1 research outputs found

    Kestrel: Job Distribution and Scheduling using XMPP

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    A new distributed computing framework, named Kestrel, for Many-Task Computing (MTC) applications and implementing Virtual Organization Clusters (VOCs) is proposed. Kestrel is a lightweight, highly available system based on the Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP), and has been developed to explore XMPP-based techniques for improving MTC and VOC tolerance to faults due to scaling and intermittently connected heterogeneous resources. Kestrel provides a VOC with a special purpose scheduler for VOCs which can provide better scalability under certain workload assumptions, namely CPU bound processes and bag-of-task applications. Experimental results have shown that Kestrel is capable of operating a VOC of at least 1600 worker nodes with all nodes visible to the scheduler at once. When using multiple sites located in both North America and Europe, the latencies introduced to the round trip time of messages were on the order of 0.3 seconds. To offset the overhead of XMPP processing, a task execution time of 2 seconds is sufficient for a pool of 900 workers on a single site to operate at near 100% use. Requiring tasks that take on the order of 30 seconds to a minute to execute would compensate for increased latency during job dispatch across multiple sites. Kestrel\u27s architecture is rooted in pilot job frameworks heavily used in Grid computing, it is also modeled after the use of IRC by botnets to communicate between compromised machines and command and control servers. For Kestrel, the extensibility of XMPP has allowed development of protocols for identifying manager nodes, discovering the capabilities of worker agents, and for distributing tasks. The presence notifications provided by XMPP allow Kestrel to monitor the global state of the pool and to perform task dispatching based on worker availability. In this work it is argued that XMPP is by design a very good fit for cloud computing frameworks. It offers scalability, federation between servers and some autonomicity of the agents. During the summer of 2010, Kestrel was used and modified based on feedback from the STAR group at Brookhaven National Laboratories. STAR provided a virtual machine image with applications for simulating proton collisions using PYTHIA and GEANT3. A Kestrel-based virtual organization cluster, created on top of Clemson University\u27s Palmetto cluster, was able to provide over 400,000 CPU hours of computation over the course of a month using an average of 800 virtual machine instances every day, generating nearly seven terabytes of data and the largest PYTHIA production run that STAR ever achieved. Several architectural issues were encountered during the course of the experiment and were resolved by moving from the original JSON protocols used by Kestrel to native XMPP equivalents that offered better message delivery confirmation and integration with existing tools