68 research outputs found

    Scaling MAP-Elites to Deep Neuroevolution

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    Quality-Diversity (QD) algorithms, and MAP-Elites (ME) in particular, have proven very useful for a broad range of applications including enabling real robots to recover quickly from joint damage, solving strongly deceptive maze tasks or evolving robot morphologies to discover new gaits. However, present implementations of MAP-Elites and other QD algorithms seem to be limited to low-dimensional controllers with far fewer parameters than modern deep neural network models. In this paper, we propose to leverage the efficiency of Evolution Strategies (ES) to scale MAP-Elites to high-dimensional controllers parameterized by large neural networks. We design and evaluate a new hybrid algorithm called MAP-Elites with Evolution Strategies (ME-ES) for post-damage recovery in a difficult high-dimensional control task where traditional ME fails. Additionally, we show that ME-ES performs efficient exploration, on par with state-of-the-art exploration algorithms in high-dimensional control tasks with strongly deceptive rewards.Comment: Accepted to GECCO 202

    Safe Mutations for Deep and Recurrent Neural Networks through Output Gradients

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    While neuroevolution (evolving neural networks) has a successful track record across a variety of domains from reinforcement learning to artificial life, it is rarely applied to large, deep neural networks. A central reason is that while random mutation generally works in low dimensions, a random perturbation of thousands or millions of weights is likely to break existing functionality, providing no learning signal even if some individual weight changes were beneficial. This paper proposes a solution by introducing a family of safe mutation (SM) operators that aim within the mutation operator itself to find a degree of change that does not alter network behavior too much, but still facilitates exploration. Importantly, these SM operators do not require any additional interactions with the environment. The most effective SM variant capitalizes on the intriguing opportunity to scale the degree of mutation of each individual weight according to the sensitivity of the network's outputs to that weight, which requires computing the gradient of outputs with respect to the weights (instead of the gradient of error, as in conventional deep learning). This safe mutation through gradients (SM-G) operator dramatically increases the ability of a simple genetic algorithm-based neuroevolution method to find solutions in high-dimensional domains that require deep and/or recurrent neural networks (which tend to be particularly brittle to mutation), including domains that require processing raw pixels. By improving our ability to evolve deep neural networks, this new safer approach to mutation expands the scope of domains amenable to neuroevolution

    Efficient Exploration using Model-Based Quality-Diversity with Gradients

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    Exploration is a key challenge in Reinforcement Learning, especially in long-horizon, deceptive and sparse-reward environments. For such applications, population-based approaches have proven effective. Methods such as Quality-Diversity deals with this by encouraging novel solutions and producing a diversity of behaviours. However, these methods are driven by either undirected sampling (i.e. mutations) or use approximated gradients (i.e. Evolution Strategies) in the parameter space, which makes them highly sample-inefficient. In this paper, we propose a model-based Quality-Diversity approach. It extends existing QD methods to use gradients for efficient exploitation and leverage perturbations in imagination for efficient exploration. Our approach optimizes all members of a population simultaneously to maintain both performance and diversity efficiently by leveraging the effectiveness of QD algorithms as good data generators to train deep models. We demonstrate that it maintains the divergent search capabilities of population-based approaches on tasks with deceptive rewards while significantly improving their sample efficiency and quality of solutions

    Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning: A Survey

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    Reinforcement learning (RL) is a machine learning approach that trains agents to maximize cumulative rewards through interactions with environments. The integration of RL with deep learning has recently resulted in impressive achievements in a wide range of challenging tasks, including board games, arcade games, and robot control. Despite these successes, there remain several crucial challenges, including brittle convergence properties caused by sensitive hyperparameters, difficulties in temporal credit assignment with long time horizons and sparse rewards, a lack of diverse exploration, especially in continuous search space scenarios, difficulties in credit assignment in multi-agent reinforcement learning, and conflicting objectives for rewards. Evolutionary computation (EC), which maintains a population of learning agents, has demonstrated promising performance in addressing these limitations. This article presents a comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art methods for integrating EC into RL, referred to as evolutionary reinforcement learning (EvoRL). We categorize EvoRL methods according to key research fields in RL, including hyperparameter optimization, policy search, exploration, reward shaping, meta-RL, and multi-objective RL. We then discuss future research directions in terms of efficient methods, benchmarks, and scalable platforms. This survey serves as a resource for researchers and practitioners interested in the field of EvoRL, highlighting the important challenges and opportunities for future research. With the help of this survey, researchers and practitioners can develop more efficient methods and tailored benchmarks for EvoRL, further advancing this promising cross-disciplinary research field

    The Quality-Diversity Transformer: Generating Behavior-Conditioned Trajectories with Decision Transformers

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    In the context of neuroevolution, Quality-Diversity algorithms have proven effective in generating repertoires of diverse and efficient policies by relying on the definition of a behavior space. A natural goal induced by the creation of such a repertoire is trying to achieve behaviors on demand, which can be done by running the corresponding policy from the repertoire. However, in uncertain environments, two problems arise. First, policies can lack robustness and repeatability, meaning that multiple episodes under slightly different conditions often result in very different behaviors. Second, due to the discrete nature of the repertoire, solutions vary discontinuously. Here we present a new approach to achieve behavior-conditioned trajectory generation based on two mechanisms: First, MAP-Elites Low-Spread (ME-LS), which constrains the selection of solutions to those that are the most consistent in the behavior space. Second, the Quality-Diversity Transformer (QDT), a Transformer-based model conditioned on continuous behavior descriptors, which trains on a dataset generated by policies from a ME-LS repertoire and learns to autoregressively generate sequences of actions that achieve target behaviors. Results show that ME-LS produces consistent and robust policies, and that its combination with the QDT yields a single policy capable of achieving diverse behaviors on demand with high accuracy.Comment: 10+7 page

    LLMatic: Neural Architecture Search via Large Language Models and Quality-Diversity Optimization

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    Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools capable of accomplishing a broad spectrum of tasks. Their abilities span numerous areas, and one area where they have made a significant impact is in the domain of code generation. In this context, we view LLMs as mutation and crossover tools. Meanwhile, Quality-Diversity (QD) algorithms are known to discover diverse and robust solutions. By merging the code-generating abilities of LLMs with the diversity and robustness of QD solutions, we introduce LLMatic, a Neural Architecture Search (NAS) algorithm. While LLMs struggle to conduct NAS directly through prompts, LLMatic uses a procedural approach, leveraging QD for prompts and network architecture to create diverse and highly performant networks. We test LLMatic on the CIFAR-10 image classification benchmark, demonstrating that it can produce competitive networks with just 2,0002,000 searches, even without prior knowledge of the benchmark domain or exposure to any previous top-performing models for the benchmark

    Uncertain Quality-Diversity: Evaluation methodology and new methods for Quality-Diversity in Uncertain Domains

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    Quality-Diversity optimisation (QD) has proven to yield promising results across a broad set of applications. However, QD approaches struggle in the presence of uncertainty in the environment, as it impacts their ability to quantify the true performance and novelty of solutions. This problem has been highlighted multiple times independently in previous literature. In this work, we propose to uniformise the view on this problem through four main contributions. First, we formalise a common framework for uncertain domains: the Uncertain QD setting, a special case of QD in which fitness and descriptors for each solution are no longer fixed values but distribution over possible values. Second, we propose a new methodology to evaluate Uncertain QD approaches, relying on a new per-generation sampling budget and a set of existing and new metrics specifically designed for Uncertain QD. Third, we propose three new Uncertain QD algorithms: Archive-sampling, Parallel-Adaptive-sampling and Deep-Grid-sampling. We propose these approaches taking into account recent advances in the QD community toward the use of hardware acceleration that enable large numbers of parallel evaluations and make sampling an affordable approach to uncertainty. Our final and fourth contribution is to use this new framework and the associated comparison methods to benchmark existing and novel approaches. We demonstrate once again the limitation of MAP-Elites in uncertain domains and highlight the performance of the existing Deep-Grid approach, and of our new algorithms. The goal of this framework and methods is to become an instrumental benchmark for future works considering Uncertain QD.Comment: Submitted to Transactions on Evolutionary Computatio

    Empirical analysis of PGA-MAP-Elites for neuroevolution in uncertain domains

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    Quality-Diversity algorithms, among which MAP-Elites, have emerged as powerful alternatives to performance-only optimisation approaches as they enable generating collections of diverse and high-performing solutions to an optimisation problem. However, they are often limited to low-dimensional search spaces and deterministic environments. The recently introduced Policy Gradient Assisted MAP-Elites (PGA-MAP-Elites) algorithm overcomes this limitation by pairing the traditional Genetic operator of MAP-Elites with a gradient-based operator inspired by Deep Reinforcement Learning. This new operator guides mutations toward high-performing solutions using policy-gradients. In this work, we propose an in-depth study of PGA-MAP-Elites. We demonstrate the benefits of policy-gradients on the performance of the algorithm and the reproducibility of the generated solutions when considering uncertain domains. We first prove that PGA-MAP-Elites is highly performant in both deterministic and uncertain high-dimensional environments, decorrelating the two challenges it tackles. Secondly, we show that in addition to outperforming all the considered baselines, the collections of solutions generated by PGA-MAP-Elites are highly reproducible in uncertain environments, approaching the reproducibility of solutions found by Quality-Diversity approaches built specifically for uncertain applications. Finally, we propose an ablation and in-depth analysis of the dynamic of the policy-gradients-based variation. We demonstrate that the policy-gradient variation operator is determinant to guarantee the performance of PGA-MAP-Elites but is only essential during the early stage of the process, where it finds high-performing regions of the search space