14 research outputs found

    Estimation of Overspread Scattering Functions

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    In many radar scenarios, the radar target or the medium is assumed to possess randomly varying parts. The properties of a target are described by a random process known as the spreading function. Its second order statistics under the WSSUS assumption are given by the scattering function. Recent developments in operator sampling theory suggest novel channel sounding procedures that allow for the determination of the spreading function given complete statistical knowledge of the operator echo from a single sounding by a weighted pulse train. We construct and analyze a novel estimator for the scattering function based on these findings. Our results apply whenever the scattering function is supported on a compact subset of the time-frequency plane. We do not make any restrictions either on the geometry of this support set, or on its area. Our estimator can be seen as a generalization of an averaged periodogram estimator for the case of a non-rectangular geometry of the support set of the scattering function

    Sampling of stochastic operators

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    We develop sampling methodology aimed at determining stochastic operators that satisfy a support size restriction on the autocorrelation of the operators stochastic spreading function. The data that we use to reconstruct the operator (or, in some cases only the autocorrelation of the spreading function) is based on the response of the unknown operator to a known, deterministic test signal

    Cornerstones of Sampling of Operator Theory

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    This paper reviews some results on the identifiability of classes of operators whose Kohn-Nirenberg symbols are band-limited (called band-limited operators), which we refer to as sampling of operators. We trace the motivation and history of the subject back to the original work of the third-named author in the late 1950s and early 1960s, and to the innovations in spread-spectrum communications that preceded that work. We give a brief overview of the NOMAC (Noise Modulation and Correlation) and Rake receivers, which were early implementations of spread-spectrum multi-path wireless communication systems. We examine in detail the original proof of the third-named author characterizing identifiability of channels in terms of the maximum time and Doppler spread of the channel, and do the same for the subsequent generalization of that work by Bello. The mathematical limitations inherent in the proofs of Bello and the third author are removed by using mathematical tools unavailable at the time. We survey more recent advances in sampling of operators and discuss the implications of the use of periodically-weighted delta-trains as identifiers for operator classes that satisfy Bello's criterion for identifiability, leading to new insights into the theory of finite-dimensional Gabor systems. We present novel results on operator sampling in higher dimensions, and review implications and generalizations of the results to stochastic operators, MIMO systems, and operators with unknown spreading domains

    Sampling and reconstruction of operators

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    We study the recovery of operators with bandlimited Kohn-Nirenberg symbol from the action of such operators on a weighted impulse train, a procedure we refer to as operator sampling. Kailath, and later Kozek and the authors have shown that operator sampling is possible if the symbol of the operator is bandlimited to a set with area less than one. In this paper we develop explicit reconstruction formulas for operator sampling that generalize reconstruction formulas for bandlimited functions. We give necessary and sufficient conditions on the sampling rate that depend on size and geometry of the bandlimiting set. Moreover, we show that under mild geometric conditions, classes of operators bandlimited to an unknown set of area less than one-half permit sampling and reconstruction. A similar result considering unknown sets of area less than one was independently achieved by Heckel and Boelcskei. Operators with bandlimited symbols have been used to model doubly dispersive communication channels with slowly-time-varying impulse response. The results in this paper are rooted in work by Bello and Kailath in the 1960s.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Performance analysis of adaptive equalization for coherent acoustic communications in the time-varying ocean environment

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2005. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 118 (2005): 263-278, doi:10.1121/1.1907106.Equations are derived for analyzing the performance of channel estimate based equalizers. The performance is characterized in terms of the mean squared soft decision error of each equalizer. This error is decomposed into two components. These are the minimum achievable error and the excess error. The former is the soft decision error that would be realized by the equalizer if the filter coefficient calculation were based upon perfect knowledge of the channel impulse response and statistics of the interfering noise field. The latter is the additional soft decision error that is realized due to errors in the estimates of these channel parameters. These expressions accurately predict the equalizer errors observed in the processing of experimental data by a channel estimate based decision feedback equalizer (DFE) and a passive time-reversal equalizer. Further expressions are presented that allow equalizer performance to be predicted given the scattering function of the acoustic channel. The analysis using these expressions yields insights into the features of surface scattering that most significantly impact equalizer performance in shallow water environments and motivates the implementation of a DFE that is robust with respect to channel estimation errorsThis work has been supported by ONR Grant Nos. N00014-00-1-0048 and N00014-02-C-0201

    Noncoherent Capacity of Underspread Fading Channels

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    We derive bounds on the noncoherent capacity of wide-sense stationary uncorrelated scattering (WSSUS) channels that are selective both in time and frequency, and are underspread, i.e., the product of the channel's delay spread and Doppler spread is small. For input signals that are peak constrained in time and frequency, we obtain upper and lower bounds on capacity that are explicit in the channel's scattering function, are accurate for a large range of bandwidth and allow to coarsely identify the capacity-optimal bandwidth as a function of the peak power and the channel's scattering function. We also obtain a closed-form expression for the first-order Taylor series expansion of capacity in the limit of large bandwidth, and show that our bounds are tight in the wideband regime. For input signals that are peak constrained in time only (and, hence, allowed to be peaky in frequency), we provide upper and lower bounds on the infinite-bandwidth capacity and find cases when the bounds coincide and the infinite-bandwidth capacity is characterized exactly. Our lower bound is closely related to a result by Viterbi (1967). The analysis in this paper is based on a discrete-time discrete-frequency approximation of WSSUS time- and frequency-selective channels. This discretization explicitly takes into account the underspread property, which is satisfied by virtually all wireless communication channels.Comment: Submitted to the IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Surface wave focusing and acoustic communications in the surf zone

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    Author Posting. © Acoustical Society of America, 2004. This article is posted here by permission of Acoustical Society of America for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 116 (2004): 2067-2080, doi:10.1121/1.1771591.The forward scattering of acoustic signals off of shoaling surface gravity waves in the surf zone results in a time-varying channel impulse response that is characterized by intense, rapidly fluctuating arrivals. In some cases, the acoustic focusing by the curvature of the wave crest results in the formation of caustics at or near a receiver location. This focusing and the resulting caustics present challenges to the reliable operation of phase coherent underwater acoustic communications systems that must implicitly or explicitly track the fluctuations in the impulse response. The propagation physics leading to focusing are studied with both experimental data and a propagation model using surface wave profiles measured during the collection of the experimental data. The deterministic experimental and modeled data show good agreement and demonstrate the stages of the focusing event and the impact of the high intensity arrivals and rapid fluctuations on the ability of an algorithm to accurately estimate the impulse response. The statistical characterization of experimental data shows that the focusing by surface gravity waves results in focused surface reflected arrivals whose intensity often exceeds that of the direct arrival and the focusing and caustic formation adversely impacts the performance of an impulse response estimation algorithm.This work has been supported by ONR Grant Nos. N00014-96-1-0120, N00014-00-1-0303, N00014-99-1-0274, and N00014-00-1-0048

    Division of Research and Economic Development Annual Report for FY2003

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    Annual report for the Division of Research and Economic Development of the University of Rhode Island for the year 2002-2003. Includes statistics of project proposals, expenditures, URI Foundation Awards, previous annual report summaries and awards received by individual academic and administrative departments