistical equivalence among them are also investigated under some relevant simplified scenarios. Numerical results compare the proposed rules and highlight their jammingsuppression capability.Comment: Accepted in IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 201

    Exploring the BWCA (Bino-Wino Co-Annihilation) Scenario for Neutralino Dark Matter

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    In supersymmetric models with non-universal gaugino masses, it is possible to have opposite-sign SU(2) and U(1) gaugino mass terms. In these models, the gaugino eigenstates experience little mixing so that the lightest SUSY particle remains either pure bino or pure wino. The neutralino relic density can only be brought into accord with the WMAP measured value when bino-wino co-annihilation (BWCA) acts to enhance the dark matter annihilation rate. We map out parameter space regions and mass spectra which are characteristic of the BWCA scenario. Direct and indirect dark matter detection rates are shown to be typically very low. At collider experiments, the BWCA scenario is typified by a small mass gap m_{\tilde Z_2}-m_{\tilde Z_1} ~ 20-80 GeV, so that tree level two body decays of \tilde Z_2 are not allowed. However, in this case the second lightest neutralino has an enhanced loop decay branching fraction to photons. While the photonic neutralino decay signature looks difficult to extract at the Fermilab Tevatron, it should lead to distinctive events at the CERN LHC and at a linear e^+e^- collider.Comment: 44 pages, 21 figure

    Estimation of the Number of Sources in Unbalanced Arrays via Information Theoretic Criteria

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    Estimating the number of sources impinging on an array of sensors is a well known and well investigated problem. A common approach for solving this problem is to use an information theoretic criterion, such as Minimum Description Length (MDL) or the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC). The MDL estimator is known to be a consistent estimator, robust against deviations from the Gaussian assumption, and non-robust against deviations from the point source and/or temporally or spatially white additive noise assumptions. Over the years several alternative estimation algorithms have been proposed and tested. Usually, these algorithms are shown, using computer simulations, to have improved performance over the MDL estimator, and to be robust against deviations from the assumed spatial model. Nevertheless, these robust algorithms have high computational complexity, requiring several multi-dimensional searches. In this paper, motivated by real life problems, a systematic approach toward the problem of robust estimation of the number of sources using information theoretic criteria is taken. An MDL type estimator that is robust against deviation from assumption of equal noise level across the array is studied. The consistency of this estimator, even when deviations from the equal noise level assumption occur, is proven. A novel low-complexity implementation method avoiding the need for multi-dimensional searches is presented as well, making this estimator a favorable choice for practical applications.Comment: To appear in the IEEE Transactions on Signal Processin

    Mixed Higgsino Dark Matter from a Reduced SU(3) Gaugino Mass: Consequences for Dark Matter and Collider Searches

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    In gravity-mediated SUSY breaking models with non-universal gaugino masses, lowering the SU(3) gaugino mass |M_3| leads to a reduction in the squark and gluino masses. Lower third generation squark masses, in turn, diminish the effect of a large top quark Yukawa coupling in the running of the higgs mass parameter m_{H_u}^2, leading to a reduction in the magnitude of the superpotential mu parameter (relative to M_1 and M_2). A low | mu | parameter gives rise to mixed higgsino dark matter (MHDM), which can efficiently annihilate in the early universe to give a dark matter relic density in accord with WMAP measurements. We explore the phenomenology of the low |M_3| scenario, and find for the case of MHDM increased rates for direct and indirect detection of neutralino dark matter relative to the mSUGRA model. The sparticle mass spectrum is characterized by relatively light gluinos, frequently with m(gl)<<m(sq). If scalar masses are large, then gluinos can be very light, with gl->Z_i+g loop decays dominating the gluino branching fraction. Top squarks can be much lighter than sbottom and first/second generation squarks. The presence of low mass higgsino-like charginos and neutralinos is expected at the CERN LHC. The small m(Z2)-m(Z1) mass gap should give rise to a visible opposite-sign/same flavor dilepton mass edge. At a TeV scale linear e^+e^- collider, the region of MHDM will mean that the entire spectrum of charginos and neutralinos are amongst the lightest sparticles, and are most likely to be produced at observable rates, allowing for a complete reconstruction of the gaugino-higgsino sector.Comment: 35 pages, including 26 EPS figure